Chapter 16

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Luna's POV
We get to the next place and go to the hotel seeing as it is 1:30am and we're all hecking tired. I pretty much just collapse on top of Noah and James. As I'm falling I see something odd. It looks like the guy I saw in Pizza Hut(refer to like chapter 5) and...wait a second, that's the girl that Noah was with last night! They go into the door all the way at the end of the hall. Okay something doesn't add up. How, nevermind that why would she show up here, with him? Oh well I'm too tired to think about this.
About 15 minutes later James finally gets the door unlocked. You may be wondering what caused him to take so long, all of us are as well. We all pile into the room claiming which ever spot was closest to sleep in. I ended up in a bed squished between Luke,Noah,and Mason. We all pushed James off so he had to shamefully go over to the other bed.
I start to try and fall asleep, something I thought I would have no trouble at all with. Sadly my thoughts were wrong, I couldn't stop thinking about the guy and girl. Did Noah invite her here and she decided to bring another guy along? Was it just an odd coincidence? Would they show up again? While inside my mind I was subconsciously playing with the ring Noah gave me, I know this because I was pulled out of my trace by Luke doubled over holding his man parts. I must've elbowed him there...yikes.
I get up and walk over to where he fell. Yep he fell of the bed because of this.
"Hey, da- Luke are you okay" I almost let it slip. I can't, I can't let this happen again.
"Yeah, darling, I'll be okay. Just might not be able to have kids" he says and chuckles a bit.
"Well too late for that then" I say also giggling. He sits up and pulls me into his lap, then begins to talk again.
"Hey, I know you haven't gotten any sleep since we were here, I can see it in your eyes. What's on your mind"
"Oh nothing..." I trail off.
"Come on, I know there's something" he presses. He is my father, I can trust him...right? I hope so.
"Well the whole dilemma with Noah, that person is here and on the same floor and I'm just overthinking this whole situation I think" I say in one breath.
"Woah, okay. I understand now. Can you just try and sleep though? For me? Forget about the world and close your eyes, angel" he says and kisses my head while humming I Need You Here and rocking me. I yawn and my eyes start making the room thinner and thinner until it's all gone and I'm in a land of peaceful sleep.

Masons POV
They all crashed but not me. I am staying up and finding a way to get back and Noah for stealing my love and Luna for giving her love to Noah. One key to this whole puzzle, someone invited that girl and made sure she was on the same floor as A Summer High. Yep, there was incentive behind it. This may seem like a stupid idea, and it probably is but I don't feel whole right now. I feel as if my conscious is being torn away and I can't grab it back. So anyway my plan is to ask the girl Noah was with out. I've learned her name is Lola. Yes, ask her out and see if she'll be my girlfriend. I can't wait to see Nuna's reaction. Yes I just used a ship name and no its not because I ship them. I hear Luke groan and a thud. He must've fallen off the bed, I also feel who I'm assuming is Luna climb off the bed to see if Lucas is okay. At this point I decided it's best to calm down with my evil scheming and actually get some rest. Performing is a tough job to do.
Hey guys!! Hope you like that chapter! And like wOAH Mason wat u doin. And that little father daughter moment, mY HEART.

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