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"Jason, I'm tired," I pouted, "I'm going to go see how Grays doing," I said and speed walked up to the room he got.

I walked in and saw Gray laying on the bed sleeping, "Sara?" he asked as I was about to leave.

"Yes?" I asked him and walked over to his bed.

"Can you stay he'e tonight?" he asked me. So sweet and he's so cute.

"Of course," I said and laid down besides him. He instantly fell asleep and honestly I was about to drift off when Jason barged through the door holding a book open.

"You. Are. Not. Going. To. Believe. This." he said excitedly, "Here I'll read it for you. The legend says that 3000 years ago a werewolf mated with a human and the human turned into a wolf, like you, and got superpowers that other wolves didn't have! It doesn't say specifically what but there are multiple times this has happened over the last 3000 years. Do you know what this means?!"

"So, I have some kind of superpower?" I asked as I sat up.

He came over to me and smiled, "That is exactly what I'm saying."

"But what is mine then?"

"You can read other people's minds! Come," he said and grabbed me. He pulled me downstairs and called for Mark and Luke to come down to the kitchen.

"What is so urgent?" Mark asked as he entered the kitchen.

"Sara can read other people's minds!" Jason told them.

"Wait, as in 'knowing what we think every second of the day?' kind of reading our mind?!" Luke asked shocked. Jason nodded and looked down at me smiling.

"But why now? Why not right after I turned?" I asked them. Luke was in deep though and Mark sighed and pulled him hand over his face.

"I don't know. You may have had them all along, you just didn't know they were there?" Jason finally said, "Lets try it on Mark."

I looked at him then Mark. I focused all my energy on him and didn't only hear his thoughts but everyones in the house.

Mark; 'How is this even possible?' Jason; 'Maybe she has other powers that can help the pack.' Luke; 'What happens if I mark Hanna, will she also get these powers?' Lily; 'Jason is lucky to have found his mate and she is so nice.' Hanna; 'When is he coming back? We were having so much fun!'. I shook my head and quit hearing their thoughts.

Hanna's here?! "Did you read it?" Jason asked excitedly. I nodded and looked up at him with a small smile on my face.

"Yes, but not only his, everyones," I said as Jason's smiled widened.

"This is great!" he told me, he turned to Mark and Luke, "You are excused," and they left. Jason gently kissed my lips and put his strong arms around my waist.

We walked up to Jason's bedroom and I quickly welcomed sleep with open arms. Right before I drifted away I heard Jason say he loved me. I snuggled up with my head on his chest and fell asleep.

"Sara?" Jason asked as he sat up. I looked at him confused. "Sara, where are you?" he asked louder.

"What Jason, can't you see me? I'm sitting right here!" I told him.

"This isn't funny Sara!" he shouted. He looked around, and looked straight at me then continued looking around. He really couldn't see me, could he?

I walked over to his desk and got a sheet of paper and a pen. I wrote five words and walked over to him. I let go of the paper and it fell on his lap.He noticed the paper falling and he, for once, looked scared. He walked over and his eyes widened when he read what I wrote; can u see me? -Sara.

"Sara? Is that you? You're invisible!" he said. I smiled to myself in amusement and picked up the paper. "Wait! Where did the paper go?" he said right after I had touched it.

I put it on the bed and moved my hand away to see if everything I touched with my hand turned invisible. He saw it and grabbed it. I, being very flexible, took my foot and toughed it. He didn't react so I'm guessing he could still see it. I touched it with my hand and he looked confused.

So cool!

I focused all my energy on turning visible and soon enough his eyes landed on me and he smiled. "You can see me now? And hear me?" I quickly asked.

"Yes," he said and I sighed in relief, "That was so cool," he said as he got up and walked over to me. He put both his hands around my face and leaned down a little and kissed me on my forehead.

"I'm hungry," I wined.

A growl erupted from his chest, "Don't you dare ruin the moment!"

"Well, I already did," I cooed and walked over to the door. Jason sighed and followed me.

When we made it down to the kitchen I smelled breakfast, pancakes and bacon. Yum! Lily was standing by the stove making them, "Good morning!" she said happily and grabbed the plate with pancakes as Grey grabbed the bowl with bacon.

Jason quickly ran over and grabbed the bowl as Grey was about to drop it. Grey fell but the bacon survived, thank Thor. We walked over to the long kitchen table and sat down. I grabbed three pancakes and two handfuls of bacon. I pored syrup on them and started eating.

Jason laughed at me. "What?" I shot at him as I looked up at him.

"It's just that-" he hesitated, "I've never seen a girl eat like that in front of the Alpha."

I laughed shortly, "Did you forget that I'm the Luna? Your not so human girlfriend," I asked him and Lily laughed.

"Your right, sorry," he said quietly and focused on his food. As I looked at him I got the best idea I had. I focused all my energy on his two pancakes, and only on them. As I hoped they turned invisible, success!

He banged his fist in the table, "Sara!" he yelled and glared at me. I gave him the I-don't-know-what-your-talking-about look. "I know what you did," he growled.

"Care to explain?" Lily asked as she looked at Jason then me.

"She has powers and doesn't use them to help me, instead she uses them against me," he said, but I knew the last part was meant towards me and not his mom.

"Are you serious?" she asked excitedly. I nodded and Jason growled at me. "That's fabulous! Do you know what this can do to help us?"

"No?" I answered her. I truly had no idea what she was talking about.

"Since you have these powers you can help your pack in multiple ways, but its limited to your specific powers," she told us, as if she knew everything about it.

"Wow mom, how do you know all this?" Jason asked her. She immediately stiffened.

"Thats a long story, I'll tell you some other time," she told us and we ate in silence.


School tomorrow :(


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