Chapter 4

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After about a 45 minute drive and listening to All Time Low's future hearts album, we finally pull into a drive way. I look up and see a big blue house. It was kinda weird seeing the house that I've seen in so many snapchat stories and pictures. We all got out and Mason walked to the trunk and got my bag. We all walked in and I'm in shock because I watched the live stream that happened in this very house.
"I'll show you to your room" James says and runs up the stairs. I follow, and end up falling down the stairs. Don't you just love being clumsy.
All the guys rush over to me trying to see if I'm okay, I was...until they all crowded around me. It started getting hard to breathe and I immediately knew I was getting a panic attack. Luckily one of them, I couldn't tell who, told the others to back away from me.
After my breathing goes back to normal, James decides to give me a piggyback ride to my room. He plops me down on the bed and I just look around the room in awe.
It was mostly maroon with black accent decor. My two favorite colors. Then there were two doors leading to somewhere that I will find out later.
James leaves after a while of us starring at each other. I unpack my things and just lay on the bed. It feels so weird that the place my best friends lived in. Yes I call them, or called them my best friends, because they were there for me when no one else was, just like 5sos.
At some point while I was thinking I must have fallen asleep because next thing I know Luke calls us down for a "family meeting". All of us, besides James are down here and we are all getting annoyed. Like James why can't you just be here on time?
Eventually James gets here and we go over the rules that Luke aka the mother of this household put in place. Although most of the rules were for James and Mason, so I really wasn't needed. It was funny to see Luke act like a mother to the other two though.
After a while the meeting was just Mason and James fighting over who got the other end seat on the couch, even though there were two end seats to sit in so. I don't really know why they were arguing over it. Finally they came to an agreement and that's when I went up to my room to go to bed. I got out something to wear to sleep in and went to try and find the bathroom. As I was walking towards the door of my room I saw one of the doors had yellow tape, almost like caution tape. I walk over to it and read "must be at least a foot away because James owns this door and everything behind it" well that was unexpected. I'm just going to let that be that, because with James it could be anything. It's most likely a vault of memes though.
After a little while of searching I found the bathroom and did all that night time routine stuff and went back to the room. I plugged my phone in the charger closest to the bed and went to bed.
Later that night I woke up to rustling and decided to check and see who it was. I really hope that a crazy fangirl hasn't found this place and is stalking the boys. To be honest though it's not because crazing fangirls are crazing it's because there are already three crazy fanboys living here.
I walk to what I think is the door to exit my room. Yeah, I don't find myself in a hallway. I find myself in a closet like room full of Michael Clifford merch, pictures, and letters from James to Michael. I walk a little further and see James cuddling with Daddy Shark and a Michael doll, sound asleep. See what I mean, crazy fanboys.
I go back in my room, get my phone, and go back taking about 20 pictures because this photo opportunity is a once in a lifetime thing. As soon as I'm done taking pictures I go back and fall asleep again, thinking of what great things will occur in the time that I'm here.

Hey guys! Sry we haven't uploaded, we've been busy. But here's an update, that I laughed way too much while writing😂 it killed me that I couldn't use that emoji. But yeah, so I started high school, and I have no life. That's all the news we have from me today. Although I'm pretty sure you all know I don't have a seriously how many fangirls have lives besides being on social media trying to get bands to notice you or binge watching tv shows?

It would be greatly appreciated if you could add, comment, vote, and follow us on Twitter Alex Oxendale-@clumsilycalum
Morgan Levi-@Im_JustAReject

Thank you for reading ❤️ and Goodbye all you beautiful butterflies-Morgan Levi

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