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"Mmmmm, that was good!" I said as I finished my last pancake. "Who knew Luke could cook!" Hanna laughed, Jason chuckled and Luke huffed.

"So, what should we do today?" Luke said so we would stop laughing.

We stopped and Hanna wiped a tear out of her eye. "We could play monopoly," Jason said.

"Sure! Where is it?" I asked as I stood up. "I'm gonna beat you all so bad you are going to wish you never suggested it!"

"Yeah, yeah, whatever. Down the hall on the top shelf on your right," Jason said as he grabbed my plate.

I ran of into the hall and there was a small boy standing there. I stopped on the spot and we stared at each other. "Ar' yu a new pack member?" he asked. Based on his height and voice he couldn't be more than three or four.

"Well, sort of. I'm Alpha Jason's girlfriend," I said and walked slowly towards him.

"You sm'll different," he said.

"Yes, I'm human," I said as I knelt down next to him and sat on my knees.

"No, no. I 'ave meet many humans 'nd you don't sm'll like them," he said.

Weird. "What's your name?" I asked him trying to change the subject.


"Well, Grey, why don't you show me where where the monopoly game is," I said and he nodded. He must have known exactly, and I mean exactly, where it was. "How do you know where the game is when it is so far our of reach?" I asked as I climbed up the closet. Whoever put it here must have been a giant!

"I 'nd 'Giant' play it all the time," he said simply, but he put weight on 'Giant' as if he was the most important person he knew.

"Who's Giant?" I asked as I was working on climbing down the closet with the game in my hand.

"My brother, he is really tall, but I haven't seen him in a long time," he said as his face frowned. I thought and noticed I didn't know any other people of my own pack except Jason and his friends, and Grey.

"Oh, well that answers my question to who put the game up there," I mumbled quietly. "So, who is your-" I asked and was cut of by Jason.

"Are you coming soon-" he asked and stared at me talking to Grey. "Grey?!"

Grey's face lit up and he ran over to Jason with his arms out wide, "Giant!". My jaw dropped as Jason dropped to his knees hugging him.

You know how people are when their dad is in the military, and they surprise them at some big event? Well that is what this looked like.

"Y-you have a b-brother?" I stuttered as I barely could stand up on my feet. "And you didn't tell me?"

"I was going to, but I didn't think there was any point. My parents left right after Grey was born, they would let me see twice a year. On his birthday and Christmas," Jason said.

"What?" I said surprised. "You only get to see him twice a year? So why is he here now?!" I asked and started panicking inside of me. What if he ran away from home and his parents are looking for him.

Jason must have been thinking the same but didn't have time to ask him. "Why does she sm'll so weird?"


'Jason, she ate 20 pancakes!" Luke linked me when we had finished watching Sara eat her last pancake.

'I know, and she doesn't have the same scent anymore,' I answered.

'Well you did mate with her,' Luke reasoned.

'I know,  I'll just go check on her and make sure she got the game.'

I walked out to the hallway and saw Greyson, my little brother. Everything went silent. He shouted something and came running. I dropped to my knees hugging him. Last time I saw him it was on his 3 birthday, witch was one and a half year ago. I couldn't go on Christmas because there was an outcast problem.

"W-what are you doing here?" I asked him.

"M-mommy 'nd daddy are here too," he said tucking his head into my shoulder. I felt all the air in my lungs being sucked out of me. They're here!


Yeah, yeah, yeah, short chapter I know, sorry.

School starts today :(

When does your school start?


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