Chapter 11

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ok so this is a quick disclaimer,, so this chapter and won't be 100% accurate about before tour details and the tour itself, keep in mind this is, indeed a work of FICTION.


I woke up to the feeling that I was being watched; and as I looked up I saw a wide-eyed Noah looking in awe. As I was trying to decide what to say, I heard Mason speak up and question him. "Noah, what are you doing?" to that, Noah angrily snapped back; "I'm supposed to be getting y'all and the stuff for tour, didn't mean to walk in on anything." At first I was confused at his response, until I realized he must think we did stuff, wich couldn't be farther from the truth. In an attempt to make it less horrible, I tried explaining, that it wasn't what it looked like, that we had just fallen asleep, but Noah didn't have it. He just left the living room and ran back to what I suspected what was James' room.

The sight of Noah in tears absolutely broke my heart, especially because it was over something that was all my fault. I shouldn't've put Mason on the spot and asked him to lay with me. Thinking about the situation brought tears to my eyes. As I was sobbing, Mason comforted me and it made me feel a little better. as he was embracing me I began to vent about how all of it my fault and that i in fact messed up with not one, but two oxendales. He reassured me that I didn't mess anything up and that I was a great person who is great and beautiful inside and out. I'm not saying I agree with any of those things, it was just nice to hear and very sweet of him to say. After he comforted me, he asked me a question that not even I 100% knew the answer to, but answered anyway. " you have a crush on Noah?" I thanked him for the compliments and reluctantly answered the question. "...I think I might. I don't know, I've never had this feeling before and I love spending time with Noah being goofy. But I also love spending time with you and the others and being goofy.. I don't know." I explained. I got out of Mason's arms and went to look for Noah, I knew I had to fix things, especially because there's a possibility I like him.

As I was walking I looked down, in an attempt not to get teary-eyed again. I felt myself bumping into something so I looked up to see a tear-streaked face Noah. he tried to avoid me but I wasn't about to let that happen. I wasn't sure what to do so I poked his shoulder, to get his attention. "What?!" he harshly said. His mean tone surprised me and as I felt the tears collect In my eyes, but I knew I had to get the point. As I spoke up my voice cracked and my throat stung from tears but I didn't let it stop me. "I just wanted to say that what you saw in the living room was nothing. I was just upset and I wanted someone to comfort me. I know that Mason is kinda like your competition with me, but honeslty I think of him like a super cool older brother." I reluctantly added "..,.I like you as a boyfriend, if you will." as I added the last part, I saw his facial expression change drastically, and his eyes light up. "but if that's not okay wi-" Noah cut me off by pressing his lips against mine, and at this moment, my feelings were clear to me. After what felt like a lifetime, Noah finally pulled away, looked me straight in the eyes, and said "Yes" slightly confused, I replied with "What?" "Yes, I will be your boyfriend." he happily said. I was absolutely estatic and it felt like my heart pooped its pants.

After our "moment" James walked up to us and told us that we were running late, and that we needed to load everything for tour that we're going to need onto the Wumbo Wagon. Noah and I followed James into the living room, where lots of boxes , amps, guitars, and Mason. Noah awkwardly looked at Mason and Mason gave Noah a reassuring smile. "I'm so happy Mason understands" I thought to myself. James, Mason, Noah and I all went outside and were greeted by Luke by asking what took so long. "Uh... I needed to take a shower and pack a few things still." James quickly answered. Luke nodded his head and stopped asking questions.We all got to loading the stuff into the U-HUAL being pulled by the Wumbo Wagon and about an hour later we were done. Once we made sure we had everything they're gonna a need we all got into the Wumbo Wagon and set off to the venue. Noah and I were sitting in the second to last row of seats, James was in front of us all alone, with Luke and Mason sitting together in the front row and Zac was driving. Noah and I were holding hands in the back and telling dumb jokes and giggling together, despite the awkward tension between Luke & I that everyone could feel. I wasn't sure how much more of it i could handle.

Mason and I were sitting in the front row of seats in the Wumbo Wagon, with james behind us and Luna and Noah in almost the very back. I could hear them telling terrible jokes and giggling. I don't know what was going through my mind that day. They were having so much fun and I just go ahead and ruin it. If that isn't enough I made Luna cry! I did exactly what I wanted to keep her from. Guys are jerks. Now, though, seeing or I guess hearing Luna and Noah together is making me feel warm and fuzzy because Luna is so happy. I really need to fix this problem I caused. I get my phone out and create a new group chat for the other guys and I. The first message I sent was "BAND MEETING" as I sent it, and I supposed mason got the notification, he looked up at me confused, followed by my phone buzzing and I unlocking it to see what james had replied with. As I put my four digit passcode into my phone it unlocked to see james' reply. "Why isn't Noah in this??" I replied with james' text and told him not to worry about it. After I sent that text I began to tell them exactly how I felt. How I felt bad about making Luna upset, how I hoped there was no harsh feelings between mason and I, how I wasn't sure about Luna and Noah being a thing, but I truly care for both of them and they seem happy, and it kept going. After about 3 minutes I figured I had vented enough and I realized just how long the paragraph was. Without any regrets, I clicked the "Send" button and waited for the responses. A couple minutes passed by and I unlocked my phone once i saw they both replied. I read mason's reply first, which read "yeah, no harsh feelings at all, love u bro." I smiled to myself slightly as I reminded myself just how great my best friends are. After I read mason's reply I scrolled to read james'. "Wanna get rid of the awkwardness and tension? I got this." I was relieved and also terrified at james' reply. As I was thinking of all of the terrible outcomes and things he would try to do to get rid of the "tension" I was interrupted of my thoughts by James speaking up, now not being the only one talking aloud besides Luna & Noah.

Ooo "tension". So this has probably been long awaited for. I'm sorry bout the wait. We've had like no motivation what so ever. I still don't but went back to work on this even though it was almost already finished. So yay update! I will try to get back on schedule.

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Alex- clumsilycalum
Morgan- Im_JustA Reject

Love you guys!

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