Part 22

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It was afternoon when Rk woke up, he took a shower and went down.

Roma was talking to Radha about the boy for Madhu and madhu sat silently beside Roma. They were planning the meeting of madhu and the boy.

Rk felt betrayed, tears came into his eyes he clenched his jaw blinking them away angrily hating the helplessness that came with them.

He tried to tell himself that until he took a decision it dint matter what she did, she was not tied to him in any way but he knew that it would just be a lie, it was true that she was not tied to him but the bond made by heart are much stronger than any other ties.

He was in his thoughts when madhu turned towards him, he could see the sadness in her eyes but he could also see hope in her eyes which killed him inside .

He turned and was going to his room when he saw Mohan

"Good Afternoon Rishab"

"Good Afternoon"

"You dint come for breakfast and also saw that you came home very late last night. Is everything Okay?"

"Yes" rk replied and went to his room.

As soon as rk entered he heard a knock on the door, it was Mohan

"I said you everything is fine"

"I know but I know that everything is not fine. I saw you looking at madhu and even saw the way Madhu looked back. What is going on between you both"


"Tell me Rk, give me a chance may be I can help"

"I love Madhu"

"I know"


"I can understand and I have also observed you both on the day of party. She also love you right"

"Yes she loves me"

"Then what is the problem? And yesterday Radha told me that they are looking for a boy for madhu"

"Thats the problem. Tai wants madhu to get married"

"So marry her"

"I dont want to"


"I don't believe in them. Marriages makes the love fade away. I don't understand what is the need to marry if you love someone"

"Rishab when you love her don't you want her to stay with you forever"

"I want to"

"Then marry her"

"Marriages dont work"

"Two people have to make their marriage work with love, trust, faith, compromise, sharing and giving, all these things make a marriage successful"

Rk realized that he was ready to spend his entire life loving Madhu and that is exactly what he did every moment he spent with her.

He couldn't lose his madhu just because he doesn't believe in marriages he had to give a chance for her, for him, for their love.

"I know what I have to do"

"Rishab i hope you have taken the right decision and I am glad you listened to me. I guess I have helped" Mohan  said.

Rk got up and hugged Mohan

"Thanks Dad, thanks for helping"

mohan hugged rk back, he felt that he was on seventh sky, Rk has called him dad for the first time in his life.

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