Part 8

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Rk's sleep got disturbed because of the sun rays falling on his face, he tried to turn or move but wasn't able to his back was also paining irritatingly he opened his eye only to realize that he was on the couch with madhu almost hugging him and sleeping . He tried to recall what happened last night , both of them were watching the movie and madhu was getting very scared she slowly started shifting to closer and when ever the scary doll would come madhu would hide behind but Rk dint remember when they slept. Rk turned towards madhu she was looking so mesmerizing just like a innocent angel. Rk kept staring her after few minutes he realized what was happening he started to wake madhu up but he also dint want madhu to go "Madhu get up you have to go back to your room its 6 in the morning" "Ummm... no I want to sleep" "Sleeping beauty you can continue your sleep in your room but if Tai finds you here , you would be in a problem"rk said , hearing the word tai madhu woke she was shock to find herself in Rk's bedroom "Sorry Rk , i dont know when i slept... sorry again i will go back to my room now" "Ok go fast" madhu went back to her room and continued her sleep unaware that she took rk's sleep with her. Rk tried to sleep but was not able so he got up and went for his jog.

The rest of the day went boring for madhu she had nothing to do Roma went out and sikky had also gone out somewhere, Rk was also at his office and he also dint message her. Later at night everyone was there at the dinning table Sikky was telling about he enjoyed with his friends today and Rk as usual was eating his food silently. After dinner madhu went to Roma's room and sat , roma was very worried she has went in search for a house today but there was no progress "Sorry tai , it is all because of me" "No madhu why it is because of you ??" "I should have stayed at the village and have done what my parents said" "No madhu , how can you say like that. This trouble is nothing infront of what you had to face, you are like my daughter madhu how could i let you suffer. This is your life and you will make decision for yourself. You are not a puppet in someone's hand" "I know Tai" "Madhu I am very hurt how could you say that you should have listened to your parents by the way why did you agree to them at first. What if i had not come ??? Your life had be ruined" "Tai i agreed because they are my parents , i thought they have changed. I was very happy that they were thinking about me" "Did you really think they would ???" "They are my parents Tai" "PARENTS !!!! you call them parents they dont deserve to be called your parents. Have they ever treated you like their daughter" " NO, They did not treat me as their daughter as i was not. I was adopted tai , they gave me life and i am grateful to them" "I know madhu you are adopted but they adopted you as their daughter and they have responsibilities towards you. I know they adopted you for their own selfish motives but they dont have any right to play with your life"roma said , tears started flowing from madhu's eyes "Please Tai let it be I dont want remember all that. We are here now ,we will start a new life" madhu said and hugged roma tight "Madhu please dont cry , I dont want to see your tears and i dint want to get angry on you but i was tensed and then you said that ... I am sorry beta" "No need to tell sorry tai , I wont repeat that again".

Madhu entered her room she was feeling very sad thinking of her past made her go weak.She sat on her bed and saw packet was kept there she dint remember keeping anything on the bed. She opened it there was a very cute teddy bear in it, madhu liked it the first look. Then madhu noticed a note was also there in a packet she opened it

"Sleep peacefully Sleeping beauty , Good Night" -RK ^_^

Madhu smiled reading the note she took her phone and messaged thank you to RK. She knew if she waited for his message they would start talking but she was not in a mood to talk to anyone , she hugged the teddy and slept. On the the other side Rk was waiting for madhu's message he had kept the teddy long back then came madhu's message. He replied "you are always welcome !!! How was your day ?". Rk waited for madhu's reply but it dint come he thought she must have slept. Rk wanted to talk to madhu he wanted to know about her he was curious to know about her and she always left him confused. Yesterday Radha spoke to him about madhu she told him that madhu was here to complete her studies but he knew that was not the reason. He wanted to know why madhu was here , Roma was the only person other than madhu who could answer his questions but will roma tell him the truth. Rk thought of a trick and went to Roma.

"Rishab beta you here!! DO you want anything??" "No tai , I came to talk to you" "Anything important?" "No much tai but mom told me about madhu and she also told me that you are moving out" "Yes rishab beta , radhaji doesn't want madhu to stay here and madhu wants to stay with me" "Tai if you want i will talk to mom" "Let it be rishab, radhaji is also right" "So where is madhu going to take her admission" "We have not planned anything yet" "But madhu is here for studies right , Why dont you ask her to join Siiky's college. If you want I will help you with the admission process"rk said. Roma was in a fix now , she has said everyone that madhu is here for studies but the arrangement for money of her studies was not done. "So tai we will go to Sikky's college tomorrow" "No Rishab beta !!!" "Why tai??" "Rishab what should i hide from you. The fact is madhu has come here leaving her parents to stay with me and I want her to complete her studies" "Why she left her parents tai???" "Beta it is something personal and it is about madhu she wont like it if I share it with anyone without her permission" "Okay ...So what about her studies???" "I have said her that i would make her complete her studies but rishab i dont have that much money and rent of the house is also there. I am trying to do arrangement for money lets see what happens" "Oh , tai did you find a house??" "No rishab i am search of it. I want a house near to this place because I have to come here for work also" "Yes that is also necessary" Rk said he thought few seconds about madhu and then said "Tai why are you making arrangement of money from some where ... I will sponsor madhu's studies" "No rishab , I will manage but thank you " "Tai am I not like your family let me help" "You are but let me talk to about it to madhu first" "Tai dont tell my name to madhu she wont agree... i think . Let it be between both of us" "As you wish but give me some time to think about it" "Ok tai let me know about it later" "I will" "Ok now i will go and sleep.Good night tai" "Good night".

Next day Rk was busy with his work but he was thinking about madhu. He wanted roma to agree as he wanted to help madhu and the thought that they will be moving out was disturbing him he wanted madhu to stay, madhu has not replied to his message which he send yesterday night he was waiting for her to message him. On the other side Sikky has asked madhu if she wanted to go out for lunch with him. Madhu asked roma if she could go and roma agreed. Madhu got ready and was waiting for sikky , she thought to message rk and let him know that she was going out yesterday she slept and dint reply to him so she was confused about what to tell now. Madhu took her mobile and thought to call him then decided against it and messaged him "Hi Rk , Sorry i slept early yesterday ! Hope you are having a good day. I am going out for lunch with sikky" then came the instant reply "What ???" madhu got confused reading the message she crossed check her message to check if she send him something wrong. Her phone started to ring it was Rk's call , she picked up the call "Madhu you are going with Sikky??" "Yes, is there any problem" "No ... but ... that ... Where are you both going" "What !! You dont know and you are going" "Come on Rk he is my friend now and by the way i dont know any places here" "Ask him where you both are going" "Ok wait a minute"madhu said "Sikky !!! Sikky !! Where are we going for lunch ???" "Why do you want its a surprise" rk who was able to hear everything from his mobile was fuming with anger "Tell me Sikky where are we going" "Madhu we are going to XYZ hotel" "Ok" madhu said. "Hello rk you there , we are going to XYZ hotel" "ok bye" rk cut the call, Sikky got ready and both of them went.Here Rk asked bittuji to handle everything and started for XYZ hotel, when he entered the hotel the scene infront him left him stunned.

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