Part 19

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Rk woke up because of the loud noises coming from outside, he got up from the bed and went out of his room to check what was going on. He saw his mother ordering something to a worker

"Mom what is going on here ??" "Tonight there is a party at our home " "Why?" "Your dad has won a very important deal" "Mom I have some important work at the studio and will return home late" "Rishu I know this is excuse to avoid the party" "No mom .. I .." "Rishu what harm will it cause if you attend the party. If ever you feel bored or you dont like it , you can go back to your room I wont stop you" "Okay mom I will be there" "You can call your friends also" rk thought for a while and replied "I am calling bittuji and Madhu" "Thats great" "Okay I am going now" saying this Rk went back to his room.

He took his mobile and messaged madhu "Good Morning Sleeping beauty, Ready for college ?" after few minutes reply came "Good Morning , Having my breakfast , want to join?" "Thank you but Tai said she is making aloo puri so I am having my break fast here by the way there is a party at our home tonight and I want you to come" "Party !! Why?" "Mohan's party!! and I dont want to attend it alone" "I will come, Let me ask tai about it once" "Okay , tai is her only I will talk to her and I will wait for you" "Okay , Have to go to college now, Bye" "Bye take care", Rk replied. Rk also got ready and went down for break fast at the same time Mohan also came and joined them "Hi Rishab , Good Morning" "Good Morning" "Radha told me that you agreed to attend the party , I am glad" rk just nodded his head and got up and went to the kitchen.

"Rishab what are you doing here ? I was going to bring the breakfast, You go and sit I am coming" "No tai , I will sit here and eat. I want to eat hot puri's" "Rishab I am seeing you from 7 years and you think I dont know when you come and eat in the kitchen"

Rk smiled at Roma and said " Tai you understand me very well sometime I think you know well than mom" "Its not like that , from yesterday I am seeing that Mohanji is being very good to you Whats the reason for the sudden change" "I also dont know tai"

"Be careful, I am sure he must be planning something and you come to my house anytime you want if you have a fight or something and dont sleep without eating food, If I am not staying here that doesn't mean you cannot come and disturb me, I am always there and please you dont start the fight" "Tai you are the best. You know today there is a party at home and I want you to send madhu"

"Okay I will , it looks like you and madhu have become good friends" "Yes tai she is so sweet who wouldn't like her" "I know ,now finish this puri I have lot of work to do" "Tai you dint make laddu from many days" "I will make them tomorrow" "Thank you tai" rk replied wit a grin on his face. Late Rk was busy whole day he had to complete his work and be back home early for the party and he has also asked bittuji to come.

The party started on full swing Rk was dressed in a black tuxedo and was waiting for Madhu to come, he was getting Impatient to see her "RIshab will you please come here", Mohan asked with a fake smile Rk went to him "Yes" "Rishab meet Mr. Manotra he gave me a very tough competition to get this deal and Manotraji this is my elder son Rishab"

"Hi sir", rk said "What do you do Rishab?" before Rk could reply Mohan said "He is enjoying his life, I dont want my son to enter business soon. I want them to enjoy , have fun business can wait" "That is so thoughtful of you" Manotra replied. Rk looked at Mohan and then said " I am a professional photographer and I came under the best top 5 photographers of India" "Oh really" "You must have heard my name as RK" "Rk ... I read about you in a magzine recently" they continued talking for some time , mohan kept introducing Rk to many people but Rk's eyes were stuck at the entrance waiting for madhu.

At last his wait came to a end when he aw madhu coming in royal blue color gown, she looked mesmerizing , rk excused himself and went to Madhu "Hi beautiful", rk said madhu smiled at him and replied "Hi Rk , you look very handsome" "Thank you , Ia m glad you came" before madhu could reply Mohan came "Rishab come I want you to meet Mr. Sighania" "My friend had just arrived I will talk to her and come" mohan looked at Madhu and said "Wont you introduce me to your friend Rishab" rk made a annoying face and said "This is Madhu and Madhu this is Mohan Kundra" rk said , madhu looked at him "Hi Uncle" "Hi Madhu , nice to meet you" "Same here. Rk you go with your dad , I will be fine" "Bittuji is also here , you can be with him" "okay" madhu replied and Rk went with Mohan.

After almost half an hour Rk got free and started searching for Madhu , bittuji said that he saw Madhu going up. Rk thought Madhu must have gone to his room , he went inside his room but It was empty then he saw the balcony door open , he saw madhu standing in the corner , she looked divine under the moonlight her hair kept coming on her face because of the wind.

Rk moved closer to her and tucked her hair behind the ear , madhu got startled "Rk!! Its you, When did you come?" "Just now. What are you doing here ?" "I was getting bored" "Sorry, I called you and left you alone" "No need to say sorry. I dont know anyone here and Sikky was busy with his friends and Bittuji got busy on a call" "You should have gone home if you were feeling alone n the new people" "I wasn't alone , you were here. You called me , how could I go" "Why dint you go , we could have talked tomorrow. Why did you wait for me?" rk asked madhu looking in her eyes.

Madhu looked at Rk she knew she could give him any answer and change the topic but something happened she wanted to tell him the truth , she wanted him to know what she felt for him " I wasn't apprehensive when I said yes to that first offer of yours asking me to help you, that day you made me feel special and changed my views about you. That day you stood for me but it was just the start after that you were always there with me in my tough times , you risked your life saving mine, you made me feel wanted , secure , loved. I started feeling that I was a burden and was ill fated but you helped me find my faith in myself again, you have no idea what you have done for me intentionally or unintentionally . I had no choice Rk but to fall in love with you. I love you Rk but I am scared I am the damsel in distress and I dont need the pity, you said there was something special between us but for me the special thing is love" madhu said and closed her eyes tears started to flow down, she was scared to see the reaction on Rk's face.

She slowly turned to walk away but Rk caught her hand and pulled her closer "Are you sure Madhu about what you are telling" rk asked, with tears continuously flowing from her she replied "I love you ... I love you so muc.." she couldn't continue as a pair of lips thrashed against her with such fervent passion that she felt her knees buckled. His arms crept around her waist and she wrapped her arm around his neck. He kissed her communicating through his touches his love for her which had no bounds , which couldnt be explained through words.

Rk wiped her tears and said "I love you too madhu" he brushed his lips against hers again "But most importantly, I fell in love with your happiness. The first time you smiled at me in the garden , I subconsciously wanted to see you smile like that forever. It still amazes me how much joy you spread by just smiling and laughing and that's what I want to keep forever. Everything else is negotiable and can change but not that smile and not that you" madhu hugged rk and the tears again started to flow but this time of happiness.

They stood in the same position feeling happy and content but their trance broke when Rk's mobile started ringing. They parted and Rk picked the call "Hello Chief, Where are you? Mohan sir is searching for you" " I am coming bittuji" "Come fast" "Bittuji will you do me a favor" "Yes chief" "Please drop madhu to her home , Its dont want her to go alone its late at night" "Okay chief I will" bittuji replied. After the call Rk said " Madhu bittuji is waiting for you. Go home with him and call me once you reach" "Okay" madhu replied, while they were on the the last stair madhu called Rk "Rk listen" "Yes" "This was the most beautiful day of my life" "This is just the start madhu now go bittuji is waiting" madhu blushed at his reply and went.

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