Harry Potter

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I watched from the sidelines as she woke up. She won't remember what had happened well she was asleep. Jason came running in and he ran right through me without even knowing it. 

He sat down next to her and held her hand tight. A few doctors were talking instinctively on the other side of the hospital rooms, well some nurses and one doctor were checking up on Sara.

She sat up and looked around, sighing at the sight of monitors and the hospital room, but smiled when she saw Jason. He gave her a huge hug and growled at the doctors when they tried to get her to lay down so they could take a blood sample.

I knew they would ask questions if they saw she was a, never mind, whats important now is that I  hurry over to break their things too take her blood. The doctor looked confines at the broken glass and snapped needles.


I stood in the door, breathless, at the sight of Sara. I walked over to her and sat down next to her.  When she smiled at me I let out a steady breath, that I did't know I had been holding. "Hey," was all I could say.

"Hi," she answered as if we were two strangers. She sat up, putting all her weight on her elbows and looked around. A couple doctors were rushing around and taking notes. 

"Alpha, can we take Luna out for a few checkups? We were going to take some blood tests but they were all ruined, so we have to go into a different room," Dr. Max said. I growled a little at the thought of them taking her away from me but slowly nodded, without even knowing why.

"But, I'm coming with you," I said and Max nodded. I lifted Sara up and followed Max into a different room, which I immediately recognized as the x-ray room I had been in when I was seven and had broken my arm from playing with Luke. That day we were out playing by the waterfalls with our parents and they had told us not to go near there, but we were seven so of course we would go there when we were told not to. I had slipped and fallen down the cliff on the way to the falls, of course I didn't have my wolf yet, so I did't heal as fast as I do now.

I put Sara on the table and walked over to a chair on the other side of the room. She whimpered when I left but I gave her a weak smile. She was probably really confused. The last thing she probably remembers is her last torture session.

The doctors went into a back room, and did whatever doctors do when they take x-rays and came out after five minutes. "It looks like she has a few broken ribs, and a small fracture in her leg. Her wolf isn't responding so she hasn't heard yet," Max said.

"What do you mean; 'My wolf isn't responding'?" Sara asked as she sat up with a small whimper. I rushed over to her and she smiled at my touch.

"Well, the hunters gave you so much wolfsbane your wolf nearly died. She is still healing but all her energy is going towards keeping her alive, so she isn't healing the rest of your body. She won't surface, contact you, or do anything until she is completely healed. Now you are basically human again," Max said. 

"Great," Sara said sarcastically and got up. She whimpered when she stepped on her leg and fell. I hurried over to her and picked her up, bridal style, and turned to the doctors.

"Can I take her up up to our room?" I asked. 

"Yes, but first she needs a brace for her leg and ribs," a doctor named Adrian said. I nodded and Max left to go get the braces.

He returned after a few minutes and gave them to me. Somehow I knew where and how to put them on her, and then we left. 

"Can we get something to eat?" Sara asked and I nodded. We walked up to the kitchen, which was on its way to our room, and I brought all the snacks I could find and put them in a plastic bag. We continued up to our room.

I opened the door to our room and we walked in. Sara went straight for our bed and laid down on it. She curls into the blankets and inhaled my sent. I smiled and walked over to her and sat down next to her. She put her head on my chest and I put my arm around her carefully.

I got all the snacks out and turned on the TV. "What should we watch?" I asked her and she thought for a little then a huge smile spread across her face.

"Harry Potter! All of them," she said and I nodded.

"Eight Harry Potter movies coming right up," I said and she giggled. 

I looked at the clock, it was 3:38 am. We had started watching the series at about seven or eight. I looked down at Sara and she was sound asleep. I looked back at the TV. Sara fell asleep right before Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince started playing, and we, or I, was midway into the movie now.

I reached for the control to turn off the TV, but was meet by something I would rather forget about.


So, I got a computer and it is a lot easier to write now, so I will probably be updating more frequently!

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PS: Love you guys

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