Part 20

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Madhu lay on bed thinking about the day's events, she dint know that in a day her life would feel beautiful, worth living.

She loved Rk but she dint think that he would also love her back.

Whole her life she has wished for someone who would love her unconditionally, Rk was the answer to her prayers.

The confession was beautiful nothing was planned he dint give her roses or gifts but his heart touching words made it beautiful.

Everything felt like a bliss, a melody, a beautiful dream which madhu never wanted to end.

Rk was the silver lining in her life, the lining which made her to believe again in herself.

Madhu was in her thoughts when she remembered that rk has asked her to call after reaching home.

She took her teddy and her mobile and went to the balcony then she called Rk but to her disappointment Rk dint pick the call but he messaged her "Busy now. Sleep tight sleeping beauty , love you".

Rk asked bittu to drop madhu at her house and went to Mohan.

"Bittuji said you were looking for me" "Yes I wanted to talk something important with you" "Tell me"

"Lets talk in the garden" "Okay" rk replied and followed mohan out, he was confused about what mohan wanted to talk to him.

"Rishab I know we never had a good relation between us. I know I could have tried to be a good father but I dint..." "I already know but why are you telling me this ??"

"Because I need your help" "What help??" "I need money to start working on this project. I have been facing loss from the last few months, this is my last chance to keep my business going or else I will have to close this"

"Okay I will give you money" "Are you serious??" Mohan asked in shock. "Yes I am. I also know that we have never been on good terms but you have always given me what ever I wanted. You have always taken care of my expenses. Whatever I have earned till now has just gone into saving" "Thank you so much" mohan replied.

Rk moved forward and sat on the bench, he was not able to understand why he agreed to help Mohan, may be because he was in a good mood or may he knew that this would help him mend his relations with Mohan.

Rk was in his thoughts when Mohan came again and said "Rishab can I sit here??" before rk could replied his mobile started ringing, it was madhu's call he then turned towards mohan.

"Rishab I don't mind if you are busy" "No I am not, you can sit here" rk replied he cut madhus call and messaged her.

Rk and Mohan sat on the bench but dint talk after few minutes Mohan broke the silence and said

"If bhaisaab was alive, he would have been very proud of you"

"Do you really think dad will be proud of me??"

"Yes Rishab you are a very nice person. Dont think I am telling you all this because you agreed to help me"

"If I am a nice person why do you hate me ?"

"I dont hate you Rishab, life hasnt been on our side. Bhaisaab was my elder brother, he was always good at everything. I felt that he over shadowed me, everyone asked me to follow his foot steps. I loved and respected him but the constant comparison made me hate him but not really. His death was a sudden blow for me, I was asked to marry your mother, take the responsibility of the house the business that's when I realized that he never over shadowed me but he always helped me. I was so used to of his guidance, I felt nothing without him. I started feeling guilty for the times when I shouted at him when i said him that he was the problem in my life, I was always wrong. You always reminded me of him so I decided that it would be best ignoring you. I had a big business to handle and a big family to take care of , I don't know how time passed after that you dint want to accept me as your father and I dint care. I never did a thing that made me your father , I am sorry Rishab"

"You cannot give me my childhood back nor we can change what happened but we can start everything again"

"You know you are a lot like your father. I am glad that you are giving me this chance and I promise you to get on your expectations, I will try to be the best father at least now"


" Now I need to go inside"

"Yes, you go. Good Night" "Good night" mohan replied.

Next day Rk got up in a very good mood everything in his life was changing for good.

He got ready and went down for breakfast, mohan sikky and radha were already seated.

Rk joined them and sat beside Mohan "Good Morning"

"Good Morning Rishab" mohan replied with a smile.

"Did you sleep well?" "Yes I did. Are you going to the studio today ?" "Yes but why did you ask?" "Nothing special. If you are free come home we will have lunch together"

"Okay, I will come" "Thats great" mohan replied.

Radha and Sikky stared at each other in shock, they have never seen Rk and Mohan have a decent conversation but today they were smiling at each other.

Rk started his breakfast and messaged madhu "Good Morning Sleeping Beauty. Ready for college??"

After few minutes madhu replied "I am very sleepy Rk dont disturb me"

"Dear Sleeping Beauty do you want your Prince Charming to come and kiss you to wake you up"

"I wish" "Seriously!! I am coming in 10 minutes" "No rk ... I need to get up and get ready for college or else I will be late"

"You just broke my heart madhu" "Awww... no problem. You can come to pick me up after dance class"

"That sounds good" "So bye for now. Have to get ready" "Okay by the way I have something important to tell" "So tell me now" "You have to get ready now. Will tell you when we meet"

"Rk you said its important" "It can wait madhu. You need to get ready that is important now" "Nothing is more important than you so tell me now"

"Me and Mohan have decided to start everything again. I am so happy" "I am also very happy for you rk" "Things are falling into places madhu. I hope this happiness stays"

"It will. Bye, love you" "Love you more" rk replied.

Rk came home for lunch that day, radha was shocked to see rk and mohan talking happily.

They had lunch together while talking to Mohan Rk realized that Mohan wasnt that bad it is just that life made him look bad.

After lunch was over Rk went to the kitchen where he met Roma

"Hi tai , how are you?" "I am fine Rishab but you look very happy"

"Yes tai, I am happy" "I have seen you and Mohanji talking happily"

"Things are changing tai" "I am glad" "Tai you said you will make laddos for me"

"Rishab beta I made them but I forgot them at home" "Oh" "Here, take this house keys go and bring them. I am forgot them on the sofa in a blue packet"

"Let it be tai" "Rishab go and get them or else they will spoil" "Okay tai. Thanks" rk replied and went.

Rk entered the house with the keys Roma has given him , he saw the packet on the sofa for which he came.

He felt thirsty so he decided to drink water when he was going towards the kitchen he heard some voice coming from a room , he slowly peeped in the room to check only to find madhu there.

Madhu had her earphones plugged in and she was listening to some song and singing along , she was standing on the bed and dancing too.

Her hands moved carelessly in the air , her hips jutting out in sexy postures and few strands of hairs kept falling on her face continuously.

Rk found himself gulping hard while madhu had no idea what havoc she had created.

Rk wanted to kiss her senselessly, she looked cute and sexy at the same time.

Rk went inside the room towards the bed and said "Madhu" a bit loudly which made madhu startle and fall off the bed in Rk's protective arms.

Rk held her tight in his arms he took madhu's lips in his and did what he intended to do, kiss her senselessly.

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