Part 17

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Madhu and Rk were at Rk's house as bittuji has brought their luggage from delhi , roma was also there. Radhaji has asked madhu and roma to stay for dinner and they agreed. Madhu was talking with Sikky and both of them decided that they would go to college tomorrow and complete madhu's admission process. Rk saw madhu and sikky talking and making plans, he smiled at them and went to his room as he knew there was no reason to be jealous. He wanted to tell madhu about how he felt for her but then he decided to wait for the perfect moment.

Next day Sikky and Madhu went to the college and completed madhu's admission as the college was starting one day later, they also went and bought the books needed for the next semester. After that they went to shopping as Sikky wanted to buy some new clothes. Madhu saw many things and also liked a few but she knew she couldn't waste money by shopping even though roma has given her money to spend but them madhu saw a thing and decided for buy that for Rk and she hope that he liked it too. Later they went to Rk's house and luckily Rk was also there "Hi madhu" "Hi Rk" "So is the admission over??" "Yes atlast, I will start going from day after and you know we even bought the books. I am excited" "That very good but madhu how will you do the travelling" "I will go by bus Rk" "Madhu you can go with Sikky if you want" "No rk thanks but I want to go on my own" "As you wish but remember you can call me whenever you want" "I know, How is your work going" "Good, bittuji is back so will start everything from tomorrow. Madhu I need to do some work so I am going to my room" "Okay" madhu replied and rk went. Madhu sat in the hall for few minutes after that she took the gift she brought for rk and went to his room nervously.

The door was open so madhu entered silently, she thought to keep the gift on the bed and leave. While madhu was keeping the gift on the bed she heard the door getting closed "So madhu you came here also" "..I... that.." "What is that in your hand" rk said and took the gift from madhus hand "Is it for me madhu??" rk asked with excitement "Yes Rk" madhu replied and rk started opening it. There was a note attached to it "Thanks for being there Rk" rk read and said "Madhu I will always be there for you, forever. You dont have to do this" "No rk I wanted to give you this. You open it fast" "Okay" rk replied. It was a wrist watch "Madhu this is so cool. You know, I love watches" "Yes thats why I brought one for you " "but madhu how do you know?" "I saw your collection in the room once so i guessed it" "Thanks alot madhu" rk said and gave a peck on her cheeks, madhu blushed. They heard Radhu calling Rk "Madhu mom is calling. I will go" "Okay I also have to go" both of them went down. "Rishab you have to come with me tomorrow" "where mom?" "We have to go for a wedding. Its your fathers friend son's as you father will be not able to attend it we have to go" "Mom you know right I dont believe in this marriages and all" "Rishab I am just asking you to attend with me" "Mom.." "Please beta, your dad wouldn't like if you dont go" "Mom if i go or not your husband will never like me" "Rishab !!!! This is not the way you talk about your father" "He is not my father" "He is. Your denying wont change it" "Mom i dont want to start this same old argument again" "I am just asking you to come with me. Please for my sake" "Okay but this is the last time" "Okay" radha replied and went to her room. Madhu stood there and heard what all happened she dint understand why Rk got this much when radhaji told about his father. It was clearly visible from Rk's face that he was upset so madhu wanted to talk to him "Rk will you drop me home , tai said it will take more than a hour for her to leave" madhu asked making a very cute face seeing which rk couldn't refuse "Okay come".

The drive till madhu's home was silent, when rk stopped the car madhu dint get out of the car but started speaking "Rk i dont know if I should say this or not but you shouldn't have talked like that with aunty, she was hurt" "Madhu you dont know anything about it " "You can share with me Rk if you want , you feel better" "Madhu my mom and dad had a love marriage, we all lived happily but one day my dad died in a accident, i was so sad but you know what my mom did she mariied his brother. All the love and the promises my mother did to my dad dies with my fathers death. I couldn't believe she did that after saying how much she loved him. I never accepted Mohan as my dad he always will be my mom's husband and sikky's father but never mine, he never liked me then why should I. I forgave my mom for marrying him because I knew my dad wouldn't like me being angry on mom" "But Rk you should try to be good with him" "Let it be madhu" "Have fun in the wedding tomorrow" "This weddings are also fun madhu, you make promises and all but one day you break them, marriages ruin the love" "no Rk its not like that" "It is madhu you dont know. I have to go madhu, I have to complete my work" "Okay bye take care Rk" "Bye" madhu replied.

Next day madhu got a good morning message from Rk she replied to him but after that there were no messages from Rk. madhu went to a dance school as they needed a dance teacher for the kids and madhu was a very good dancer. She decided to join it as she was getting good amount of money with which she could help Roma. After college hours she had to go there and take classes for 4 hours. Roma also dint have any problem with it as she knew madhu loved dancing and it would help them financially. Madhu called Rk two to three times but either his phone was not reachable or busy. At night madhu got a message from Rk "Hi sleeping beauty , hope you are awake" "Hi rk yes I am awake" "I had a very busy so was not able to talk to you" "No problem Rk but I missed you" "I missed you too madhu. if you are free now and can come lets go for a ice cream" "I would love to come Rk but I have college tomorrow and I want to sleep early as i dont want to be sleepy on the first day" "Okay all the best for tomorrow" "Thank you, good night and dream about me" "Madhu you stole my line" "Yes I did but dont you want to dream about me?" "Yes I want to. Good night , take care" after few minutes again madhu's mobile buzzed it was k's message "Madhu go and check the balcony" madhu got confused reading it but she went to the balcony. There was a bunch of roses kept with a note "All the best for tomorrow". Madhu smiled reading it and took the roses and went back in the the room. She called Rk then "Hi Rk , thanks for the roses they are so pretty" "You are welcome madhu" "but rk how did you put them in the balcony" "I climbed the pipe and and came inside your balcony then went" "What !!!" "First i thought to aim and throw in you balcony but what if they get spoiled and I also wanted to see you" "You should have said me" "I dint want to disturb you , You have college tomorrow. So sleep well" "Thanks again. Bye" madhu replied.


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