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"How are you?" Hanna said as she hugged me right after Jason signed the papers for my release. Since he was 18 he could legally sign the papers.

"I'm fine, only a little sore here and there. They said my concussion is supposed to be over in a week and all my bones are healing at a good rate," I said happily. "Thank you for signing the papers, I don't know what to do if my parents found out."

"You haven't told your parents?" he half-shouted in surprise.


"Well, in that case, come with me I'm turning you back in," he said and we laughed.

"So, how much English did I miss?" I asked as we walked out of the front doors.

"Oh, no only an entire book and the test," he said grinning.

I stared at him in disbelief. "Are you serious?!"

"Nope!" he said and we laughed again. We had become pretty good friends over the last few weeks. There was still something he wasn't telling me, but I didn't care. "Hey Hanna, you can keep on going. We'll be right there," he said to Hanna. She continued walking and we stopped. "So, I was wondering if you would like to go on a double date with me and my friend Luke that is going to ask Hanna out?" he said.

I smiled, "I would love that," I said and he hugged me. "Wait, so Hanna knows Luke now?" I asked after he released me.

"Yeah, he would come over some times when you were sleeping and he likes her so we thought it would be fun," he said as we started walking. "Pick you up at 6:00 pm tomorrow at Hanna's place?"

I nodded and we arrived at the car.


Hanna and I were running around the house like crazy finding all our stuff for the date. She had said yes, so Jason and Luke were coming in fifteen minutes.

"I have my gum, lipstick, perfume, and some mascara," I said as I put the stuff in my purse.

"I have pretty much the same and I have some ibuprofen," she said as she put her stuff in her purse. She had a headache from excitement and I couldn't blame her.

Earlier I was so excited I accidentally crashed into the wall and one of my ribs started hurting again.

I looked in the mirror and inspected my face and outfit. My makeup consisted of dark red lipstick, a smokey eye, and a hard labored eyebrow wax. I had on one of my black dresses that were tight at the top but loose on the bottom. I had a black leather jacket on and some cute high heels that matched my dress. My hair was in a messy bun, and it all looked perfect.

Hanna had the same makeup, a red dress with a white silk jacket. She wore silver sparkled high heels and her hair was in a side braid that turned into a flower on her left side.

"Ready?" I asked her with a smile on my face.

"Ready," she said and smiled back at me.

"Wow, you guys look great!" Mrs. Scotch said as she came into the kitchen where we were standing.

"Why, thank you, mom," Hanna said and giggled.

"Why you're welcome," she said and came over and gave her a hug, then she gave me one too. "How are you holding up?" she said after the hug.

"Good," I said and smiled. Right them someone knocked on the door. "It's them!" I said excitedly and turned to Hanna. We ran over to the door and opened it.

"Wow!" slipped out of me. Jason was standing there in a grey t-shirt with a black jacket and black jeans. He looked good, no he looked hot!

Hanna was just standing there staring at Luke who was wearing a black t-shirt and dark blue jeans.


She looked amazing. I had never seen someone so beautiful before. "Hello, ladies," I said and took Sara's hand. She giggled and stepped out of the doorway.

'Holy shit! She looks so sexy!' Luke said in my mind.

'I know,' I responded.

We walked down to the car. Sara gasped, "You have a brand new Tesla?"

I laughed, "Yes, want a ride?" I asked and she nodded.

We got in and I drove us to the harbor. I had ordered a table for four at a restaurant called 'deep-sea harbor'.

We walked in and I said, "Dale." The waitress nodded and grabbed four menus and showed us to our table. "Tonight your waitress will be Sally," she said and left us. I sat next to Luke and was facing Sara. She looked so cute looking at all the different foods. She will be a perfect Luna.

My Luna Used To Be A HumanWhere stories live. Discover now