Safe haven

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I watched as my Alpha and Luna fell down the waterfall. It was over 100 feet down and they were gaining speed every second. i started running to find a way down the cliff and the rest of the pack followed. Even though we have no control over what we do during an apocalypse, there is one thing we all do: protect our Alpha and Luna at all costs. 

When the cub Sara saved found a steep, but not to steep, trail we could go down we all stormed down it. If there were any humans around they would probably think they were dreaming. About a hundred wolves running down a steep cliff and over there hundred at the top looking down, in a country were there aren't  more than 200 wolves.

When we got down the best swimmers jumped in and pulled them back to shore. They weren't breathing so we had no other choice. We had to take them to a vet. Even though we had no control our wolves did it on their own.

They pulled Sara onto my back and Quinn and Mark took Jason. They had just gotten back from patrolling all the other pack houses. Mark had found his mate, but she couldn't come back with him yet, while Quinn rejected his. She had three cubs and was pregnant with twins.

We ran as fast as we could into town and barged into the first veterinarian we could find. There was a young girl feeding all the animals they were taking care of, and two older people, a male and female, sitting in the office drinking coffee. When they saw us the lady spit out her coffee and just stared at us. The man seemed calm, calmer than expected when there is about twenty  wolves standing on the floor with two unconscious wolves on their backs. 

"Get all the sedatives you can find," the man told the lady and she disappeared. The man came over to us and crouched down so he was eye level with us. "We will take care of them, just go have a fun rest go your night," he said, then continued. "Bring them up here," he said as he started walking towards two tables. "What happened to them? Shot?" I shook my head. "Fall?" I swayed my head, hoping he would understand that was a yes and no. "Fall of a waterfall?" I nodded my head. He also nodded his head, slowly, "That happened last time too," he mumbled and went over to the cabinet. He got two long plastic tubes and a couple pumps. 

"The Beta and best friends can stay, the rest of you go tell the pack your Alpha and Luna will be OK," he said. Quinn and Mark stayed with me, while the rest of the pack left. The lady returned with a box and a couple needles. "Thank you," he said. "Can you get the wolves a couple bowls of water? And see if we have any meat." And the lady left again, watching us with a scared eye. She had probably never seen a wolf before, but the man? I think he knows everything about them.

He started pumping the water out of Sara's lungs first, mumbling about saving both of them. He could probably also tell she was pregnant. I had seen how Sara had saved the cub, and I don't think I was the only one. She had saved him as if he was her child. A few people had probably guessed by now, that she is pregnant and they are probably spilling the news now.


I ran over to Jason who was laying a few feet away from me. I pulled on his arm and he woke up. "Where are we?" he asked and I looked around, noticing we were in an infinite white room and we were wearing white clothes. 

"You, are in Safe Haven," a voice said. We turned to look towards the direction of the voice. There was a tall, pale woman standing there in the same clothes I was wearing. 

"Who are you? And what is a Safe Haven?" I asked her as we stood up.

"I am Zecileus, I have been watching you for the past few months."

"You have been doing what?!" Jason asked.

"Watching you. Safe Haven is a safe place between life and death. You can stay here for years or seconds. It all depends on how badly you are hurt, or what is wrong with you. It also depends on if you get the right help in time, which you have," she said. She sounded like one of those spa ladies they use in advertisements with all the extra voice changing and everything. "What do you remember?"

I hesitated a little, then spoke. "I remember saving a cub that fell into the water with me. I saw Jason jumping into the water trying to save me, but we were to close to the waterfall. There was nothing we could hold on to, or stand on, and we were pulled over the edge. I saw the cliff and all of the pack members looking at us as we fell. They were all... screaming... sort of. Then I hit the water and everything went black."

"And you?" she asked turning to Jason.

"I remember jumping in after Sara and we fell. I remember hitting the water and seeing all the air run out of her body. I tried swimming over to her, but everything turned black before I could reach her."

I looked up at him and he glanced at me. I looked back at the lady. "So we aren't dead, right?" I asked.

"No, you are not dead. But you are not alive either."

"What do you mean we aren't alive or dead?!" I almost screamed. "I have been that way to many times, and now I have some very important people to see and give birth too!"

"I understand that, but these things take time, when you are ready you will return to your bodies, but if your bodies are beyond saving you will be dead for good. The sun rises in ten minutes." And she vanished into thin air.


I am truly on a roll, might get one more update before I sleep.


PS: MLUTBAH is almost over :'(

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