Part 1

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Madhu sat on the bed amazed on her fate if anyone would have said her that she would be in Mumbai today she would have laughed with them but fate had something special in store for her.

She was here with roma the only person she loved and the only person that loved her.

She knew that fate has always been cruel with her but this was a silver lining , this was her chance to the freedom she wished ,

she couldn't lose this chance and she couldn't let Romas's hardwork and courage go in vain.

Roma entered the room with a glass of water,

" Madhu have this water and the tablet, I know your head is paining alot and its very late at night you need rest"roma said.

Madhu took the glass and gulped the tablet at once and laid down on the bed staring at the roof.

Roma went and closed the door she bolted it and checked it twice , she knew that madhu was very tired and tensed she went and sat on the bed Madhu slowly moved and kept her head on Roma's lap

"Madhu don't worry we are safe now. I will not let anything happen to you"

"I trust you Roma Tai you are the only person I have"

"Now sleep madhu it has been a very tiresome journey"

"I love you Tai"

"I love you too beta and I am glad I could come on time and save you", roma said with tears in her eyes.

Madhu was first one to wake up in the morning she got worried seeing the new place then she remembered what has happened in her life since two days.

She saw that Roma had slept in the sitting position letting her sleep on her lap.

Madhu got up and sat on the bed she took the jug poured some water in the glass but by mistake the glass slipped from her hand and broke into pieces.

Roma woke at the voice of it

"Madhu don't make any noise"

"Sorry Tai it slipped from my hand" "Let it be i will clean it"

"Tai why did you not wake me and asked me to sleep properly , your back must be paining by sleeping in awkward position"

"How could I wake you up beta it had been years since you slept like that"

"Now we are together Tai lets stop thinking about the past we have many things to get worried about in the present"

"Oh yes madhu , I have to go out of the room and you please don't make any noise or come out , there will be one more maid in the house other than me but she will come late and go till afternoon"

"Ok I will stay in the room waiting for you but who are the owners of this house and where are they??"

"3 people stay in this house madhu. Radhaji and her two sons , her husband stays in america he has a business there. radhaji and the younger son go to america to visit him every 2 to 3 months, the elder son rarely goes he is always busy he is a big photographer"

"Oh so is the elder son at home now ?"

"No he is not he is gone somewhere for 3 days but he is going to come tonight I guess he is at some destination photo-shoot"

"Ok thats good I only should not come infront of the maid other than her the house is empty"

"Yes and as there no one in the house I don't have cook anything, Only for you and me i will make some breakfast, I will finish fast and come back here"

Madhu took a bath and sat in the room waiting for Roma to bring breakfast for her.

Madhu was born and brought in a very rich family in the village , she just needed to order and her wish was fulfilled.

Roma was a maid in madhus house , she was there to take care of madhu from her childhood. Roma was a mother like figure to her , Madhu parents were alive but madhu was never close with them.

Madhu always wished for parental love in her childhood and she found that in Romas care.

Madhu was 14 years when Roma left her village and came to city for personal reason but madhu and roma were always in touch.

They exchanged letters and from the last 3 years madhu used to call Roma every week.

Roma came to Mumbai and started working for Radha it has been 7 years since roma was working at her house , she was a given a room to stay in the ground floor.

Roma entered the room with breakfast for madhu

"Sorry madhu I got late the kitchen was not used since 3 days and it needed dome cleaning before using it"

"No problem Tai it has been ages since i ate anything you cooked"

"Ok Guess what I made for you

" "Aloo puri"

madhu shouted in delight, both of them had their breakfast madhu kept talking about something or the other.

"Tai I need a new sim card for my mobile , I broke and threw the old sim when we were in the train"

"Ok i will go in the evening and bring it and also make a list of things you want I will bring them , I know you are not used to living like this but you have to adjust beta. I want save money for your education and if u don't want to live her or you dont get permission to say here I will have to make arrangements for your living"

"No Tai I will adjust and I don't want anything other than being with you and we will think later about my studies."

In the evening Roma went to the market, madhu was alone in the house she sat on the sofa watching tv.

She liked this house yesterday when she come she couldn't see anything it was late at night and Roma had directly taken her to the room now madhu has taken nice tour of the house and was waiting for Romas return, she was getting bored she decided to close the Tv and take some rest .

Madhu was on her way to the room when she heard the main door being unlocked she remembered that Roma has said that she will lock the main door because according to watchman sitting at the gate no one is there in the house.

Madhu turned back to go to Roma but the sight infront of her shocked her.

A very handsome boy carrying a bag on the shoulder was climbing the stairs to go to the first floor.

Madhu remembered there were 3 rooms on the first floor but who was he.

Madhu hid behind the pillar until the boy went out of her sight then she slowly slipped back to Romas room she dint want to be caught and put Roma in trouble but she was happy that the boy had not seen her.

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