Part 9

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Rk was shocked he thought madhu and sikky were alone so he came running but here Sikky was with all of his college friends and madhu also seemed to be enjoying there company, Rk turned back and went to his car. He was confused with his own behavior , why he dint want madhu and sikky to spend time alone why was he relaxed when he saw both of them were not alone, Sikky was his brother and he trusted him .But Rk was confused thinking Why did he not like madhu going with him. Rk shrugged of his thoughts and went back to his studio , he has left the shoot abruptly.On the other side madhu was enjoying her time sikky has introduced her to his friends as his distant cousin .Trishna , mukund , rahul , ria all were very friendly with madhu they had so much fun they said her about their college , the pranks they played and many other things. She was having a very nice time everyone even asked sikky to bring madhu with him next time.

Madhu was happily sitting in her room with teddy on her lap , she has really enjoyed going out and making friends today. She dint have any friends in her village but in Delhi she had few friends but she was not close with them. Roma came to madhu's room "Madhu beta how was your day , Did you enjoy ?" " Yes tai i enjoyed alot and i also made friends you know. Sikky's friends are very nice" "Thats good I am very happy that you enjoyed and i also have a good news for you" "Good news !!! Tell me tai" "Madhu i have found a house for us. Its a 2BHK flat on 1st floor" "That very good tai !! When will we move there?" "Tomorrow only , madhu it is going to be difficult. We have to set the house we have nothing the money i was planning to spend on your studies will now be used in furnishing the house" "No problem Tai we will manage" "There is one more good news" "One more !! What " "There is someone who is ready to sponsor your studies" "Who?" "The person doesn't want me to reveal his name" "Tai but how can we take this much big help from someone and why does the person wants to help" "Madhu i know the person he is very good and i dont know madhu why he wants to help us all i know is the person is a angel sent for us" "If you dont think it will be a problem then i dont mind" "Okay thats good madhu" "so should i pack my things" "Yes madhu we will move out tomorrow" "Tai let me know if you need any help" madhu said and went to her room.

Rk was on his bed tired of the day's events when there was a knock on the door. It was Roma "Tai come in , How was your day ?" "It was good, I have a house and we are moving there tomorrow"roma said. Rk started feeling sad he dint want madhu to go "Tai you can stay for some more days" "No rishab we will move out tomorrow and madhu has agreed , you can help me with her admission. I would never forget your help Rishab" "No need to thank me Tai , After you shift we join madhu in Sikky's college" " Okay rishab , I have many things to do i will go now" "Tai if there is anything I can do let me know" "Thanks I will". Later at night at the dinning table Roma said everyone that they were shifting tomorrow , Siiky and Rk both said they would help her. "Sorry madhu and Roma. I hope you understand"radha said, "You dont need to say sorry aunty we understand" "But madhu you should keep coming here and Saturday night dinner is here for sure. We are like a family" "Thanks aunty i will come"madhu replied "Yes madhu you should keep coming" sikky said "I will sikky" "Madhu if you want I can help you with the packing" before madhu could reply Rk interrupted them "Sikky my mobile's charger is not working can you bring a new one for me" "Ofcourse bhai I will get you tomorrow" "No Sikky I need it now... I mean go and buy new one after dinner" "Bhai you can use my charger I will get you new one tomorrow" "Sikky I need new one now if you dont want to bring tell me clearly" "Bhai why are you getting angry I will go after finishing my dinner" "Thats good" rk replied and continued eating. Radha was shocked seeing Rk's behavior he never spoke to Sikky in that tone nor he got angry on him for such silly reasons.

Later at night Rk went to madhu's room "Madhu do you want any help in packing" "No rk , thanks there was nothing much to pack" "ok ... So you are going tomorrow "Yes we have to" "I know Sleep well, Good night" "Good Night Rk thanks for the teddy bear again" "No need to tell thanks we are good friends" "Yes we are" madhu replied. Rk was going out of the room when he stopped near the door and turned back and said "Madhu I will miss you" madhu felt happy hearing it , Rk was the first friend she made here he had a special place in her heart. "Will miss you more"madhu replied with a smile. Rk came out of the room with a grin plastered on his face, he was going to his room when he saw Sikky coming towards him "Bhai, here take your new new charger" sikky said by handing over him a packet "Thank you" "Bhai are you angry on me ? Did I do something" "No Sikky , Why are you thinking like that" "You rarely speak with me like that... so I thought" "Its work tension Sikkky I dint mean to be rude" "No problem Bhai Good Night" "Good Night" Rk said and went to his room. Laying on bed Rk was thinking about what happened on the dinning table his old charger was perfectly working but when Sikky said that he would help Madhu, he dint know what happened to him he dint want madhu and sikky to spend time together So he asked Sikky to get him a new charger so that they wont be able to spend time alone. Rk was confused was he jealous that too of his own brother but Madhu was only a good friend why would he be jealous shrugging the thoughts Rk slept.

Next day went in a rush madhu and roma shifted to the new house they dint have much things but Roma had bought minimum from the savings she had. The house was on first floor madhu chooses the room with a balcony. Madhu and Sikky were setting the house where as Roma and Rk went to buy things they did a lot of shopping and returned home at night "Tai I am very hungry" "I know , everyone is famished and tired, So we have brought dinner for everyone" "Thats good let me go and bring the dishes now only me and sikky arranged everything in the kitchen"madhu said and went . "Sikky will you keep this packet in the fridge" rk asked "Yes bhai I will but what it is" "We have bought some grocery and ice cream" "Oh bhai thank you , you are the best" "Now go" rk said. Sikky and Madhu kept talking about what all they did where as Roma also said what all she brought while eating food. After they finished the dinner Rk got up and brought ice cream , he gave everyone their favorites while he gave madhu two choco chips and Sikky saw that and questioned Rk "Bhai you gave madhu two ice creams" "Yes I know" rk replied , he remembered when they went to lunch madhu wanted to eat it choco chip icecreams "But Why 2 for madhu??" "Because one icecream will not be enough for her" rk replied. "Thanks a lot for the ice cream Rk choco chip is my favorite" "I remember that madhu , thats why I brought two for you" rk replied casually when everyone turned towards him in shock "How do you know Bhai??" "How do you know Rishab" both Sikky and Roma asked him together. Rk was tongues tied "I ... I ... that ... Madhu ... I ... I asked madhu while we are going out in the afternoon what flavor she liked" "Oh I got confused as I have never seen you both talking" sikky replied. "I think we should leave now Sikky its getting late" Rk said "Yes bhai lets go" "Okay tai we are going now, Call me if you need anything. Bye" "Bye thanks a lot for coming both of you"Roma said. Roma and madhu also said good night to each other and went to their rooms respectively.

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