Ch. 11 A Picture Last Longer

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*Kaydes POV*
Short chapter sorry

"Is he your mate Kay?" Neon asked with wide eager to know. After I heard the door upstairs close I smiled wide. " yes but I'm taking things slow for now since he just moved out here and had that trouble with Red. I don't think he's ready yet and I don't want to push him." I blushed when Neon went full 12 year old and made kissy noises and awed. I'm really happy Ace moved down here cause he's in my territory so I know he's safe. When I mark him we can live here away from the pack house. Maybe we'll start a family here too. I snapped out of my gaze of thoughts when something hit my face.  "What the heck Neon!" I yell looking up to see him red in the face laughing his ass off. "Dude you had a creepy smile while all spaced out it could make a baby cry for its momma." He calmed himself more while I hold my blush back. Ace finally came down stairs. He was wearing Red shorts, BMTH tank top, red beanie, and red and black converses. As I checked him out he smirked and looked at me " take a picker babe it last longer." He did a imaginary hair flip as I pulled my phone out and taking a picture. "Thanks I'll need this later tonight" I said winking making him blush and punch my shoulder lightly. Neon laughed holding his gut from laughing so much. "Alright boys lets get going before Ace turns into a tomato" Neon laughed out walking out the door. 'God he's such a awesome brother but why do these people wear shorts in Canada!' I thought as we walk out the door and to in front of Aces car.

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