Part 5

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Rk hugged madhu back he dint like seeing her like this she looked nice in her jungli billi avatar but not this , RK was confused he left madhu for 5 minutes and went to his cabin and she got herself in a trouble but the only thing in his mind was he couldn't see her cry "Madhu stop crying" rk said but madhu continued crying giving no reply to him. Rk took out his car keys and opened the door and made madhu seat , he gave her water to drink. After few minutes madhu stopped crying and said " The girl in there stated shouting at me " "You should have said her that you came with me" " I was trying to but she was shouting very loudly , I get very scared if someone shouts loudly" "Oh madhu!! it is my mistake i shouldn't have left you alone. I just went for few minutes and see what happened" "I would have replied her back but i couldn't, but why did you leave me and go??" " I want to make a call actually you dint have breakfast so i called to order it" " But how do you know i dint have breakfast" " I knew , Tai cooked the food and was with me after that. Come lets go inside now" "No !!! I dont want to go again" "Madhu be brave , I like the jungli billi madhu who was arguing with me not this bheegi billi. Once they know you are with me no one will tell you anything" " I am not bheegi billi , lets go inside" madhu said .

Madhu was very nervous going inside everyone was staring at her they were curiously looking at both of them. Rk was holding his hand all the time , madhu felt nice and confident. Anna was shocked seeing Rk bring the girl in "Rk why did you bring this girl inside" "How dare you shout on her and throw her out" "Rk she spoiled my dress and she came inside without permission" "So is this the way you behave , dont you have basic manners. From now onwards she doesn't need anyone permission to do anything she is with me , its better if everyone fix this in there minds" "Oh Rk i dint knew she was with you" "Anna apologize " "No , I wont it was her mistake" "I am saying you again apologize NOW , if you dont your photoshoot is cancelled" "No" "I can easily find another model for the magazine" "You cant do that" "Yes I can. Apologize now or leave" Rk said with a authoritative tone. Madhu got worried she was very happy that Rk stood for her no one has ever done that for her but she dint want Rk to get any problem because of her. Madhu said "Rk let it be" "No , how dare she behave like that with you !!!" Rk said. Here Anna was in a great confusion but she knew that if she gets featured in the magazine because of Rk it will be very good for her career. "I am sorry Rk" "You dont need to say sorry to me, say sorry to madhu"Rk said. "I am sorry" anna said to madhu "Its Ok" madhu replied. "Everyone get back to work the photoshoot will start in 15 minutes and i want everything to be ready" Rk said loudly.Everyone got dismissed and started doing their works with speed.

"Madhu come with me" Rk said, madhu silently followed him they went to Rk's cabin. The cabin was big and beautiful , madhu was admiring it when Rk said "Madhu your breakfast is at the table go and eat" saying this he left madhu's hand. Madhu looked at their hands suddenly she stated missing the warmth then she shrugged off her thoughts and went to the table there was a sandwich and orange juice she happily ate them. Rk was busy doing something on his laptop , madhu finished eating "Rk i am done with the breakfast. Now will you tell me what i have to do" "Ok , All you have to do is just follow my orders, Now go and check if everything is ready or not and take the blue file from the table it has all the details of the photoshoot of today" "Ok i will check and inform you" madhu said and went out. After that the photoshoot started madhu dint have much to do but she enjoyed seeing everything. She never knew that it takes so much hardwork behind every picture in the magazine and Rk wanted everything to be perfect."Madhu take this camera and upload the photos in my laptop and then start the preparation for the next photoshoot , the model will arrive in half an hour i guess" "Ok i will" madhu said and went to do her work.The next photoshoot also was completed peacefully.

It was 4 in the evening and all the work was completed, Rk just had to do some final editing to the photos which he decided that he will do at home "Madhu the work is over now lets go" "Ok give me 1 minute i will pack your things" "Thanks madhu and also keep the blue file" "Ok"madhu replied. Madhu packed the things and they started for the house.They were in the car when Rk said "Madhu I am hungry lets go for lunch then we will go home if you dont mind" "No problem we will have lunch first. I am also hungry"madhu replied. They went to a nice restaurant and were having lunch when Rk said "Are you angry about what happened at the studio in the morning" "No , its was not your fault" "But also i shouldn't have left you alone" "You made her apologize and now I have no problem" "That very sweet of you and I dint wanted to force you to come also but i was in need of a assistant and then you refused , So... " "You could have asked me politely maybe i would have agreed" "Next time I will be polite" "Actually you are also not that rude" "Thats sounds good to hear. So friends ?" "Yes but only if you get me ice-cream after the lunch" "Then I have to think about it again" "What!!" "I was just kidding so which flavor you like??" "Chocolate" "As i guessed" rk replied and madhu chuckled.The rest of the lunch they kept talking about random things.

When they were near Rk's house he asked madhu to hide after parking the car inside he asked madhu "Madhu I know that you are from some village then you were in Delhi for your studies but now why are you staying with Tai in Mumbai. Are you hear for holidays???" madhu looked at Rk with a blank expression"Rk... ..." "Let it be for now we have reached home will talk later and I also have to finish my work" madhu felt relieved "So madhu i am going in now you come few minutes later" "But what if the other maid see's me" " Madhu keep my mobile with you after going inside I will check and call you from landline then you can come inside" "No no I have my mobile You take my number and message me" "Ok done" Rk said and they exchanged numbers. Rk went inside the house no one was there he went and opened the backdoor for madhu to enter and then messaged madhu and he went to his room. On the other hand madhu saw Rk's message and went inside. Roma was in the room when madhu entered "Oh madhu I was waiting for you. How was your day ?" "It was very good" "Are you hungry , shall i bring food" "No thank you Tai I had lunch with my friend and now i want to sleep tai , i am tired" "Ok take rest" Roma replied.

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