Part 14

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Next morning madhu got up with a smile on her face she blushed remembering what happened last night. Rk was her savior he had come here to help her and she was confident that Rk will save her. She trusted him and yesterday she has realized that she did not only like him but she loved he is everything she ever wished for , her feelings for rk gave her strength now she wanted to get out of her at any cost she couldn't let anyone rule her life as she wanted to live her life with Rk now. She was not sure if Rk loved her as he said he liked her very much but the way he had come here to save her risking his life gave her high hopes. All her life she craved for love , someone who love her unconditionally. Madhu was in her thoughts when padmini, madhu's mother entered the room "Madhu wear this saree and get ready and dont you dare create a scene when we are in public" madhu dint reply she just nodded her head "Why are you nodding your reply to me properly you should be grateful to us that we get you married in such a rich house. They are ready to accept you even after you ran away by putting our name to shame" "I know all the reasons behind this marriage o you better dont try to fool me" padmini gasped in shock she never thought madhu will back answer her madhu always took everything silently. She raised her hand and slapped madhu on her cheek "Think twice before you speak to me. I see you have got a lot of courage now but this is not going to work here. I still regret the day we adopted you if not for my father-in-law's will we would have never adopted you" saying this padmini went out of the room. Madhu kept her hand on the swollen cheek and consoled herself by thinking about Rk.

Madhu and her whole family was at the mandir there was a lot of rush there and her fathers men were also scattered everywhere her father was not leaving her side even for a single second. The pooja started and madhu had to sit beside that stupid moron Sulthan, she felt disgusted to see his face. After pooja some people were praising her for her beauty and some where asking her questions but she was in her own world she wanted to get out of here but her father, balraj choudry was not leaving her hand. Madhu was getting worried she had to go from here Rk must be waiting for her , she was thinking of some idea at that time her father stumbled across the step because if someones push her father tried to take support of the person who was infront of him instead person fell down on the stairs. Her father was busy helping the man when someone all of a sudden came infront of her and draped a shawl around her , she git confused and turn to see who it was at that the person held her tight and whispered "Madhu go from here , FAST!!" the person was rk madhu held the shawl and slowly slipped away in the crowd. Rk was also moving from there when balraj held his caught his arm and said "You should be careful when you are in crowd because of the man had fell and hurt himself" "Sorry will be more careful next time" saying this rk started going down the steps when one of the balraj men recognized him and ordered fellow members to catch him. Rk was trying to run but all the men surrounded him and at the same time balraj realized that madhu was missing he shouted "Sulthan you go in search for madhu while i take care of this majnu of hers" sulthan went in search of madhu with few men and the left over men started beating rk with sticks. Rk also fought with them but they were in large numbers the caught rk and took to the haveli.

They locked Rk in a room in haveli but rk was worried for madhu as she must be waiting for him , rk had no chance escaping. Staying in the room rk couldn't understand what the time was , his hands and legs were tied to the chair from the time rk was in the room he tried to open the rope on his hands as he could use his mobile which was in his pocket. Sulthan came in the room and started questioning rk about madhu "Where is madhu ??" " I dont know where she is when i came to the madir for her you all caught me" "Dont lie ... I know all this is your plan" " No" "If we dont find her till tomorrow morning be ready to be beaten till death" saying this sulthan. Rk was not scared of his warning but was relived that madhu was not caught but where was madhu?? Did she know that he was caught?? there were many questions in rks mind but he had no choice other than waiting. Later Rk could feel his mobile vibrating but he wasnt able to open the rope after lot of hard work the rope got little lose , rk took the mobile out of his pocket. There were 14 missed calls from Roma he called by putting the phone on speaker as he wasnt able to move his hand much roma and luckily she picked on the first ring "Rishab beta where are you ??? I am calling you since hours" "Tai I am in a problem here. Madhus fathers men had caught me but the good thing is madhu has run away from here" "What !!!!! Dont worry I will do something about you" "Tai and i am worried about madhu , did she contact you ??" "No is all because of me I should have let madhu go" " Tai this is not the time for all this" " Rishab I will do something for your escape. Bye" "Bye . Let me know if you get any news about madhu " "I will".

Rk was sitting in the dark room helplessly even the voices of men coming from outside of the door has stopped, it had surely been hours after his talk with roma. Atlast someone entered the room, rk tries ti adjust his eyes with the light. It was a lady she had a plate of food in her hand but she kept the plate on the floor and started untying the ropes "roma has asked me to help you" "Oh !! Do you have any news about madhu" "She is not found yet but the search is still going on" "Now you follow me out of here" "okay" rk replied. They slowly got out of the room the guards at the door were sleeping , rk silently followed the lady he had no idea where she was taking him but atlast he was out of the haveli but before rk could thank the women she went. Now rk was confused about where to go and search for madhu first he went to the river near the mandir but no one was there then he remembered that he had said madhu that his car was at the dabha so she must have gone there as if madhu was in the village they must have easily caught her. Rk started for the dhabha but it was very far it was almost out of the village it would almost take a hour to reach there by walk, rk's body was paining he was hurt. Rk reached the dhabha there were very less people there but madhu was not seen then rk went at back of the dhabha where he has parked his car.

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