Part 7

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"Radhaji as you know madhu was in Delhi for her studies but now she wants to continue her studies here in Mumbai" Oh thats great" "But Radhaji there is a little problem and i have a request" "What tell me " "Madhu doesn't know anyone here other than me. SO could she stay with me here??" "For how long?" "Till madhu completes her studies may be 2 years after that she wil go back" "Two years that is very long Roma, i would have let her stay here if it was about a month or two but two years is very long and you know Roma the people will start talking about madhu if she stays here there are two young boys in the house" "Oh... no problem... I can understand but if madhu cant stay here then i will have to move out" "Roma i would have asked you stay at our guest house but some friends of kukuji are already there" "No problem radhaji let madhu stay here for few days until i find a house" "Oh madhu can stay here until you find a place , madhu can stay in the room stairs" "Let it be radhaji madhu will stay in my room" "No roma first of ll i am not letting madhu stay this atleast what i can do but when did madhu come here??" "She ... she came today only" "Ok now i will go and take rest. Madhu have dinner with us" saying this radha went to her room."Madhu so you are new to Mumbai" sikky asked "Yes I am" "What are you studying?" " I am in Architecture 4th year" "Thats great I am also in 4th year . Did you join any college" " No , i haven't decided any college yet" "You can take admission in my college it will be fun" "I will think about it " "Ok so shall i show you your room , mom has given you the room upstairs , My room is also upstairs" "Ok lets go" both madhu and sikky went."The first room is mine , the second is of bro RK and the last one is yours. Now i will also go and take a nap and i will give you the tour of our house before dinner" "Thank you sikky , you also take rest" "No need of thanks we are friends" later both of them went to their rooms respectively.

Rk was at his studio as some urgent work has come but he was thinking about what was happening at the house. He then called madhu to know what happened here madhu was laying on the bed in her new room thinking , radha's decision was something they least expected but she was also correct in her place now they had to find a place to live madhu was in her thoughts when her mobile started ringing without seeing the caller's name madhu knew it was RK as nobody had her number other him and roma "Hello Rk" "Hey madhu. How is everything at home , Did tai ask to mom about you , what did mom say?? You know i was going to be there but some urgent work came" "Everything is fine here. Your mom said i can stay here till Tai finds a house." "That means mom dint give you permission to say" Rk's voice sounded dull , madhu thought did Rk wanted her to stay?? "Yes she dint give me permission but no problem she is also right in her place" "Hmmm... madhu I have some work will talk to you later" "Ok bye" "Bye" after talking to Rk madhu slept.

Madhu woke up with the sound of continuous knocking on her door "Madhu !! Madhu!!" madhu got confused hearing the voice she was not able to recognize it "Wait , i am coming" she opened the door it was sikky "Hey madhu remember i said you that i will give you a tour of the house lets go" "Thanx sikky come lets go" when sikky and madhu were passing by RK's room , madhu was trying to peep in when sikky said" Hey what are you seeing. That is my bhai's room, I mean Rk's. Come i will introduce you to him, he came when you were sleeping" "No sikky let it , we will meet him later" "Ok as you wish". They were going when Rk came out of his room. "Hey sikky , Where you going and who is this?" "Bhai meet Madhu , she is the girl about whom tai keeps talking about and now my friend" "Oh , mom told me about her when i came home. Hi madhu , I am rk" "Hi" madhu replied she was shocked seeing Rk act so good infront of Sikky. "So are you both going down for dinner" "No bhai , Tai told me dinner will take 20 minutes more . So until that time i am showing madhu the house" "Ok you both will meet you at dinner table" saying this Rk went back to his room and sikky showed madhu the house.

At the dinner table Sikky kept talking to madhu and Radha also asked madhu many things but the person who was silent was RK he pretended as if he knew nothing about madhu and was least interested to know , he ate quickly and went back to his room. "Sikky is your brother always like this" "No , no bhai is not like that actually he doesn't mix with people easily. You cans say he takes time to trust people but once you befriend him you will know how good he is. He is the worlds best brother" "Oh looks like you are very close to him" "Yes I am , my dad's business is abroad so we rarely meet him. Bhai is like a father to me" "Thats good. You are very lucky person to have him then" "That I am" Sikky said.

After dinner madhu lay tossing on her bed in the new room she was not able to sleep.She got up and went to roma's room "Tai I want to sleep with you" madhu said making a child like face "Why ?? Radhaji gave you a room , she will feel bad if you dont stay there" "Tai but i cant sleep alone , we left my teddy at the village in hurry" "What !!! You still sleep with teddy bear madhu. I remember you did the same when you were small but look at you know" "Tai nothing has changed i still cant sleep in dark nor i can sleep alone. Please you come with me" "No madhu , you need to grow up you are 21 now. Go and sleep" Madhu went back to the room stomping her feet.

Rk was working on his laptop but he was thinking about madhu , he wanted madhu to stay in the last 3 days he has understood that madhu was a very nice girl and he liked her. From the time he came he wanted to talk to madhu but he was not able to. He messaged madhu "Good night" and then instantly came the reply "Good night Rk" he saw the time it was late he has finished his work and was planning to watch a movie."You dint sleep still??" he messaged madhu. "No was trying to came reply" "If you are not sleepy you can come to my room we could talk" "Some thing Important??" "No just casually" "ok open the door I am coming" Rk got up and opened the door at the same time Madhu came "Hi" "Hi" "Come in , sit madhu" "Thanks, I must say Rk you are wasting time in photography you should be a hero your place is in film industry" "Thanks but why??" "You are such a good actor!!!! I was so nervous when sikky introduced you to me but you were so relaxes about it" "That was necessary because that is how i behave with strangers" "Ya sikky told me about you" "Oh but why you dint sleep till now" "I dont like sleeping alone and tai was not letting me sleep with her" "But you lived in hostel" "Ya when i was in hostel i slept with my teddy , I was not alone" madhu replied , rk chuckled in response/ "Ok so what would you like to do , I was planning to watch a movie" "That's great i like watching movies" "Ok then lets watch movie, let me connect my laptop to the TV until that you get comfortable in the couch" "Rk which movie are we going to watch" "I was planning to watch Annabelle but you tell me what you want to see??" "No no lets watch Annabelle, i also wanted to watch the movie but i was alone so i was scared to watch it is very scary it seems" "Ok will watch that only" Rk started the movie and got seated beside madhu.

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