Moving in

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"Thats why he will always be in our memories," the pastor said to finish Hanna's dad's funeral.

I felt sad, even though I had never met her dad. Sara leaned on to my shoulder and understood why I was sad, she was sad.

"Can we leave? I can't stand this any more. He was so nice to me all the time and let me stay at their house whenever I want," she said and I quietly nodded.

"Anything for you, babe," I said. She looked up at my with a weird expression on her face. Of course, I called her 'babe'. I chuckled and hugged her as I felt the awesome sparks that went through my body.

We walked out to the car and we got in. I loved Sara's car. I started driving.

After half a hour we were home and I parked the car in the permanent parking spot I gave her a few weeks ago. She got out and walked straight up to my room.

When we heard Hanna's dad had died, Sara decided to move in. She was still getting most of her stuff out here, but was mostly done. I grabbed the two bags she had managed to pack before her dad noticed she was there.


"You remember the signal?" she asked me as I parked on the other side of the driveway from her dads house.

I sighed, "Yes, when you say 'coco coco' like a bird you are throwing me the bags. If you scream you bumped into your dad and if I don't hear from you within ten minutes something of wrong," I said and she nodded. "I still think the mind link will be better."

"Well, if you haven't forgotten, I can't do it!" she said angrily and she was telling the truth. We had been trying to figure out what was wrong for the two last weeks, but we hadn't.

"Ok, lets go. We don't want to be late to the funeral," I said and Sara frowned for a second then got out.

"Isn't there some kind of switch so I can stop feeling sad?" she asked me as we walked up under her bedroom window.

"You mean like vampires? No."

"What?! Vampires are real?" she asked in amusement.

"Of course they are. Now start climbing," I said and watched her start climbing.

5 minutes later

"Coco coco!". I looked up and saw a bag falling straight for my face. I knew it was going to hit me but I couldn't move. The bag hit me and I fell, and a second bag hit me.

"Watch out," Sara whispered and jumped out of the window. Of course she landed right on me.

I let out a big "oof" and Sara laughed. "Okay, lets get going," I said and pushed her off me and she let out a little yelp. I grabbed her bags and we ran to the car.

*End of flashback*

I walked up the stairs to our room and opened the door. I heard water running from the bathroom and guessed she was taking a warm bath. I put the bags on my bed and walked downstairs.

"Hey, dude. How was the funeral?" Mark asked.

"It was sad. How was your day taking care of the pack?" I asked him.

"It was great. Riley came out and helped me. God I love her," he said. Riley was his mate, but she didn't live here. She went to college a few miles away and lived on campus, although she was welcome here any time.

"Any outcast problems?" I asked him. He shook his head and sighed in relief.

"No, actually no problems at all."

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