Part 3

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Rk pushed the door and realized that he is lucky this time as the girl was real and was standing near the rose plant. Madhu was admiring the rose plant when she heard some noise she turned to see what it was. She saw that the boy from whom she was hiding from yesterday was leaning at the door with a smirk on his face. She was caught she dint know what to do she saw here and there and started to move when she heard his voice "Wait , dont go anywhere" saying this the boy came to her "Who are you ?? You were here yesterday also !! How did you come in my house??" Madhu kept mum she dint know what to answer she just kept staring at him "If you dont answer me now I will handover you to the police" Madhu got scared ,tears came to her eyes "Oh girl dont cry , Ok i will not call the police if only you tell me who are you and why you came here ". Madhu thought for a while and replied "My name is Madhubala , I am here with Roma Tai please dont handover me to the police" "Why should i believe you that you came with Tai she dint tell anything about you" "If you want you can ask Roma Tai but she asked me to hide until your mother comes . If you ask her about me she will scold me as she asked me to stay in her room . You are rishab the elder son ... I think" "Yes I am rishabh you can call me Rk for now i trust you but if i get a doubt i will ask Tai about it" "Thank you so much Rk!!! You are very nice and now I am going back to Tai's room" madhu said and smiled. Rk felt happy seeing her smile , he dint know why he felt that she was innocent and he trusted he usually dint trust people. After that Rk took his things and went back to the studio.

Madhu sat in the room surprised by today's event. She thought Rk would surely create a scene and call Roma Tai but he dint , "The boy is not only good looking but also good at heart" madhu thought. The whole day madhu was thinking about Rk only she dint want to put Roma in worry by telling her that Rk knew about her. On the other hand Rk was busy with his shoot he had to submit the photos tomorrow for the magazine "Bittuji tomorrow I want everyone to be at the studio at sharp 9 in the morning" "Ok chief I will arrange everything"Bittuji who was Rk's manager cum assistant replied. After the work was over Rk went home very tired. He asked Roma for the dinner, he was looking here and there to catch atleast a glimpse of madhu but she was nowhere seen.

Madhu was waiting in the room for Roma to bring the food for both of them as she has told roma to have dinner with her in the room as Madhu dint like eating alone. Roma has not come yet and madhu was hungry madhu then thought of an idea her mobile sim was activated now. She had the landline number of this house she thought to call on it , If roma picks the call she would ask her to bring food early if someone else would pick if up she would keep quiet or she could tell wrong number. Madhu called on landline it kept ringing but no one picked , she was getting irritated and Roma seems to have no plan to come. Madhu slowly opened the door and peep out ,she was going to step out of the room at the same moment Roma came infront of the door "Madhu why are you peeping out. I have so keep the door closed" "I was very hungry and you were not coming so i was just seeing for you" "Oh I got busy talking with Rishab" madhu got worried "What did you both talk ??" "Nothing special random stuff, Come lets eat now" both of them ate the dinner and slept.

It was 6 o'clock in the morning Rk's sleep got disturbed by continuous ringing of his mobile. He picked the call in full irritated mode ready to kill the person who disturbed his sleep "Who is it ??'' "Chief its me Bittu" "Bittuji why are you calling me now the shoot is at 9" "Chief I am having very high fever I cannot come today , so you will have to make some arrangement for your assistance today" "What!!! " Rk replied his sleep seems to has vanished he got up and sat on the bed how could he arrange someone in such short notice."Chief did your brother comeback , he can easily help you" "No bittuji they have not returned yet, you take care bittuji I will manage" rk said. Rk was worried how will he find someone now , he got out of his bed and went down. He wanted to drink coffee , Roma would bring coffee for him but till 8 o'clock. When Rk went to the kitchen Roma was already there "Good Morning Tai" "Good Morning Rishab beta , how come you got up so early today" "Oh Tai this bittuji never lets me sleep peacefully also" "Ok Rishab we will talk later i am going to the market to get some fresh vegetables. Do you want something ??" "No , thank you Tai" "Ok Bye" "Bye". After Roma went Rk made his coffee and sat on the table thinking what to do now. Then he thought he could ask madhu to be his assistant for today it was not anything difficult only she had to do what i tell but will she agree but why not try if she agrees it will be very good rk thought and went to Roma's room. He knocked the door there was no response he thought madhu was lying , she said that she was in tai room all the the time. He turned to go when he heard the door open when he turned and saw the door was open but no one came he got confused and he slowly went inside "You!!!" madhu shouted "Yes its me but why are you shouting" "I thought it was Tai " "First tell me why were you not opening the door" "Because this early morning i will be sleeping and Roma tai doesn't knock so i got worried but why did you come here do you have any work work with Tai she isn't here you must go if she sees you here i will be dead" Rk just kept staring at her she was speaking non stop and she was looking pretty in her pink night dress. "What go now!!" madhu shouted this broke Rks trance "So many questions at a time. I came for you and Tai is not at home" "Why did you come for me? Whatever i said was the truth!!" "I know I know but today i want you to come with me " "What !! Where !! Why!!" "Do you always ask this many question or is today some special occasion, I want you to come with me to my studio" "No, I wont come" "Why??" "Because I dont want to and what will i tell Tai" "Dont forget I am hiding you secret!!" Rk said he dint want to force her but he had no choice she was not agreeing "That is so mean of you " "May be but you have only 2 choices one you come with me or two you happily come with me or you know what i can do" "But What will I say to Tai" "Make any reason" "When will we back?" "I dont know" "What ? I cannot come then " "You have to come we will be home till 5 in the evening" "Ok i will try" "You have to come" "I will try my level best" "Ok now i am going to get ready , we need to be there at 9 so we will leave from here at 8:30" " You tell me the address i will be there at 9" "You are new to the city and you are coming with me and that is final" "Ok but how will we go together someone will see me" "Hmmm... I will give you my car keys you go from the back door to the parking and hide in my car" "Ok but What should i wear ?" "Stop irritating me with your question wear anything" "And what..." "No more questions now. Just be in the car at 8:30 if not you know" saying this rk went back to his room.

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