Part 12

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Madhu woke up at afternoon , she was feeling very hungry she took her mobile and called Rk to know if he was awake or still sleeping. Rk got up by hearing the ringtone of his mobile madhu's name was flashing , with a smile he picked up the phone "Good Morning Sleeping beauty" "Good Afternoon Rk , get up and look out" "Oh !! I just got up with your call" "Sorry , did i disturb you. You continue your sleep yup must be tired" " No let it be madhu , I am not sleepy anymore" "Then fresh up and come to my room we will have food together" "Okay give me few minutes" rk replied.They had their lunch cum breakfast together but madhu's concentration was again on Rk rather than food , he was looking utterly handsome in his black shirt and blue denim "So madhu we will go to your college and get your certificates as my photo shoot starts tomorrow and I have a meeting tonight at 8" "No problem when ever you are free we can go" "So lets go today only once the shoot starts I will get busy" "okay by the way did you inform tai we reached, I totally forget" "Yes I did" rk replied.

Madhu and Rk went to madhu's college they submitted a application to get TC and her certificates , the clerk said it would take a half an hour until they get them. Madhu took rk to show her college when they were going madhu was turning back and seeing rk observed this and asked "What happened madhu .. Why are you turning back and seeing??" "Rk I feel someone is following us!!" "What let me see... madhu there are so many students here maybe thats why you are feeling like this" "May be, now lets collect my certificates and go from here. I dont know why I am feeling very negative about staying here" "Okay as you wish madhu" they went and took the certificates madhu was holding Rk's hand and was very close to him while walking "Madhu why are you worrying nothing will happen until you are with me" "I dont know but why ... i have been her almost daily this is my second home but now i feel very uneasy her lets go back soon" "Okay no problem" till the time they sat in the car madhu was feeling that someone was watching them constantly. They went back to their hotel then bittuji came to meet them. Rk introduced them to each other bittuji was happy seeing madhu "So this is the girl for whom chief is falling unknowingly" he thought because the chief he knows always ran away from girls he was always focused on his career.

Rk got ready for the meeting and went to madhu's room "Madhu if you want you can join us " "No thanks Rk" "Madhu its not a formal meeting we will meet the models and discuss about the shoot. Bittuji will also be there." "No Rk i am not feeling well , a little head ache. You go and come" "You have head ache!! did you take any medicine" "No , i just need little rest" "Okay take care , sleeping beauty"saying this rk winked at her and went. Rk's meeting was good he also had his dinner with them , everyone was asking him to come a club and have some drinks but rk declined them softly. Rk got 2 messages of madhu "Rk how is the meeting going? Hope everything goes well" and the second one was "Hey when will you come back ,I am waiting" after seeing the message rk dint want sit there even a single second more , the meeting was over and madhu was not feeling well also , he wanted to go to her and she was waiting for him. Rk said everyone bye and directly went to madhu's room she opened the door on first knock "Hi madhu you dint sleep ??" "No I was waiting for you" "Sorry i should have informed you that i was going to be late" "No problem Rk , I am famished come lets order dinner. I was waiting for you" "Madhu ... I had my dinner'' "but you said it was a meeting!!" "Yes madhu after that we had dinner. These models I have worked with them before also , so they insisted to have the dinner" "What !! You had your dinner with because they insisted... here i was waiting for you" madhu said with disappointment and hurt clearly visible on her face. "Sorry madhu but I will sit with you while you have dinner" "Let it be I am not hungry anymore" "Madhu but now only you said ..." " I want to sleep now , can you please go out" "Sorry madhu . Good night" rk said but madhu dint reply to him and just closed the door. Rk was confused with her behavior this was not a big issue to angry on. Rk went to his room when roma called him "Hello tai" "Hi rishab beta , how are you??" "I am good and you?" "I am also fine just missing madhu. Is she alright?" "Yes tai why are you getting so worried" "I dont know, i feel so worried for madhu and now she is not infront of my eyes" "tai dont worry" "Rishab please take care of her and be careful" "Okay" "bye" "bye".

Next day Rk got up early and got ready bittuji has informed him that they had to go to XYZ place at 10 o' clock. After getting ready Rk called madhu "Hi" "Hi , good morning Rk" "Good morning madhu , Today I have shoot and I cant leave you alone here. So would you come with me" "Yes ofcourse I will""Okay then get ready" "Okay , Did you have your breakfast?"madhu asked in a low voice "No madhu , I was waiting for you" rk replied. Madhu's lips instantly curved into a smile "Thanks and Sorry for yesterday I guess I over reacted" "Its okay madhu. Get ready and come here we will eat together" "Okay" madhu replied , she got ready and went to rk's room there they had their breakfast after that they went to XYZ place. Madhu was awe of the place it was so beautiful "Rk I can help you if you want" "Thanks madhu , I will tell you when I need help" both of them where walking when madhu's feet got stuck in a wire and she slipped, she closed her eyes in fear of hitting the floor hard but before she could hit the ground Rk's strong arms grabbed her and steadied against his hard body. Madhu's breath got stuck when she felt his strong arms against her waist , her heart did a flip feeling him so close to her "Careful Madhu " rk said "That wire ... actually the wire..." "Madhu go and sit on that chair I will call you if i need your help" "Okay" saying this madhu sat.

The photo shoot started madhu was getting bored sitting idle she started playing games on her mobile when she looked up from her mobile she saw a model was unnecessarily clinging to Rk. She wanted to push the girl away from how could she be so close dint she have any shame madhu thought. The model was testing madhu's patience now madhu wanted to rip her away she was holding rk's hand when he was showing her the pictures in the camera but then madhu thought why was she getting angry on the model , why was she getting jealous of he ?? What was happening she thought. She agreed that she liked rk .. more than a friend but this model was making her jealous madhu wanted to get out of the place for some. She thought of a idea and put her mobile in her pocket and went to Rk " Rk I want to go out" "Why?" "I forgot my mobile in the car. Can i go and get it?" "Can you wait for few minutes we will go together as in few minutes there will be lunch break" "Rk i am feeling bored ,i will get it" "Okay I will ask bittuji to bring it , you wait" "Why bittuji will go. I will bring it in 2 minutes Rk" saying this madhu went. Rk also got busy in his work 15 minutes were over but madhu has not returned still then Rk realized that he dint give the car keys to madhu. He starting getting worried and rushed out to check madhu but madhu was nowhere seen he started searching for her but she was nowhere seen he was getting worried for her. He then decided to ask the watchman about he was getting scared Roma has told the to be careful madhu's life could be in danger also. Rk asked the watchman if he had seen a girl who come out almost 15 minutes ago "Yes sir a girl came here ... i guess she was the one who came with you but she went with few men's 10 minutes ago!!!" "What???"

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