Part 2

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When Roma reached the house she was shocked to see the door unlocked she remembered locking it properly she got worried for madhu she rushed to her and felt relief when she saw madhu reading a book laying on the bed. "Madhu I am glad you are Ok, I got so worried seeing the door unlocked Who came?" "I dont know a boy came with a bag and directly went upstairs" "Did he see you???" "No, he dint see me, when i heard some noise I thought you have returned , but then I saw him , he was climbing stairs. Seeing him I came back to the room and sat here, after that I didn't hear anything." "I guess that was Rishab . he was supposed to return today" "Oh he is the elder son right!!" "Yes he is, now Madhu you have to be very careful I dont want to get you in any trouble" "I wont get in any trouble dont worry that much, if also I get caught and they ask me to leave the house we can sell my laptop and do the arrangements ,by the way the laptop will not be in use for me until I start my studies" "No Madhu don't even think of doing that , your studies are the first priority for me. If its about your living arrangement I have savings by which we can surely rent a nice place to live or we can put you in a hostel if you want. As far as I remember the last three years you were in hostel in Delhi." "Yes I was in hostel but I hated it I want to live with you no matter how many problems we face please." "I also want to stay with you beta but I really hope Radhaji lets you stay here with me . She is a very kind hearted lady like I really have very high hopes with her . And now let me go and check on Rishab if he needs anything" "Okay you go."

Roma went to Rishab's room and knocked twice there was no response, she thought he must have slept . She returned back to go to her room when she heard the door open "Roma Tai you here?" "Yes beta I wanted to ask you if you had your dinner or would you like to eat something" "No need, I had my dinner on the way but you are here as I remember you were supposed to go on a week leave. You said you were going to the village right" "Yes I went to village but I returned back yesterday night" "Oh!! good I was worried about eating food from outside and did you meet the girl, whom you always talk about" Roma got tensed hearing this question everyone in this house knew about Madhu as she always kept talking about her,she was scared to tell Rishab that she had brought Madhu here. She had no idea how he would react. "Roma Tai where are you lost you look worried " "No its nothing" "If there is something you can tell me. We are like family right" "Yes Rishab there is a problem . I will talk to you after Radhaji returns" "If there is anything I can do let me know" "God bless you beta and how was your trip?" "My trip was good but you know the models keep throwing tantrums and I find it very difficult to keep calm. I have some pending work will complete it and sleep but it would be good if you could give me coffee" "Ok I will bring coffee" Roma said.

Roma went to the kitchen and started making coffee. She was in a dilemma of telling Rishab about Madhu or not she knew that Rishab was a very good boy, he had always helped her he never treated her like a maid , he always regarded her as a family member but Roma didn't want to take any risk. She wanted to wait till Radha returns if they don't allow Madhu to live with her Roma has decided to move out of the house and live with Madhu somewhere else. Roma made the coffee and went to give Rishab upstairs "Rishab beta here is your coffee" "Thanx Roma Tai this was much needed" "But sleep soon" "I will" .

Madhu waited in the room for Roma to come but she was late and Madhu slept reading the book. When Roma came Madhu was already sleeping ,she kissed Madhu on her forehead, took a bed sheet and spread on the floor and slept as the bed was a small one two people couldn't sleep on it. Here Rishab was doing his work it was late night and he was feeling sleepy, the coffee Roma brought for him had become cold. He decided to reheat it and drink it.

Rishab took the mug of coffee and went to the kitchen to reheat it. He had to submit the pictures for the magazine tomorrow in the evening but he knew that if he would sleep now he will not be able to complete the work. He also had one more shoot day after tomorrow . This week had a very hectic schedule for him. After reheating the coffee he was going back to his room. On the other hand Madhu woke up she felt thirsty the jug in the room was empty, she thought the boy has returned today only he must be sleeping I can go and bring water myself why wake up Roma. She decided to go the kitchen. When Rishab was almost at the top of the stairs he heard some noise , he turned back to see what it was. He was shocked to see a girl, how could someone enter his house at this time he thought .He took out his mobile from the pocket to check the time it was late midnight again he turned to see the girl but the girl has disappeared. He thought he is very tired and is working on the pictures of the models thats why his mind is playing tricks but the girl was lt more beautiful than models. He decided to complete his work quickly and sleep. Here Madhu filled the jug and went back unaware of the confusion she put Rishab in.

Madhu got up in the morning only to find Roma missing she thought Roma must have went to cook. She slowly got to the door and opened it a little she couldn't see anything she slowly tip toed of the room and stood hiding behind the pillar. The boy she saw yesterday was sitting on the table and was having his breakfast with Roma. "How could Tai eat with that boy when I am here, I will get angry on her once she comes to the room" Rishab felt some movement near the pillar but there was nothing. After the breakfast Rishab went to submit his work and Roma came to room with breakfast for Madhu "Come Madhu have breakfast " "No I don't want to eat any thing " "Madhu what happened " "Did you eat your breakfast" "Oh now I understand, you are angry on me that I had my breakfast but Madhu how do you know?" Roma asked. Madhu started to think for a reason as she couldn't tell that she came out. "You brought only one plate so I guessed" "Beta he was not willing to eat alone so I also ate with him. Now don't be a kid and eat" "Only if you feed me with your hands" "I would love to" Roma replied. After feeding Madhu Roma went to the terrace to get the pickle. Madhu came to the hall searching for Roma, at the same time Rishab came home he had forgotten some important things in hi s room He parked the car and was going in the house when he again saw the girl near the stairs. He started rushing then the watchman called him. "What happened ???" He asked getting irritated. "Sir you forgot your keys at the car" "Thank you " Rishab replied and turned to see the girl but she again disappeared. Rishab felt like kicking himself why did he have to forget the keys but he was confused, was the girl real? Rishab went to his room and took the things for which he came, he saw the balcony door open he went to close it but again he saw the girl in the backyard near his mother's rose plant. She was admiring them. He left everything and ran downstairs and went to the back door as it was the entrance for the backyard. He pushed the door and realized that he is lucky this time as the girl was real and was standing near the rose plant.

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