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"Hi, mom!" I said when I came home. I started walking up the stairs to my room, but she stopped me.

"Where were you? And why do you smell different?" she asked suspiciously. If you didn't know, werewolves smell different when they find their Luna. " You found her! Didn't you?" she shouted and gave me a huge wolf hug.

"Yeah, well sort of. She's a human," I said quickly and turned around.

"Whats wrong with that?" she said disappointed.

"Nothing, I just didn't know how you would react when I told you," I said and put my bags down.

"I do not care if she is human or not. Did you go shopping with her?" she asked and snapped my bags and started going through them. "Does she know she is your mate?" she asked as she folded a black t-shirt and put it back in the Hollister bag.

"No..." I said and traile of. I picked up all my bags. "Good night," I said and left.


"Something's not right about Jason and his friends," I told Hanna as we got into the car after school and started driving home.

"Ya, I'm trying to ignore it, but its hard when it is so obvious," she said as we got onto the road.

We turned on the radio and 'Lost boy' started playing. We sang to the lyrics the entire way home. The song ended when we drove into the garage. "I love that song!" I shouted at the radio when the song ended.

"So, what should we do about it?" she asked as we put our bags on the kitchen floor.

"I have an idea!"

"What is?"

"We expose them!" I said with an evil smile on my face. "We spy on them and bother them until they tell us!"

"I like the sound of that," she said and got a notebook out of her bag and wrote: finding out what their secret is.

"So what should we do?" she asked and was ready to write.

"Umm... we could follow them one day after school," I said. She nodded and wrote it on her paper. We continued writing all these different ideas and plans.

[A few days later]


"Are we following them today?" I asked Hanna as we got up.

"Sure, I'll pack a few sandwiches in case we get hungry," she said and walked down to the kitchen as I got in the shower.

"Okay, so lets go over the plan one last time. We sit with them during lunch and bring up all there different topics. After school we let them drive out and we follow them. If they stop or turn somewhere we have to keep a 100 feet distance to them. Then we should be able to hear what they talk about," I finished.

"Ok, got it. Now lets go to school or we will be late."

"Now!" I said as a Tesla drove past us. We took Hanna's dads car so they wouldn't know who we were.

We followed them for about fifteen minutes before they stopped. Quinn and Erik got out and went into the store. A few minutes later they came out with a tray of coffee and a bag of donuts.

We finally arrived at a huge house, they were bigger than the mansions our parents owned and we lived in.we parked the car in the ditch and walked the rest of the way.

The garage door was closing as we slid under it and made it in to the house. "Wow," Hanna whispered as we walked into the hallway.

We heard the boys talking with some other people in the kitchen and snuck up next to the door so we could see them.

"Sara was acting weird today," Jason said to an older lady standing there.

"Hey alpha Jason," a guy I had never seen before said. Jason nodded to him.

"Ya, same.... Hanna was also acting weird. It was as if they were up to something but wouldn't tell us what," Luke said sadly. Hanna frowned an looked at him with sorrowful eyes. "Why wouldn't she tell me? She's my mate," he said as be banged his head against the table

"'Mate?'  What are they talking about?" I thought to myself as Jason started talking. "Sara will be a good Luna," he said. Luna? What is their deal?

"I trust you son. You will keep her safe,but we should get them and keep them here. For their own protection," an elderly man said, that I am guessing is his father.

"So we are going to kidnap them?!" Luke asked shocked. "No way, I'd rather run away and never see her again, even if that means being an outcast!"

Luna, Alpha, Mate... what is all this?

"Hey mom?" Jason said well he smelled the air. Smelled the air? What is he some kind of dog? "Are you wearing a new perfume?"

"Well, yes thank you," she said smiling. "Someone," she said poking at Jasons father, I guess, "didn't say anything all day!" she glared at her husband.

"Oh, because I could smell Sara. But she isn't here so I thought it was you," Jason said. Shit, he could smell me? Does he have some kind of super sense?

I gestured to Hanna that we had to leave and I stared crawling away from the kitchen to the garage.

We got into the garage and found a door out. We didn't want to open the garage doors for the cars because they make so much noise.

We ran off towards our car. "Oof," I grunted as I fell on my back. I looked up and a grey wolf was looking at me. He tilted his head to the side and I screamed. I screamed as loud as I could. The wolf flinched from my scream. His eyes glossed over and the next thing I knew there were about twenty new wolves surrounding me and Hanna. One white wolf caught my eye from the middle of the flock.

"Sara?" Jason said as he stood up from the middle of the wolves.


Oooooo, Sara just saw Jason turn!!

I'm sooo exited for the next chapter!


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