Part 18

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Madhu had a great day at college Sikky's friend had welcomed her very nicely they were very happy to have madhu with them. Trishna and riya liked madhu very much and even asked madhu to join them on Saturday shopping. Madhu was a very bright and on the first day itself she has impressed all the lecturers. After the classes, madhu was going to dance class when Sikky came to her "Madhu come lets go together, you can meet tai also" "No thanks Sikky. I am going to my house" "No problem I will drop you there" "I also have to do some work before going" "Okay so i will wait until you finish your work" "Sikky I can go" "Madhu you are my friend let me help you at least this much" "Thats very sweet of you but I think you should drop trish" madhu said with a wink "Um..aa...I " " Sikky it is clearly visible that you like her" "Are you serious ?? I am trying to drop hints since forever" madhu chuckled and said "I think she also likes you" "You think so" "Yes" "You know when ever i plan to talk to her Riya comes in middle, they both are always together even their houses are in the same lane" "What if I help you" "You are the best madhu" "I know but what will I get if I help you" "What do you want?" " Not anything big but for now you can get me a chocolate" "You will get it if I am able to take trish alone" "Done" madhu replied.

Madhu went and talked with riya and convinced her to let trishna go alone with Sikky and even Riya knew that trishna liked Sikky, so it was easy for madhu. Madhu was happy that she was able to help Sikky as Sikky was a very good friend and always tried to help her. On the other side Rk was missing madhu, he called her two times and that time she was in lecture amd when she called him back Rk was busy with the photo shot. Rk finished the shoot and was doing some editing work with bittu when his mobile ringed, he thought it must be madhu and checked the but to his disappointment it was Radha "Hello mom" "Rishu can you come home" "Yes mom but why" "Actually I have to go the airport and driver is on leave and Sikky is in college" "Okay mom I am coming in 20 minutes" "Okay" "Mom but who..." before Rk could complete the sentence Radha cut the call, Rk winded up his work and went to pick Radha.

While they were on the way to airport rk asked "Mom who is coming" "Its a surprise for you" "Let me guess" "Rishu cant you wait, you will get to know who it is any how" "Okay". They reached the airport when Radha stopped Rk and said "I am sorry Rishu" "What happened mom ?" "I know if I would have said this before you wouldn't have come with me" "What mom?" "Actually Mohan called yesterday night and said that he is coming today" "Are we here for him" "Yes" " I am here waiting in the car" "Try to be nice with him when he comes" "Okay" "Thanks". Rk was angry at his mother but then he controlled his anger and decided to be nice. After waiting for 15 minutes Radha returned with Mohan on her side "Hi Rishab" "Hi" "How are you?" "Fine" "Thanks for coming", Mohan said. The drive till the house was silent, after reaching Rk helped with the lugage and was going to his room when Mohan stopped him "Rishab beta wait" "Yes" "I have something for you", mohan said. Rk was confused Mohan never brought gifts for him "Here take this, It is the latest camera in the market", rk was shocked must be understatement "Thank you but I dont need it" "Its a gift from me" before Rk could reply Radha said "Rishu take it ,he has bought it for you with so much love" "Mom I .." "Please" radha pleaded. Rk moved forward and took the box from Mohans hand and said "Thank you but you dont need to spend on me" saying this Rk went to his room. It was evening and Rk was still in his room, sikky was also at home. Rk tried calling madhu but she messaged him "I am busy, will talk to you later" to which Rk replied "Call me when you get free by the way where are you? Miss you ".

Madhu was busy in her dance class so she couldn't take Rk's call in between madhu got some time so she calls Rk and rk picked on the first ring "Hi madhu" "Hi rk, I am at the dance class so couldn't take your call" "Which dance class and why?" "I forget to tell you, I am taking dance classes after college. I am good at dance so I thought I could earn like this and help tai" "Thats a very good idea but where are you taking the classes" "XYZ Academy" "When will your classes finish?" "Half an hour more" "Okay I am coming to pick you, wait for me" "No need Rk I will go" "Madhu I want to talk with you" "Everything alright ?" " I will tell you when we meet" "Okay bye" "bye". After the call Rk got ready and was going out when Radha called him "Rishu where are you going?" "I have some work Mom" "Be back before dinner time" "Mom I will be late after finishing my work I am going to tai's house she was asking me to have dinner at her house from many days and today was madhu's first day at college so will meet her also" "Okay ask Madhu from my side also and tell her to come here on Saturday" "I will", rk replied at that time Mohan said "Why will you have dinner at our servants house?? You dont need to go there we have some respect in the society!!" rk got very angry and said "Tai is not a servant she is like family to me. It wont be good if you dont take her name with respect next time" radha interrupted in between and said "Rishu dont speak like that" then Mohan took a deep breath and said "Rishab I dint mean to tell bad about, I wanted you to have dinner with me..." before mohan could complete his sentence Rk left.

Rk reached XYZ academy and went inside to search for madhu he was passing through many glass doors and atlast he came across the door in which madhu was there he kept staring at her from the glass door he couldn't hear the music but also he was lost in seeing madhu dance she looked so beautiful, innocent and happy. He dint know much time he kept staring her, his trance broke when someone came and asked what was he doing here before he could reply madhu came out with her bag and said, "Hi Rk, come lets go" "okay", rk replied. In the car madhu kept talking about her day at college and the dance class, when rk stopped the car at madhus house she said "Rk you wanted to tell me something" "Mohan came to India today" "Your father ...???" "Yes" "Oh" "Madhu he is behaving very nicely with me and dint taunt me also" "Thats good right" "No madhu, something is fishy" "Rk if he trying to mend the relation between you both, you should also try" "Madhu he brought me a latest and very costly camera" "Rk you should try to see the positive side of things" "You dont get it madhu. He wanted me to join the business with him but I chose photography and he was dead against it. When ever he came, he used to ask to join business with him. According to him I was bringing shame to the family name by doing photography" "He must have changed his views" "I dont think so madhu" "You also be good with him and be careful thats all what I can say" "I will try to" "Are you coming up?" "Yes I am having dinner with you and tai" "Thats great tai will be very happy" "She was asking me to come from few days" "Rk you are having dinner with us because tai asked or because you dont want to have with your dad" "You are getting smart day by day" "Yes I am, its the effect of your company" "Look at the positive side madhu ... I am having dinner with you and then we all will go for ice cream" "The positive side seems very nice" " I said you" saying this Rk gave a quick kiss to madhu on her cheek and they went up.

Rk had great time with roma and madhu after dinner rk forced roma to come out with them for ice cream. At night rk lay on the bed with a smile playing on his face, the end of the day was perfect for him, madhu's smile was like a magic for him which made him forget all his all his worries.


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