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All I wanted to do was grab her and hold her tight. I didn't want to leave her when we drove them to Hanna's house after the date. Oh, all I wanted to do was mate with her already.

"Why can't we just take them?" Luke wined after they were inside.

"Because they are humans. Their parents will be scared if they disappear," I said sadly. I thought about what it would be like kissing her, holding her. "You know what?"

"What?" Luke said grouchy.

"Maybe it would be okay if we kidnaped them for one night?" I said thinking hardly of how they would have to explain them selves.

"We'll talk more about it with the pack tomorrow morning," I said and started the engine.


"You know, it was pretty fun," Hanna said after we closed the door.

"Ya, but we didn't get to know much about the boys though. It's as if they are keeping a huge secret and wont tell us," I said sadly.

"How was it?" Mrs. Scotch asked as she came storming towards us. Mr. Scotch came walking in.

"Daddy!" Hanna screamed and ran up an hugged him. He worked for the military so he was almost always gone. "What are you doing here?"

"Oh, well I heard rumors about my daughter going on a date with some guy I have never met, so I had to come see if he was worthy," he said and Hanna laughed.

"I'll go up and change," I said and walked up to our room. Hanna's mom had taken me shopping the day after I got out of the hospital because my clothes burned up after the explosion. It had been 3 weeks now since I was hurt and I was almost back to normal. The dress I wore today helped keep the pain away because it was so tight around my ribs so it helped 'keep my fibs in place'.

I changed into my pj's and got into bed. I started charging my phone and texted Jason.

Me: tonight was fun:)

He responded within a minute and Hanna finally came up.

Jason: Yeah, can't wait 4 next time:))

Me: Next time? I don't remember agreeing to that ;')

Jason: idk, we are going on another date, but this time only the 2 of us

Me: I like the sound of that!

Jason: See you at school tomorrow?

Me: Wait and se :D

Me: Good night

Jason: Good night

I turned my phone of and Hanna jumped into bed. Like literally jumped onto the bed, then jumped under her blanket.

"Good night," I said.

"Good night."

"Good morning," I said after I turned the alarm of on my phone. "I'm going in to town later today, care to join?" I asked

"Sure, why are you going there?" Hanna asked as she sat up and yawned.

"Getting a new phone," I said sleepily.

"Ooo, what phone?" she asked curiously.

"The iPhone 7 plus in jet black," I said and yawned. "I hate when other people yawn because then I have to yawn."

My Luna Used To Be A HumanWhere stories live. Discover now