Hi dad, bye dad

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"Hello?" I asked as I picked up my phone.

"Get you little ass over here, now!" shit, it was my dad.

"I-I-I'm on my way," I stuttered and hung up.

"Where are you going?" Jason asked as he opened his eyes.

"Just going to go check on some stuff, see you at school?" I asked as I was on my way out of his room. I hated lying to him, but I didn't want him to know about my dad. I hadn't told him yet.

"Fine," he said and fell asleep again.

I walked into the living room of my childhood home and saw my dad sitting on the couch with a beer. "Hi," I said quietly.

He got up and came over to me. "You little son-of-a-bitch! You don't go around stealing peoples money!" he shouted and threw his beer bottle straight past my head. I think it was aimed at my head but my dads drunk so he missed.

"I didn't steal anything! You and mom gave it to me!" I shouted in a whisper.

He punched me on the face then kicked me in the stomach. "Glad your mom isn't home, so she won't have to deal with you!" he said as I landed on the floor and looked up at him. I stood up and he kicked my side then punched me on the other side of my face. I stumbled backwards.

Tears swelled up in my eyes, but they never fell. He grabbed my arm and pulled me up the stairs and into his room. I hadn't been in here for ages.

My dad threw me on the big kings bed and crawled up on it. He started unbuckling his pants and I screamed. Was he going to rape me?! He grabbed his belt and whipped me a few times then tied it around my head and put it in my mouth so I wouldn't be able to scream.

I kicked him in the guts and he fell off of me. I sighed in relief because he didn't get up. I fumbled with the belt then took it out of my mouth.

I ran down the stairs and into the garage. I got into the car and drove out. It was 6:49 am. I was driving Jason's black Lamborghini. I drove straight to Hanna's house and parked the car by the road. I ran over to the house and nocked on the door.

I was relieved as she opened the door. She gasped and clapped her hand over her mouth, "Oh my god," she said breathlessly. I bulged in and gave her a big hug then fainted.

"Did Jason do this to you?! Or Luke?! Or one of the other guys at that crazy house?" she asked as she gave me a glass of water after I woke up.

I gulped and drank some water. I shook my head, "No, it was my dad."

"Your dad?! Why the fuck did he do that?" she asked surprisedly.

"I don't know. He called me when I was at Jason's and told me to come over. He sounded really mad so I came. When I got there he shouted at me for using the money he and my mom told me I could use on whatever I wanted. Then he started hitting me and slapping me. He almost raped me," I said crying as she hugged me.

I must have been crying for about five minutes when Hanna said, "Come, lets get you some ice and a hot cocoa."

I nodded and we walked down to the kitchen. I sat down on a hightop as Hanna looked for ice packs. She found some and put them on the table next to me with some cloths. "Here, put them wherever you want them. I can call the school and say we both came down with the flew and we can stay home for a couple of days," she said as she started boiling the water for our hot cocoa.

"Hello? Is this North Central High School?" she said and faked a cough and a sick voice. "Yeah, Sara and I have come sown with the flew and were thinking it wasn't a good idea if we came to school *cough*. Hanna Scotch and Sara Welsh," she said and turned around and gave me a thumbs up. "Uhu... Thank you... Thank you, we will make up for all our work when we are better," she said and hung up.

"I'm guessing we aren't going to school and that we have the flew?" I asked as the water started boiling.

"Nope, we are staying home watching movies and drinking hot cocoa!" she said and smiled. She turned the heat of and pored the water into two mugs. She got two little bags of cocoa and opened them them pored then pored the stuff into the mugs and got two spoons for us.

"You know, Luke is really worried about you," I said after a while.

"He is?" Hanna asked lookimg up from her drink.

"Yea, he was out looking for you every night and wouldn't come home until after I fell asleep. He was worried you had run of and rejected him or you were kidnaped by some outcasts," I said and smiled. We got up to walk over to the sofas. I was still sore after the incident with my dad, but the ice had helped a lot!

My phone was ringing. "Can I answer it? This os the third time in two minutes!" I asked as it continued ringing.

"Fine, but remember we are sick!" she said as I walked over to my phone.

It was Jason. "Hello?" I asked quietly.

"Hey, where are you?!" he shouted into the phone.

"Don't worry, I'm fine and I'm at Hanna's house," I said trying to calm him down.

"Why aren't you at school?"

"Umm... well... M-My dad called and t-told me to come home. Let's just say it didn't go so good..." I said quietly.

"What dis he so? Are you okay?"

"I'm fine, we are just not going to school for the rest of the week."

"Can we come over after school then? Luke and I really want to, and Luke wants to know if Hanna's okay."

"Fine, but if anyone asks we are sick at home with the flew."

"Okay, see you after school," he said and I hung up.

"Jason and Luke are coming after school," I said as I sat down with Hanna again.

"You told them where I lived?!" she asked shocked.

"No, they will find us with their super smelling," I said and drank some more of my drink.

"Oh, ya, their werewolves..." she said and shrugged.


Night guys, and happy last day of 2016!!😱

What are you guys doing? I'm going on a mother daughter shopping day with my moms friends....



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