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"Is everyone here?" I yelled in my Alpha voice. It was 06:14 and we had to drink the potion in order to stay human all night. Everyone was nodding so I just began. "Okay, everyone line up in a line! We will do this one by one, quickly."

Everyone lined up and they started to drink the potion one after one. I walked over to Sara and put my arm around her waist and hugged her into me. I had already taken potion. "We are the leaders of all these people?"

"Yes, we are," I said and smiled. Sara had calmed down, but it was still very, and I mean very easy to get her mad. Luke even got a chair thrown at his head.

"Wow, when can I get to meet them all?" she asked as she looked up at me.

"Very soon, very soon. There are only about two three hundred people to go then you can meet them."

"Okay. Do you have any ibuprofen?"

"Yes, I'll be back in a few minutes. In the meantime you can watch the moon come up." I looked at my clock. "We just spent two hours talking. The moon will be up any minute now," I said and left.

I scrambled through all the medicines and other stuff. I started hearing shouting and screaming. 'Outcasts' I thought to myself and ran down the stairs and out the doors to see a scared white wolf. "Get everyone into the house!" I shouted and acknowledged for a few men with ropes to stay out here.

I slowly walked up to the wolf who backed up from me. I looked into the crystal clear eyes. I had never seen such a beautiful wolf before. "Who are you?" I asked and the eyes landed on me.


Is he soon back yet?! I have a terrible headache and I want to be standing out here holding his hand as the moon rises.

I felt the moon hit me. It felt so good, but was followed by instant pain in my feet. I fell to the ground screaming and a few older ladies came running over to me. I screamed again as my arms hurt.

"W-w-whats happening to me?" I cried and looked at them. I screamed again and had to lay on my back.

"You are human, so I don't kno-" onw of them started saying but quit as her eyes widened. She let out a loud scream and all my pain was instantly gone. I stood up and saw everyone screaming and shouting. The women that had come up to me were slowly backing up.

I looked over everyone looking for Jason, but he was nowhere to be found. Someone was shouting for everyone to go inside, some were running towards a stack of ropes and some were holding ropes. What is going on?

I heard a familiar voice shout for everyone to go inside. Then I saw Jason, he looked terrified. "Who is that?" I could hear him ask one of the men.

I felt a bit hurt, because he asked who his own girlfriend was. He came up to me and I pretended I didn't see him. I looked everywhere except him until he asked, "Who are you?" I looked into his eyes and saw a big white wolf!

I backed up as quickly as I could. He turned around, "Was there by any chance a teenager standing here? With blond hair and a sweatshirt and sweatpants?" One of the men quietly nodded. "Did you see her run inside?" The man shook his head.

Horror struck in Jason's eyes, "Sara?" I nodded slightly and felt how heavy my head felt. His wyes widened, "Okay, ummm, come with me, slowly," he said leading me towards the other men.

My feet wouldn't work. I had finally accepted what I was, a werewolf. But that doesn't mean I know how to walk or anything. They make it look so easy.

My head jolted, I could smell something, something good. I quit following Jason and ran off onto the forest.

"Sara? Sara?! Where are you?" I heard someone yell.

I opened my eyes and saw blood, there was blood everywhere. On me, on the ground, on everything. Even me. I screamed and scrambled away from the blood.

"Sara!" I heard the same person yell and turned around to see Jason who quickly stopped when he saw all the blood.

"What is happening to me?" I asked and looked at my clothes and hands, blood.

He came slowly over to me and put his arms around me, "Let's get you home, then figure out what is happening," he said and I allowed him to pick me up in bridal style.

I leaned my head against his chest and fell asleep.

I heard screams and gasps as I opened my eyes.  All the people from yesterday was looking at me. Jason started walking to the stairs and everyone made a path for him.

He turned on the water and took of most of my clothes. I was still covered in blood. The bath was halfway filled with water and he put me in it.

I screamed in pain as the water turned red. Jason looked panicked but calm. He pulled me out and looked at my legs and stomach. "Shit!" he yelled and called for a doctor to come up.

I looked at my body and saw gashes and bites.


Sorry it's short... I'll try to write a longer chapter next time.

School just started and they are giving us more homework than before. Ugh...


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