Part 13

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Rk was shocked out of his wits , madhu has gone somewhere with few men "Did they forcibly take her" "No sir first they got in some arguments with the girl so I went there and asked what the problem was they replied it was some family matter so i stepped back" he said. Rk felt the earth slipping under his feet Roma has warned them to be careful but because of his carelessness madhu is missing. Rk again asked the watchman "Do you know when the car and which it was ??" "Sir the car came around the same time your car came and i dont remember anything more" "Thank you" rk said to him and went back inside "Bittuji , pack up everything. I am going there is a emergency" "What emergency chief??" "Bittuji , Madhu is missing" "What !!" "You handle everything here I am going". Rk dint know where to go and search for hee , he thought to check the hotel once he sat in the car at that time his phone buzzed it was madhu's message "Help me Rk!! My dad's men are taking me back to the village. I dont want to go back there. Please Help!!" rk read the message and was shocked his doubts was confirmed it was madhu's family. He then tried calling madhu but her phone was coming switched off Rk decided to call roma and tell her everything as she was the only one who could help him and he needed to do something fast "Hello tai" "Hello Rishab , How are you??" "Tai madhu has been taken to her village by her fathers men" "How?? What happened?? I said you to be careful ... I was scared this would happen" "Tai we were careful but everything happened so suddenly" then rk told her what all happened , Roma started crying "Rishab please save my madhu . I knew they wont leave her so easily" "Tai dont worry I promise you to bring her back. Tai can you give me the address to the village" roma gave him the directions to the village, it was not very far it was a 2 hours drive. "Rishab they must have seen you with her, you be careful when you to the village. Rk they are dangerous people" "Once i reach the village i will call you. You tell me where madhu's house is" "Okay , please be fast. I am scared for madhu" "Dont worry tai, I will save her".

In less than two hours rk reached there because he was driving very fast but the drive has been very tough for Rk. He was getting worried for madhu , he should have been careful and not let madhu go alone. He had no idea what here family member's will do with her , he couldnt lose madhu. Rk stopped his at a dhabha near the village from there he took a ride with a farmer on his tractor. He called Roma "Tai I am in the village now where should i go now and where will i find madhu". Roma told Rk the address then she said "but rishab going inside will be tough" "You tell me tai , I will do anything for madhu" "Rishab madhu's fathers haveli is very big it has many entrances but every his men will be there but at the back of the haveli a stable is there you can enter the house from there" " Where I can find madhu" "Most probably they must have lock her in her room. If not then you have to search" "Which is madhu's room , how will I know??" "When you enter the stable you will see a door at the end of it which will open into haveli it will not be locked. From here it will a little tricky when you get out of the room , you will see a small madir to the lft will be madhu's room but i dont know how you will get there the room in the stable opens in the opposite of madhu's room" "Thanks tai ... I will do something" "Keep me updated about the situation there" "I will".

Rk went to the haveli stable at that moment some workers also came and started keeping some sacks of grain. Hearing the men come rk hid there for almost a hour the men kept coming and putting the sacks when the stopped rk went to the door and slowly peeped in there were many people in the house but everyone was busy in their work . The haveli was magnificent and it was beautifully decorated. Rk saw the room beside mandir it was not locked but was closed from outside and it was impossible for Rk to go to the room with out getting noticed so rk decided to wait. Later at night Rk again saw out of the door this time his way was clear but it was dark. Rk slowly walked out of the room very carefully he reached the room which according to Roma was madhus.

Rk got worried thinking if the room would be empty he crossed his fingers and opened the door and pushed it , it was not locked from inside luckily. He closed his eyes in pain seeing the sight infront of him , Madhu sat on the floor hugging her knees with tears continuously flowing from her eyes her cheeks were red and had marks of fingers on them. Madhu looked up hearing the noise , she thought it was someone from her family but to her surprise and shock it was RK her savior. She ran to him and hugged him tight, she started crying loudly rk tried consoling her he broke the hug "Madhu dont cry , I am here now. You dont need to worry" "No rk my life is finished. They wont let me leave" "Madhu I am here now nothing will happened" "Rk you need to go they have seen you, if they find you it will became a more big problem" "No madhu Ia m not going anywhere without you" "Rk please dont put yourself in danger" "Madhu I cant leave you here and go" "Rk now i can never go from here they have decided to get me married day after tomorrow" "What !! No they cant do that" "They are" "Madhu... NO... we are running away from here before that" "I dont think we can RK" "we can madhu... you are very important to me madhu , I wont leave you here nor let them ruin your life. Madhu I like you .. I like you so much there is something between us and i wont let anyone ruin it" "Rk ..." "Madhu did they hurt you"rk asked but madhu nodded her head in negative "Madhu your cheek" rk caress her cheek softly he hesitantly moved closer to her , madhu moved a step forward enclosing the distance rk has left between them. Rk's hand slid down her waist and other hand on her back holding her protectively , chill ran down madhu's spine there eyes were locked at each other her lips quivered. Madhu intertwined her fingers in his hair his lips brushed her lips softly, Everything stopped only their chests moved in perfect sync completely ignorant of the outside world finally their lips touched, It was a passionate and at the same time it was soft. They broke the kiss because of lack of breath madhu kept her head on rk's chest and hugged him there was complete silence. "Madhu you are not going to marry" "Rk they are forcing me to. Its not my choice" "Madhu lets run away" "Rk the security is very tight we wont be able to" "Do you trust me?" "Yes" "Then leave everything on me. You just tell me what is your family's plan" "Its simple they are getting me married day after tomorrow to a son of a very powerful man of the village" "Till that will you be locked here" "No , tomorrow we will be going to the mandir for some pooja and then the rituals will continue and the marriage next day" "Madhu we will run away from the mandir" "My whole family will be there it wont be easy" "But madhu i think its the best time to run away as in mandir there will be rush and we can easily get mixed in the crowd" "Yes it will be but how will you come to mandir. My fathers men have seen you" "You dont worry, I will do something" "Rk at backside of the mandir there will be a river. We will meet there" "Ok madhu from there we will go the dhabha as my car is there" "As you say but Rk if i am not able to come out of mandir" "Madhu you will be able to if not I am there" "Where are you staying at night??? Here at night the security will be very tight please be careful" "Okay I must go now. Good Night Sleeping Beauty , sleep peacefully and dont worry" "Good Night , will try to" "And please no more tears madhu" saying this Rk pecked on madhu's lips and went out leaving madhu blushing.

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