Part 21

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"Rk what are you doing here ???"

"Kissing you"


"Madhu did you forget, we were kissing just a second before"

"Aaa... Rk i know that but I am asking what are you doing here at this time"

"Tai asked me to bring laddos"

"Oh, yes she forgot them on the sofa"

"By the way madhu what are you doing here?? You should be in college right"

"We had only 1 lecture today and dance class start late. So I came home"

"Lets go out then"

"I have to go to dance class in 2 hours"

"I will drop you there on time, Come lets go now"

"Okay" madhu replied.

Rk locked the house and both of them went down. After sitting in the car madhu asked

" Where are we going Rk?"

"Thats a good question madhu but I haven't decided yet. Do you want to go somewhere ??"

"Nothing special. If you get me a Ice cream I will go anywhere with you" madhu replied with a chuckle

"Are you sure? "


"Accompany me my whole life"

"Only if you promise to give me an ice-cream daily"

"Let me think. ... daily an ice-cream , Sorry madhu it is getting very costly. I cant afford it but I will give you a ice-cream today"

madhu hit rk playfully on his shoulder and said

"You are so mean. I hate you"

"but I love you Madhu" rk replied and gave a quick peck to madhu

"Rk you cant kiss me without my permission when I am angry"



"As you say madam, anything else ?"

"Yes, I want Ice-cream"

"Just a minute we are almost there" rk replied with a chuckle and the next moment both of them started laughing.

Later they had ice-cream and then they went to the beach, they had lot of fun there.

After two hours Rk dropped madhu at her dance class

" Bye Rk"

"Wait madhu, I am coming" rk replied and got out of the car and went inside with madhu till her class, the class was empty

"Thanks for coming madhu, I had so much fun"

"Me too" madhu replied, rk pulled madhu closer and said

"Dear sleeping beauty will you give permission to your Prince Charming to kiss you ??"

"Let me thin..." before madhu could complete her sentence rk claimed madhu's lips and started kissing her passionately oblivious of what life had in store for them.

Madhu was back home after finishing her classes, she was surprised to see Roma at home

"Tai, you came home early today"

"Yes madhu beta"


"Madhu am I important in your life ??"

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