Part 6

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Madhu woke up at midnight her dinner was kept on the side table. She remembered telling Roma to keep the food as she was very sleepy and she would eat later. Madhu took the plate and started eating she was feeling bored eating alone so she thought to play some music and took her mobile but then she saw there where 3 messages on her mobile. The messages where from Rk she opened them "Are you Ok . Did Tai get a doubt on you ??" the second message "Do you want see today's pics?? if u want you can come to my room its the second room upstairs" the third message "REPLY !!!! I guess you are sleeping" madhu read all the messages with a smile on her face she replied to him "Hi , I slept after coming back. Yes i want to see the pics but i guess you must be sleeping now". She finished her dinner and lay on the bed and her mobile buzzed. It was Rk's message "So the sleeping Beauty has got up now. Good morning :p If you want you can still come to see the pictures" madhu read Rk's message and thought for while , Roma was sleeping and she could easily sneak out and she liked Rk now he wasn't that bad and now they were friends also. And if she gets permission to stay she would have to be friendly with everyone. Today Rk stood up for her no one ever had done that for her. Whenever anyone would no one would stop them nor come to console her. She was very touched with Rk's behavior. She messaged Rk " I am coming" then slowly madhu got down from bed and checked that roma was sleeping then she slipped out and went upstairs.

Madhu went to Rk's room "Hi" "Hi" "Come , Lets sit in the balcony, what say !!" "Ok lets sit" Rk took his laptop and both madhu and Rk sat in the balcony , Rk was showing her pictures. "Rk they are amazing, I must say you are awesome" "Thanx for the compliment. I have interest in photography, I believe if we do what we like everything turns out to be good. Madhu what are you studying??" " I am doing Architecture" "Which year?" "I have given my 3rd year exams" "You know my younger brother Sikky , he is also with you now he is enjoying holidays.So are you going to join college here or going back to Delhi" "Oh your bro is also doing architecture thats good. I have not planned anything. If i will join or not" "By the way I forgot to ask you, why are you here ?? Are you planning to stay??" "Yes I have planned to move to mumbai permanently" "Where will you stay ??" "Tai is planning to ask permission to your mom if i can stay here IF NOT then we are planning to take a house on rent" "But why are you here to say with Roma Tai , You live with your parents at your village and study in delhi" Rk asked , madhu was confused about what to answer she thought for while and said "Tai is like my mom and i want to stay with her" "Yes you can stay with here but you said you came here to live permanently leaving your parents ???" "Hmm... Aaactuallyy... I ... Itsss... aa.." "Its Ok if you dont feel comfortable in sharing with me" "Thanx , will tell you some other time" "Oh , no problem" " I am thinking to go back . Tai would be worried if she doesn't find me in bed" "Ok you go , bye good night" "Good night by the way it was nice talking to you" madhu smiled at Rk and went back to Roma's room.

Next morning Madhu woke up with a smile on her face , she was very happy that Rk was her friend now, he has been very caring and protective with her. Madhu took her mobile and messaged Rk "Good Morning Rk. Have a great day" the reply came instantly "A very good morning to you but Sleeping beauty its almost 12 now" madhu was shocked reading the message, she checked time it was 11:30. After coming back from Rk's room she kept thinking about Rk and slept late but Roma also did not wake her up. Madhu took shower and was waiting for Roma to bring her Brunch.

Later Roma came to the room "Oh madhu you are awake now , let me get food for you" "Ok Tai but why dint you wake me" "Why should I disturb your sleep. its better you sleep than getting bored sitting in the room" "Ok Tai let it be, now please get me foood" "Give me two minutes, I will reheat and bring" roma said and went. After few minutes Roma returned with food , madhu started eating "Tai you look worried , Is everything alright" "Yes madhu but there is a little problem" "What happened??" "Radhaji is returning tonight. So i am little worried, Hope she lets yo stay" "Tai dont worry , if she doesn't let me stay we will move out. You said you have savings and i will also try to earn" "Madhu I know but also and you dont need to work I can manage. You eat now I will finish my work and come" saying this roma went.

Madhu ate her food silently but her mind was on full work she kept thinking about what would happened now. She knew this day would come she has to keep calm and support Roma and face everything strongly.The rest of the day madhu kept watching movies on her laptop, whenever madhu is worried she watches movies or eats ice cream.It was 5 in the evening when her mobile buzzed it was Rk's message "Hope you know that mom is returning from her trip today" "Yes Tai told me in the morning about it by the way when are you coming home??" She wanted Rk to be present when Tai asks permission as he was the only person she knew other than Tai. Then came Rk's reply " I am on the way to airport to receive mom and sikky we will be home in two hours. Take care , have to drive ...ttul". Less than two hours madhu was nervous now on the other side Roma was also worried and the time was passing slowly.

The bell rang Roma went and opened the door Rahaji and her younger son Sikkander who was fondly called as Sikky came inside keeping the luggage aside they sat on the sofa tired of the journey "Roma please get me a glass of water" radha said. Roma was going to the kitchen when she heard Radha say "Roma who is this girl??" Roma stooped and turned back "Radhaji this is madhu, you remember her right" "Oh the girl from your village" "Yes" roma replied. Madhu came forward "Namastey aunty" "Namastey beta , how are you ??" "I am fine and how are you , how was your journey" "I am also fine but little tired" radha replied. Sikky who was silent till now spoke "So this is the girl about whom Tai doesn't get tired praising about" "Yes Sikky beta this is madhu and madhu this is Sikky Radhaji's younger son"roma said. "Hi Sikky" " Hi madhu, I have heard alot about you but now got the chance to meet you by the way hoe come you are here??" Sikky asked madhu. Roma got a little tensed hearing his question before madhu could reply Roma interrupted in between "Radhaji as you know madhu was in Delhi for her studies but now she wants to continue her studies here in Mumbai" Oh thats great" "But Radhaji there is a little problem and i have a request" "What tell me " "Madhu doesn't know anyone here other than me. SO could she stay with me here??" roma asked.

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