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Five years later

Rk and Madhu were sleeping when suddenly there sleep was broken by continuous knocks on the door.

Rk rubbed his eyes and shouted

"Who is this??"

"Your princess daddy, now get up and open the door" hearing their daughters voice madhu and rk got up at once.

Madhu checked the clock and said

"Rk we are late, I said you yesterday night but you never listen to me !! I will go and take shower you go handle your princess"

saying this madhu held the sheets closer to her went to take shower and get ready.

Rk got up and put up some clothes and opened the door

"Good Morning my sweet little bushi"

"Good Morning Daddy. You know our house is looking so different because of the decoration"

"Dont you like it"

"I love it but daddy when will trishna aunty come to stay with us"

"Tonight only and call her trishna mammi"

"Yippe, I am so excited she promised to make her special noddles for me"

"That great"

"You know mommy said today I am going to wear my new dress"


"And also she said that ... " rk rk stared at his daughter who kept speaking like her mother, non stop.

He still remembered the day vividly when madhu told him that she was pregnant, it was unexpected madhu hadn't finish her final exam but they decided this baby was happy omen for them.

Sikky and trishna helped madhu in her studies because she missed classes due to morning sickness and madhu scored well at last.

Sikky wanted to open his own office so madhu, trishna decided to be partners and start the buisness.

They got their first big project when madhu delivered the baby.

It was a baby girl everyone decided to name her bushra as the name meant good news.

Sikky ran coming to Rk


"What is it sikky?"

" I am nervous"

"Sikky it was you who proposed trishna and decided to marry her"

"I know but also"

"You both are together since 5 years so why are you worried now"

"I don't know"

"Sikky go and get ready"

"Where is madhu ??"

"How many times did i tell you to call her bhabhi"

"okay okay , Where is bhabhi?"

"I wont tell go and get ready and stop behaving like bushi"

"Okay" sikky replied and went to his room.

Rk went down and was checking the decorations when he saw mohan standing and ordering the workers, rk went to him and said

"Dad you go and sit. I will see the work here"

"No rishab let me do this"

"You go and play with your grand daughter , I will stand here"

"This sounds a good idea" saying this mohan went.

Rk chuckled and thought after madhu came in his life everything changed for good.

It was evening time and Sikky's wedding rituals had started Madhu was sitting with Roma and Radha.

Madhu was very happy, she had everything she ever wished for.

She found a handsome caring husband in Rk, a great friend and brother in Sikky, a mother in Radha and Roma, a father in Mohan and a angel in her daughter bushra and now trishna was also joining the family.

After madhus marriage Roma stopped working and started her own bakery which has now turned into a small cafe.

Mohan had permanently shifted to India now stayed in kundra mansion with everyone.

They all were a happy family now.

All the rituals ended and madhu was back in her room after putting her princess to sleep.

Madhu chuckled thinking what happened few minutes ago, bushra wanted to sleep with trishna and sikky was helplessly looking at everyone but atast rk was able to convince her to sleep in her room.

Rk entered the room

"Madhu you looked very beautiful today, i wanted to tell you since morning but dint get time"

"I know and you look no less"

"You want to see the pictures I took"

"Sure why not" madhu replied.

Rk took his camera and started showing the pictures to madhu, there were many beautiful candid pictures.

"You still look the same"


"And you know what ?"


"I love you my sleeping beauty"

"I love you too" saying this madhu tiptoed and pecked his lips before she could withdraw Rk held her face and deepened the kiss.

They continued kissing till it was extremely necessary to breath.

Every kiss was promise of togetherness till the end !!

Please vote and comment guys !! This is the the last update of the story ☺

Till The End : A Journey Of TogethernessWhere stories live. Discover now