Chapter 35

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Luna's POV

   It was the day after, everything happened, and I woke up next to Payton on one of the hotel beds. Getting up, carefully to not wake her up, I walk over to my bag. I grab a cute kind of lacey, black romper. It might not be super conventional but it was comfortable, which you need on a 12 hour car ride.

   As I am just getting out of the bathroom from showering and doing all that fun stuff I see Gabi walks passed me telling me that we are leaving in a few minutes.

"Wait so am I going back with y'all or the things, and both members of Jason" i ask because, I have no idea what is going on.

"You're coming with us, James doesn't want you to be in close proximity with, as you described, the things" Payton explains and I realize a breath that I didn't know I was holding in. I am so glad James and Mason are still civilized people. Like Noah and Luke, I am 16, I'm not a baby. I deserve to be treated with respect.

   Once everyone got ready and got everything in the car we started to head back to Pittsburg. Long car ride here we come. I didn't really mind though, because I get to spend it with people who will definitely keep it entertaining. Coll was driving so she picked the music and her choice of Waterparks was a good one. We all jammed out most of the ride. It was great. 

   Eventually we got back to Pittsburgh (the girls went back to Chicago) and the dreaded moment of going into the same house as Luke and Noah. We walked in to be surprised by who James told me was the Oxendale's mother, or I guess my grandmother. That's weird.

"Hey guys! Oh do I finally get to meet my granddaughter?" she says as we all get settled, and sit down. The boys all hug her, but awkwardness gets the best of me and I hide behind Mason.

"Hi! Yeah, except Luke has some explaining to do" Mason says then adds "for now, this is your granddaughter Luna, she's amazing"

"H-hi" I stutter out.

"Oh my goodness she's precious" awkward moment where I feel like I'm 2 instead of 16 okay. She pulls me into a hug and I half hug her back.

"Yes she is" James said pulling me into his side encouragingly. I smile up to him then look to Luke's mom again.

"So Luke...Mas says you have to explain something regarding my grandchild, can you elaborate?" she says to Luke.

"Oh ummm..." he glances towards Mason looking like he might kill him. Luke please don't actually do that I need my best friend. Finally after a couple of agonizing moments of silence he continues talking, "okay, so while we were in Florida a bunch of stuff happened, some things were said, some people were hurt, and I've decided I'm taking her back to an orphanage..." he mumbled the last part but from the fury in his mother's face told us she heard it loud and clear.


"but moooooooom" Luke I thought you were 20 not 2. Whatever.

"Don't 'but mom' me, also I have something to explain too, seeing as we're already beginning an argument" wow plot twist.(A/N might've accidentally made Luna self aware...oops).

"Should we be concerned?" Mason, did you really just ask that and not let Luke ? Oh well.

"I'll just explain, you let me know your feelings afterward. So" she sighs, "Luke, Noah, remember when I went on a bunch of business trips, I mean you might not, you were 4 and 2. Anyway, they weren't actually business trips. I had an affair with another man, and well got pregnant with his baby. I figured what could putting her up for adoption was the best option. Also side note it was in Minnesota, at the place you adopted Luna from. And the more I look at her the more familiar she looks. I think she's your half sister" um how do I react to this. Well Noah's argument about non-blood related family is invalid now, but I also had a thing with my brother. Huh, didn't think my life could be any crazier but look where it went. Well Mason has a chance with me now that Noah and I can't be together.

"So you're telling me we, by some coincidence adopted our half sister without knowing it?" Luke says completely dumbfounded. Me too Luke me too.

"Yeah I'm pretty sure that's what the summary of my story is" ooh sassy, Luke deserves to be sassed.

"Okay, but that just made mine and Luna's relationship extreme;y awkward" Noah said looking towards me. He isn't wrong and we technically haven't broken up. Yep.

"What do you mean? You weren't dating or anything" we all stay super quiet and look at all the others, "oooooh umm yeah, that is awkward. How about I go make us some tea" and she went to the kitchen.

"Does this mean I have a chance with you now" Mason said trying to lighten the mood, funny story, it didn't.

"Not the time Mas, not the time" James knows whats up.

"So...wAIT LUKE YOU WERE GOING TO PUT HER BACK UP FOR ADOPTION WHATS WRONG WITH YOU" Noah, bit late bud. I appreciate the concern though, "You know I don't  actually think adopting her was a mistake, right? It was a heat of the moment thing"

"Uh-huh" Luke said sarcastically.

"You said about non-blood, well now apparently we're blood related, but anyway that non blood related family means just as much so why would you give her back up to adoption? That's low even for you"

"Guys please stop fighting. This isn't helping anything. If I need to I could always just life with your- our mom and stay out of your way. I hate seeing you two fight it hurts my heart. As I was a fan before you adopted me and I only saw the good happy cute moments, it hurts seeing the bad sides of things. Even though they're inevitable it's hard"

"She's right Luke, can we just try and get along for her, and the fans. If we keep fighting like this the fans will eventually figure out something is wrong. I don't want the band ruined because of stupid arguments. I'm sorry I haven't been the best brother or friend but I'm going to try and make a real change and try to be a role model for my baby...sister" awww Noah, I'm actually crying that was too cute. Although that awkward pause between "baby" and "sister". That's going to be extremely weird. Maybe we should break up now. It's still freaking me out that I kissed and had a romantic relationship with my brother.

"Well I don't care if she's right, I'm taking her back and I don't care. I don't care about what people think and I don't care if this ruins the band" excuse me Lucas, who gave you the right. I am actually crying, from pain this time. What happened to the fun times, of cuddling and movie nights and throwing popcorn at each other. I miss those.

"Okay suit yourself Luke, we can still make it big without you" James being passive aggressive. I'm proud. I guess Luke has a click bait attitude and his reputation will be going down. I think I just used his lyrics against him.

"No you can't, all the fans will forget about you if I leave, I'm the only one they care about" Luke do you not understand the concept of a band? Also he's wrong, Mason was always my favorite and if I was still a fan and didn't know what the heck was going on I wold still support the other three.

"Luke you're out of the band, until you realize how stupid you're being and apologize" Mason, that took guts. I'm sad for some reason though. I think my inner fangirl is speaking to me.

"You can't kick me out of the band, I'm kicking you three out"

"You do know you basically just agreed to Mason's statement except you made us he victims" Noah jumping on the passive aggressive band wagon.

"Whatever" Luke says and rolls his eyes while storming up the steps to his room I'm assuming.

"What just happened" I ask staring blankly at the wall.

"I think we lost our lead singer, but I'm not mad about it if he can't love you he doesn't deserve to be in the band"

Authors Note:

This may be the last chapter, I'm not sure yet. Also this was really hecking hard to write. I saw ASH live on Friday in Pittsburgh, and he was the cutest and sweetest person ever, well besides James(I'm saying this and I'm a Mason girl...yIKES) so like the character I've made Luke into is yikes, PSA it is just a character(hopefully you knew that but I don't want anyone getting confused and thinking that's his personality). Also I'm just randomly gonna do a QOTD

Q: Favorite song off their new Ep(and if you want a bonus question, who's your fav?)

A: Do You Remeber live, and 11:11 on the cd. And as I've said in the note Mason is my fav. I love him. or well I love all of them.

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