Part 4

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"No more questions now. Just be in the car at 8:30 if not you know" saying this Rk went back to his room. Madhu agreed to come but RK was not feeling nice about it. He didn't want to force her he had no plan to force her to come with him but seeing her he didn't knew what happened to him. He just wanted her to come with him. Rk was thinking how would Madhu come, from Roma's talk Rk has understood that she was very protective about Madhu. Rk got ready and went down for breakfast, Roma has still not come to serve him. She thought Madhu must be taking permission.

On other hand Madhu has convinced Roma that she wanted to go and meet her friend from Mumbai who has come to Delhi for a week. Madhu took bath and got ready and decided to go and sit in the car. Madhu slowly sneaked out of the house, when she crossed the back door she realized that she dint have Rk's car keys. Madhu was going back when she heard Rk's voice "Where were you going without taking the car keys. Take this and go I will come from the front door in two minutes" saying this Rk went.

Madhu took the keys and sat in the back seat. Madhu thought "I was so wrong about him he is not good at heart, he is only good looking and rude." Rk took all his things and went to the car but was shocked to see the sight in front of him. Madhu was sleeping in the back seat looking very cute. She was wearing pink kurti with black jeans. Rk dint like waking her up but he had to as they had to cross the gate and watchman would see her, he dint have any problem but Madhu would surely not like it. "Madhu!!!!Wake up, Madhu!!!!!" Rk shouted. Madhu woke up and said "Why are you shouting? Cant you be polite?" "My dear Sleeping Beauty would you please wake up and hide or would you continue with your beauty sleep" Rk said. Madhu made an angry face and hid as no one could see her. After passing the gate at a little distance Rk stopped. Madhu got up and asked "Have we reached?" "No we haven't. Come and sit in the front seat" "Why? I am comfortable here, Thank you" "I know you are comfortable there but I am not your driver. So come and sit" "No" "Its not a request its an order" "You are the rudest person I have ever met" "I am not being rude I am just trying to be friendly actually you are rude" "No I am not rude you forced me to come with you" "Oh dont forget I am helping you by hiding your truth" "So" "You should be thankful to me and come with me" "You know there is a word called Please you need to use that, if you want me to help you" "You are not helping me you are being thankful so you are coming with me " "You are so arrogant" "No I am not you are provoking me to behave like that with you" "So you mean you are not a rude person" "Yes I am not rude" "Lets see" "Yes lets see". After this no one spoke a word and there was complete silence.

They reached Rk's studio Rk parked the car and they entered from the back entrance , both of them haven't spoke to each other but they were not liking the silence. Rk wanted to know more about Madhu and Madhu wanted to know why did he help her as he seemed to be rude. Something was missing according to her, his behavior was really confusing. She decided to leave everything and just concentrate on the task but then she realized she didn't knew what she had to do. She turned to see Rk but he was nowhere seen. She started searching for Rk here and there. It was not a very big place but there were many people busy in their work, the place was beautifully decorated Madhu thought it must be because of some photo shoot but where was RK? she was searching for him then she by mistake bump with someone. She crashed with a girl , she was the model for today's photshoot but when madhu bumped into her , the coffee in the girls hand spilled in her dress. "What the hell !! What were you thinking while you were walking !!!!Are you blind !!! Cant you walk properly " "I... i ..i was .." "Who are you ?? How did you come in .. show me your ID card" she shouted. Madhu couldn't reply anything she got scared hearing her high pitch voice but with lot of courage she tried to to say "I... i ... i came..." "You came , you just came. How can you come like this, wait let me call the guards " she said and started calling the guards , madhu started panicking nothing was coming out of her mouth only her tears kept flowing. She knew no one other than Rk here but he was nowhere seen "Guards take this girl and take her out" she shouted. The guards took madhu out they were supposed to follow the order.

Meanwhile everyone had left their work and were watching the drama going on. At that time a loud voice was came "What is going on here??" everyone turned towards the voice. Then the girl who was shouting at madhu came front and said "A stupid girl entered the studio and pushed me because of that my coffee fell on designer dress and now it is ruined" "Anna it is your habit to exaggerating things that must been a mistake by the way where is the girl" "I asked the guards to throw her out" "But who was she" "Don't know she dint have ID card also" "But no one cant enter without ID card , Let me check with the security" saying this Rk went.

Rk went to the security and asked how did the girl come. They said they have no idea about as no one entered with out Id card "Where is the girl now??" "After i left her out she asked me were the parking was , So i guess she went there" Rk felt something was wrong he went to the check if the girl was at the parking but when he went to the parking the sight there left him in shock. Madhu was standing near his car with tears continuous flowing from her eyes and she was shivering , he was shocked. Was this the same madhu who was sleeping in his car like a angel and arguing with him like a Jungli billi was now in this condition. Madhu saw him and ran towards Rk and hugged him tight and started sobbing loudly.

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