Part 16

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Next day they started their journey for mumbai directly, they were not going to delhi as it was not safe. Bittuji said that he will bring their stuff from delhi. Madhu was very silent through out the journey rk tried to cheer her up but she always faked a smile to him. She kept starring out of the window when ever rk initiated a talk she gave him a small reply and cit it short. Rk could understand that madhu has gone through so much in the last few days but now seeing madhu quiet was killing him, he liked the madhu how was childish cute and sometimes funny. It was hard for him to see her like she was very important to him.

Rk dint ask her to drive even though he was tired but when they stopped for food madhu silently came and sat in the driver seat and said "Rk you take rest , I will drive" "Okay" rk replied. Later they reached mumbai and stopped at Roma's house, rk said he will talk to roma and go. While they were climbing the steps rk caught madhu's hand "Madhu I know you are very upset because of the turn of events but now everything is alright. I am with you , tai is with you If you dont let it go tai will feel bad madhu. She is doing so much for you madhu" "I know Rk but the thoughts keep haunting me. I also wish to live a happy life with people who care for me and ..." "Madhu I care for you , You can always count on me. Please never hesitate madhu , I am just a call away" "Thanks for being there Rk" madhu said and hugged Rk with silent tears flowing from her eyes.

They rang the bell and roma opened the door she hugged madhu and started asking how was she was " I am alright tai , I want to take some rest" "Okay you go and sleep. Where is your bag?" roma asked before madhu could reply rk said "Tai bittuji is going to bring our bags , he will get them tomorrow till evening" "No problem Rishab I wanted to thank you for everything you did" "Tai if you thank me once again. I wont ever talk to you" "Okay i wont how are you?" "Just a little rest and I am fit and fine. We have madhu's certificates also so we dont need to worry about anything" "Okay I wont say thanks but may god bless you with happiness" "Bye tai will meet you tomorrow" "Rishab did you tell all this to Radhaji" "No and you also dont tell mom about it. Even they dont know that madhu went with me" "Oh ... as you say" after this rishab went to his house and slept.

Rk got up in the evening and messaged madhu "Hi sleeping beauty ... still sleeping?" and came the instant reply "No I got up half an hour ago" "Thats good. Hey, lets go to lunch tomorrow" "Hmmm... No" "Why??" "I dont want to waste my time. If you say its a date i will think about it" "Oh madhu , you gave me a mini heart attack by saying No" "You should have asked properly" "From next time I will" "You should" "So madhu will you go on a date with me" "Hmmm..." "Madhu!!!" "Ofcourse I will" "Be ready I will come to pick you tomorrow" "Okay".

Rk felt happy after chatting with madhu he was glad that madhu was back to normal and now he was excited about the date. Madhu was no less , from now only she had started planning about what to wear and she was confused. Rk was free the next day as bittuji was handling everything in delhi and he had no work here.

Next day Rk got up early and spent time with Radha and sikky as whenever Rk came back from his trip he would spend the whole day with them but as he had said asked madhu for a lunch date he got up early.

Rk kept glancing at the clock every few minutes as for him the time was going very slow atlast he called madhu "Hello" "Hello Rk" "Madhu at what time you eat lunch?" "What??... I eat lunch at 2 but why are you asking" "Madhu did you forget we are going out for lunch date" "Yes I remember but its but its 10 in the morning Rk" "Madhu its 10 'o clock, I got up at 6 in the morning" "So what i got up at 9 but Rk why are we discussing time" "Because I am hungry now" "So" "I am hungry and I want to have lunch" "ooh !! You wanna have lunch now" "Yes" "Rk why dont you tell me clearly that you cant wait to meet me and you have started missing me" "No madhu I can wait to meet you but I cant wait to kiss you" "What!!" madhu shouted, rk chuckled imagining her the expression on her face "Madhu do you think only you can tease me" "Rk.. I .. that" "You wanted me to directly get to the point, So here I get directly to the point. I cant wait to see your beautiful face , I cant wait to hold you , I cant wait to kiss you. So get ready in a hour I am coming because i cant wait" "Okay Mr-I-Cant-Wait I will be ready in a hour" "Bye" "Bye".

Rk cut the call happily and then he called bittuji "Hello" "Hello Bittuji I need your help" "Yes tell me chief" "I want you to make some arrangements for me" "Chief I am on my way to mumbai , I will do your work reaching" "No bittuji I want it done in a hour" "Chief but how will i do" "Let it be bittuji i will do it myself" "Okay chief , i will reach mumbai till evening and after that will come and give you luggage" "Thank you bittuji Bye" "bye". Rk got busy in planning where to take madhu.

After exact one hour Rk was infront of madhu's house waiting for her to come down , every second was passing like a hour to Rk atlast madhu came in a white top and blue denim. Rk kept staring at her "Madhu you look very beautiful" "Thank you and you look no less" "I know I always look smart but also , thank you" madhu looked at the smirk on rk's face and hit on his arm playfully and " I was just being formal.You dont look good" "but also thank you" rk said by giving a quick peck on her lips making madhu's eyes go wide in shock. Madhu blushed and turned her face "Someone was being very bold on phone what happened now madhu??" "I.. that.. stop it Rk" "Let it be, I have whole day to bring your bold side back again" saying this rk winked at her and started the driving.

Rk stopped the car and madhu got out of the car and started shouting in excitement , rk felt good seeing her happy "You know Rk i wanted to go to the beach from the day tai bought me to mumbai. I lived in the village or in delhi and I was always fascinated about beach" "You like it?" "Its perfect Rk" "No madhu you are perfect" "Aww... thank you Rk" "I also love beaches madhu, I always come here when I am upset about anything or if I am happy" "Seriously Rk this is so beautiful" madhu said.

Madhu and Rk kept talking about many things, they had their lunch at beach side hotel and again came back to the beach to see the sunset. Everything was very nice , madhu was loving it but she was scared as no one ever had showered her with so much care and respect , she dint want this to end. she knew she loved Rk but she was worried, she dint want to spoil the beautiful relation between them.

Madhu was in her thoughts when it started to rain "Madhu lets go to the car or we will get wet" "No Rk lets wait. I love rains" saying this madhu started dancing and enjoying he rain. Rk couldnt move his eyes from her she looked so cute enjoying the rain , rk couldn't resist he moved towards her and pulled her closer. Rk held her tight in his arms and claimed her lips , softly at first taking in her sweet taste but madhu took over and deepened the kiss. They both stood in each others arms amid the rain drops falling and the sunset witnessing their love for each other which was yet unknown to them.

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