Explain yourself

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"Sara?" Jason asked as he and Luke came in. I got up and ran over to him and jumped up on him. I wrapped my legs around his waist and stuffed my head in his shoulder and started crying. "It's okay, it's okay baby, it's okay," he said petting my head like I was a a dog. Note the sarcasm.

"No, it's not," I sniffled and continued crying.

"Do you want to talk about it?" he asked and I shook my head in denial. "Okay, it's okay..."


I had never seen her like this before. It hurt my heart to see my mate crying like this and I wanted to kill whoever did this to her.

"Sorry Sara," Hanna said and Sara quickly turned around and shook her head. "But, it's her dad, Jason. He has been abusing Sara for a long time but today he hit her."

What?! Her dad? How could he do such a thing? Sara continued crying. I looked at Luke but he was to angry to reason with. "Where does he live?" Luke asked Hanna.

"If I tell you, are you going to become a wolf and go kill him?" she asked and backed up as Luke walked towards her.

"I will follow Jason's or Sara's orders," he said and stopped when he saw that Hanna was backing up.

"Okay, calm down Luke," I said as Sara wiggled around in my arms to dig deeper into my chest.

Luke stopped and stood down. "Hanna?" he asked surprised.

"Ya, you moron! It's been me the fucking last ten minutes!" she yelled and walked off into the kitchen.

Luke turned around and faced me. "I am never going to understand women, am I?"

I chuckled and I could feel Sara laughing a little. "I don't think so," I said and he walked after Hanna into the kitchen.

I went over to the couch and put Sara on it then I sat down. "Can I ask you a few questions?" I asked her. She had quit crying now but her eyes were puffy and red. "Why did he do it? Isn't he your real father?" I asked. When I had signed the papers for her release from the hospital it said her father had the same last name as her.

"He is my real father, but when his mother died he turned to drinking and hurting me. He used to love me, but he blames me for her death. So thats why he hates me," she said. I was shocked.

"Oh, why does he blame you for her death?" I asked quietly. I could feel her pain, and it was bad.

"We were leaving her house one night and I gave her a hug, the next morning the police were at our door and told us she was dead."

I saw her eyes fill up with water again and I took her in for a big hug. "No! Get away from me you big hairy creature!" we heard Hanna yell from the kitchen. She came running into the living room screaming.

Luke came out with his hands slapped over his face and his head tilted backwards. We laughed and Sara looked up at me, "I have never told anyone except you about my dad, can it stay that way?" she asked.

"Of course, but on one condition. Next time you are going there I am coming with you," I said and she nodded with a smile on her face.

"Please just give me a chance," Luke asked as he looked down at Hanna.

"Why would I give a big bad wolf a second chance?!" Hanna yelled and screamed as Luke started walking towards her.

"Sara gave Jason a second chance! Why can't I get one?" he asked as he linked me. 'How did you get Sara?'

'We saved her from three outcasts that were trying to kill her, then from the car crash.'

'Oh, yeah, what am I going to do?'

'Say you are sorry or something and give her time,' I said and chuckled.

He disconnected the link. "I will back off, if you are going to think about giving me a second chance," he told Hanna.

Sara smiled, "fine, but remember! I am only going to think about it," Hanna said.

"I knew it! I knew you were going to give him a second chance!" Sara yelled and stood up on the couch. "Now, who wants popcorn?" she asked and jumped of and ran into the kitchen. I could tell she had gotten over her dad.

We all said 'me!', and Hanna ran into the kitchen to help her.

Luke came over and sat down next to me. "Well it's a start," he said and sighed.

"Okay, so we decided we are also going to watch a movie, big surprise right," Hanna said sarcastically. "So which movie?"

"Let's watch 'Me Before You'," I said and she nodded.

Sara came out with three huge bowls of popcorn and snuggled up besides me. Hanna turned on the tv and rented 'Me Before You'.


Sorry for such a short chapter, next one will be longer I promise!

Big news!! Me and my friend are coming out with a new book! I write it from the werewolves side of the story, and she writes it from the vampires side of the story!


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