Part 11

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They had their lunch and went to Rk's house as Roma would be there only. When they entered the house Roma excitedly came and asked "Madhu , Rk so how was everything , When will the college start ...Oh i am so excited Atlast madhu you will be able to complete your studies Ia m so happy for you !!!" "Tai there is little problem" "What happened??" "Tai I dont have my certificates with me and with out them my admission is not possible" "So where are your certificates??" "They are with my college in Delhi" "So what are we supposed to do now?" "If i want to continue my studies , I need my certificates" "But madhu how we will get your certificates from delhi??" "I dont know Tai" "Can you ask your friends to get your certificates" "No Tai , they need my signatures and they wont hand over them to anyone except me" "But Madhu ... delhi.. it wont be ..." roma stopped speaking and looked at Rk then she said : Rk can you excuse us for few minutes" "Oh !! I am going to my room" "saying this Rk went. "Madhu how we go to delhi??" "Tai we will go and come back and 2 days. Even Rk is going to go to delhi so he can accompany us" "Madhu I cant leave my work here and go . Sending you alone is not a option it is not safe" "So I will go with Rk alone only if you dont mind" "Oh... but madhu I dont think it is a good idea to send you alone. Will you be comfortable going with him ?? Madhu you have never traveled any where alone, every time you went to delhi from your village your dad went with you" "Tai Rk is my friend and I trust him. The certificates are very important tai we cant leave them" "Madhu i dont know why i dont feel positive sending you with out me. Once you turn 22 and finish all the matters i will be relaxed, i dont want to take any risk madhu beta" "Okay Tai lets leave it , if you dont feel positive about it I wont go" "No no madhu you go with Rishab , I think i am being worried for no reasons" "As you wish Tai" "Madhu we cannot always live in fear right... I will talk with Rishab about you" "Tai but..." "Madhu I wont tell him everything. Its your personal life and you decide whom you want to share it with" "Thanks tai" "So do you want to have lunch ??" "Umm... No i am not hungry" "Okay now i will talk to rishab about it and let you know" roma said.

Roma went to Rk's room "Tai you here" "Yes Rishab , madhu told me that you are going to delhi" "Yes Tai actually I have a photoshoot there" "You said madhu that she can go with you... It wont be a problem for you ???" "No tai. You can send madhu with me only if you are ok with it , i suggested madhu about that knowing your condition and I want madhu to complete her studies" "I trust you rishab thats why I am here to talk to you about. Rishab this will be the first time madhu will be going somewhere without any of her family members or me" "Tai I will take care of her you dont worry about it" "Rishab you know madhu has left everything and come here with me" "I know tai but can i ask you something?" "Yes" ' As you said earlier that you both ran and come here is her family not searching for here" "Rishab they must be but they dont know that madhu ran away with me. I was just a maid at their house & years ago" "Then how did you bring here" "Rishab she was in a big problem there and when i came to know about it i went there and helped her running away. No one knows it was me who helped her" " But why ??" "Rishab it her life i am no one to tell you about it" "Oh tai ... lot of complications" "Yes they are but are you sure it will not be a problem for you to take madhu with you" "No tai it wont be but my work will take a week to finish , will that be okay with you" " 1 week ..." "Tai if you want after we collect madhu's certificates I will send her back" "No , I dont want her to travel alone" "Okay tai so I am going to go to Delhi in two days. Day after tomorrow in the morning I am planning to leave from here" "Thanks alot Rishab beta for helping. I will always be grateful to you" "Tai how many times do i have to tell you no need to thank me you can just cook some ladoo's instead of them and madhu is a very good friend and this is atleast what I can do" "I will surely make ladoo's for you and May god bless with all the happiness in the world. You have no idea what your help means to me" roma said to rishab and he smiled response. He was actually happy that madhu was going with him.

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