Ch.1 just a normal night

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Hello pretty pandas my names Demi this is my first story and it's kinda random cause I only write at night before I sleep

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Hello pretty pandas my names Demi this is my first story and it's kinda random cause I only write at night before I sleep. So if they're random misspellings or holes in the story feel free to message me and I'll do my best to fix it. Any ways I'll let you read and stop scrambling on hope you enjoy!😊
(Ace and his Wolf form Vincent)
*Ace's P.O.V*
"Your a sorry excuse for a Darkmoon pack member Ace" my Alpha,Mark, said through gritted teeth, alcohol heavy on his breath. I whimpered as his fist tightened in my hair "please let go of my hair Alpha" i asked in a hoarse whisper. Tears sting my eyes threatening to spill over as he pushed me to the ground roughly. "You fucking killed my wife, my mate, my every fucking thing Ace. i will kill you slowly and painfully like Luna had to!" he growled out as he kicked me in the already bruised and broken ribs. He kicked me two more times then pulled me up and punched my nose causing to scream when it made a nasty crunching sound. He stopped punching me when the basement door opened and made a squeak noise. "Alpha he's back and we need you at the meeting" our Beta Jack said slightly out of breath as he spoke. Alpha nodded and turned back to me "you better not be here when i come back you worthless shit" he snarled while dropping me with one last kick to the ribs feeling one snap. I tried standing up as i checked to see if he ripped out my gauges or of the other piercings out. I heard someone walk in from the kitchen door making me gasp and look up from the mirror. I seen it was just my sister Moonshine and sighed a bit "Ace why don't you stand up for yourself when he's like this?" she asked as she came forward to help me to the bathroom. "I tried sis but he just rages out ,hurt me more and still believes that I killed Luna when i tell him it wasn't my fault" i said looking up into her eyes with tears in my own. I finally let them fall over my cheeks when she shook her head "i'm sorry Ace i want to help fight back but i can't, not like Jack or Tommy. Even they can't take him on most of the time" she said as she popped my nose back in place so it would heal. "It's okay sis i'll find a way to fix this" i whispered as i hugged her tight placing my head in the crook of her neck. When we pulled away i started heading to the basement since they made it my bedroom so they don't have to see me. "Good night Sis i love you" i said kissing her cheek. "Good night baby brother i love you to" she said while heading to her warm and cozy room when i walked down the stairs to my cold concrete room. One day but not today was my last thought as i fell into a dreamless sleep.

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