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I saw Sara look at me with a weird face then I noticed the dart right by her tail. Hunters. I knew the darts like the back of my hand. When I was younger half my pack was killed by them and I watched them get hit.

I felt a pain in my side and knew I was hit too. I looked at her as she started falling asleep. 'Jason!' was all she managed to say through the like bond and then she collapsed. I growled at the men as they approached. I quickly attacked the one closest to me and bit his neck. He screamed in pain and I jumped off him. Two of the nine remaining men aimed at me with their guns but they weren't firing.

I ran for the second person I could see, knowing I was soon going to be sleeping, like Sara. I tried attacking a third after I killed the second but I got hit by another dart and everything went black.

When I woke up I saw Sara laying on the floor about ten feet away from me. I sat up and rushed over to her. Right before I reached her I was stopped by a few bars. I held on to them but felt a pain in my arms as my hands burned.


I let go and carefully stuck my hand through the bar and reached for Sara. I touched her soft hair and noticed something weird. She didn't smell like she use to. What was wrong?

Her eyes fluttered open and she looked up at me. "Hi," she whispered and I smiled at her.


She sat up as panic filled her eyes, "Where are we?! What happened? Are you ok?" I chuckled.

"Yes, I am ok," I told her and she relaxed a little. She sat up and grabbed the bars and let out a loud scream. She removed her hands and they looked like they were exposed to a massive amount of radiation.

"What the he-" she whispered before someone opened the door to her cell. It was a man. I growled at him and he ignored me. Not a smart move dude.

He walked over to us and grabbed Sara's arm. She screamed and I tried grabbing her but she was pulled away from me.

He put a bottle up to her mouth and forced her to drink it. She tried not to bit when two more men came, one grabbed her and held her down and the other held her mouth open.

The man with the bottle sat down next to her and pored one drop into her mouth and she let out a loud scream in pain. "Oh, darling, did that hurt?"

"Go to hell!" she whispered and he poured a few more drops into her mouth.

She screamed again. "What is that?!" I shouted and the men gave me a swift glare then looked down at Sara again.

"Well it's wolfsbane of course," they said and all the air in my lungs immediately left. I stared at them in horror then at Sara. 'I am so sorry,' I told Sara over our link.

'It's okay, I'll be okay,' she responded and I gave her a weak smile. Suddenly the men stood up and pulled her with them. "Hey! Where are you taking her?" I yelled after them but they didn't answer.

"Sara! Oh my god! Are you ok?" I asked as they threw her into my cell. She had bruises everywhere and she was drenched in blood, her own blood. She looked up at me with tears in her eyes.

I rushed over to her and held her tight against my chest. I could feel her crying as I played with her hair a little, trying to cheer her up.

But it wasn't working, she was still crying. "What did they do to you?" I asked her but she just shook her head. "Talk to me, please Sara, talk to me."

She looked up at me and sighed, "After they took me away they chained me to a silver chair and put silver chains on me to keep me there. Then they started punching me and cutting me, then they pulled out a gu-" she whispered and started crying. She didn't have to tell me any more, because I knew what they did.

It broke my heart to see her like this and even more to hear what they did.


"Aargh!" I yelled and pushed all the papers of the desk. "Where is he?" I shouted as Hanna came over to me. I grabbed her and pulled her in for a hug and drowned in her scent.

"C-Carefully Luke, the b-baby! A-And I c-can't breathe," she chocked. I quickly pulled away and she gasped for air and put her hand on her stomach.

We had found out she was pregnant a few days after Jason and Sara had left. Now it had been three weeks since they disappeared. Jason had told me they would be back in under a week, but they never came.

We had tried everything, called, mind linked, we even sent a few pack warriors up there and they couldn't find them.

Every time a car would come into the driveway, Hanna would rush down there to see if it was Sara. Hanna was so anxious for her to get home so she could tell her the good news.

"Can we go up there?" Hanna asked me after a while of silence.

"Hanna, they are fine, probably just out on a run the entire time the warriors were up there," I said but I knew if they didn't show up sooner or later we would have to go up there.

Just not yet.


So if you didn't understand:

Sara and Jason have been gone for about three weeks and they aren't found yet, although we know who took them. Hanna is pregnant and wants to tell Sara.


Love you all


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