Part 10

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Roma lay on bed thinking about the day, Roma din't have any family the money she earned working all these years went into her savings but today she had spent lot of money. She was happy that her money came into use she felt proud that she was able to pull madhu out of the hell and give her new life. Rk was ready to sponsor madhus studies, nothing could have been more better than this roma thought and slept with a peaceful smile on her face. Madhu stood in the balcony with a cup of coffee in her hand she was very happy today, her life has taken many turns but she was happy being in Mumbai. She had found a great friend in Rk who always surprised her in his own ways. She felt very secure and special with him , he always took care of her little needs from remembering she din't have her breakfast , gifting her a teddy to bringing two ice creams for her. Madhu took her phone and messaged him Good night and went to sleep.

Next morning Rk checked his phone and saw Madhu's message and replied "Good morning Sleeping Beauty. Have a great day". Rk got ready and went down for breakfast. Roma was setting the table when he came down "good morning Tai" "Good morning Rishab" "Where is Madhu " "She is at home sleeping" "Oh when will you go back???" "In the evening" "So Tai what about Madhu's admission" "I have no idea about admission process and other things.When ever you are free you take her with you" "Okay I will but you dint tell her right that i am sponsoring" "No I dint. When will the college start?" "Sikky was telling me in two weeks and I will let you know when I am free" "Thank you Rishab you are doing a great help" "No need to thank me Tai. We are a family" "Okay now eat your breakfast I too have to do my work" said Roma and went back to kitchen.

Rk was very busy that day, he had two projects to be completed this month and for one he had to go Delhi. He wanted to finish his work soon as he wanted to go with madhu for her admission. He also had postponed yesterdays photoshoot as he had to help Roma with shifting. While he was having his lunch he checked his phone , Madhu's message was there "Good morning Rk its actually 12 now so Good noon. Have a good day". Rk replied "I know you are sleeping beauty so you getting up at 12 is nothing new" and his phone buzzed again "Why do you call me sleeping beauty??" he chuckled reading her message. Here Madhu has just got up from her sleep she knew Roma must be at Radhaji's house she started eating her break fast and chatting with RK as he called her sleeping beauty she started thinking of possible reasons when her phone buzzed again "I call you sleeping beauty because... you are always sleeping and are beautiful" Madhu blushed reading his message " I am not always sleeping and thanks fore the compliment. You also look good" madhu messaged him with a grin plastered on her face and her phone buzzed again " Don't worry sleeping beauty you look very beautiful in your sleep also. Now I have to work will talk to you later". Madhu blushed again she always gets to see a new side of Rk, but now she was liking his flirting nature also. Madhu had nothing to do the rest of the day she put on curtains, cushion covers and many things. Everything was looking perfect.

At night Roma completed her cooking and was going back to her house when Rk came "Tai where are you going" "I am going back home Madhu is alone" "I will drop you Tai and I am free tomorrow we can go for Madhu's admission also" "Thats great I will tell her" Roma replied. Rk dropped Roma at her house he was waiting for her to ask him to come up but she dint to Rk's disappointment. Rk wanted to see Madhu. After Roma went in he took his mobile and messaged her "Hi Madhu" he waited for her reply sitting in his car. After a few minutes his phone buzzed "Hi Rk now only Tai came so replied you late". Rk replied "Yes I know, I only dropped her home". Madhu smiled reading his message Rk always cared for Tai he never treated her like a maid, she messaged him "Thats very good. So what are you doing?" "Me??Waiting outside of your house" Madhu got shocked "What !!Why ??". Rk thought for a while and messaged "I am waiting to catch a glimpse of you" Madhu got confused was he really there or was just saying. She hurriedly went to the balcony to her surprise Rk was really there. Rk looked out of the window and waved at her. Madhu smiled at him and waved back. she messaged him "Why are you waiting?" Rk replied "I said you before just wanted to see you Now I am going good bye" he started his car and went off . Until Madhu read the message Rk was leaving her surprised. She thought he was crazy and messaged him "Bye" and went inside her room.

Later at night while having dinner Roma said "Madhu tomorrow you are going with Rk" "Where?" "For your admission Madhu , he said he will take you tomorrow" Ok thats great at what time??" "He dint mention that Madhu but in my diary there is his number you talk to him" "Ok Tai I will" After finishing the dinner Madhu went to her room and messaged Rk "So we are going out tomorrow" In few minutes Rk replied "Yes sleeping beauty we are going, be ready till 10 o clock in the morning" "Okay I will be. Thanks for helping" "No need to thank Madhu" "Okay bye good night" "Good night Dream about me" Rk messaged madhu. Madhu got shocked Rk was openly flirting with her but she was enjoying it she liked Rk as he was a very nice person "Why will I dream about you??" "Because...I...I am RK. Good night "Rk replied Madhu chuckled reading the message. Her day was incomplete without talking to Rk.

Next morning Rk woke up late as he din't have to go to work today. It was in the morning when he messaged Madhu "Good morning sleeping beauty. Be ready will come to pick you at 10" After that Rk went to get ready. Here Madhu was awake and confused what to wear when she got Rk's message. From almost half an hour she was checking her clothes what to wear. This was not the first time they were going together but Madhu wanted to dress nicely . After a lot of confusion she chose a whit top with blue denim and got ready. Madhu got Rk's message "I will reach your home in 5 minutes. You come down" Madhu closed everything locked the house and came down Rk was already there. Madhu opened the front door and sat remembering what happened last time when she sat in the back seat. Madhu was in her thoughts, Rk turned towards her , his eyes traveled below and he realized Madhu forgot the seat belt. "Madhu" he said but she stayed lost deep in the thoughts of their first outing. Rk moved nearer to her taking the belt from the opposite side, his eyes halt melting with her chocolate brown eyes,there were so many deep emotions hidden. Rk lost himself in her eyes, Madhu's eyes blinked twice as her trance broke feeling Rk"s breath near her. She startled making Rk come back to earth. "I ... I... Madhu ...I was tying your seat belt. You forgot" Madhu dint tell anything her heart was beating fast she just nodded her head in response Rk stretched the belt locking it as his head touched Madhu, she flinched. Rk smirked seeing what his proximity was doing to her, he pulled himself back and started to drive.

The drive was a silent none of them spoke Madhu kept looking out of the window while Rk kept driving, the reached the college Rk stopped the car and said "Madhu this is going to be your new college. Come lets go inside " "Oh its beautiful. Lets go" Madhu replied. Rk and Madhu both went. The college campus was very big and beautifully built, Rk knew where the office was so they directly went. Rk took the admission form and gave to Madhu "Madhu read everything and fill it properly" Rk said. "Umm Rk I dont have a pen" "What !!!! You dint bring a pen, We came here for your admission Madhu" Rk searched his pocket and took out a pen and gave to Madhu.

Madhu started filling the form, after it was completed she turned towards Rk who was busy doing something in his phone "Rk I have completed filling the form" "Okay go and submit it" Rk said still busy in his phone, after a few seconds Rk looked towards Madhu "Madhu go and submit it" "Rk come with me" "Madhu go, I have to send a mail" "I will wait till you finish. I wont go alone" "What!! Why??" "Its new place Rk I wont go alone. What if I get lost??" "Madhu now only we went to the office" "Ya but now we are out here" "Okay lets go" Rk said , he was again confused with Madhu's behavior like always she was a mystery for him. They both went to the office and Rk submitted it "Madhu they need your certificates" "Umm...Rk... I dont have them" "What!! Madhu did you bring anything with you" "No, actually I dont have them" "Where are they then??" "They are at my previous college in Delhi" "Madhu then how will you get admission here. Your certificates are very important for your admission" "But I dont have them" "okay let me talk and see if something can happen" Rk said and went. Madhu stood there with her fingers crossed, she wanted the admission to happen Roma had many hopes with her education. Rk came with a dejected look "What happened??" Madhu asked "There is a big problem now Madhu. They are not ready to admit you without your certificates" "OH.. so what will we do now" "Lets go for lunch we will talk there about it" "Hmmm lets go" Madhu replied. They both went to a restaurant for lunch.

While they were having lunch Rk said "Madhu what will you do about your certificates now?" "I don't know Rk I never thought about all this. Everything happened so suddenly. I was in my village for vacation and then everything happened and I am here" So why don't you go back to Delhi and your certificates? " "How can I go alone??" "Hmm this is also a problem but Madhu you can come with me" "What??" "I actually have a photoshoot in Delhi I will be going there for a week , so you can come with me to Delhi if you want I you don't have any problem and you trust me" "Rk I trust you but the thing is will Tai agree" "I don't know but you can try as certificates are must if you want to continue your studies" Rk said.

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