ch. 22 yes I will!

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*Aces P.O.V

I woke up two hours later to see that we're late for our date. I rolled over and Kayde was gone making me groan. He suddenly walk through the door in his boxers "we're late to the restaurant, why didn't you wake me up" I said frowning as he just chuckled. He kissed me softly " because I just got up myself we'll just go to the park and make some food to eat there. We can just talk there." He pulls me closer to his chest with a twinkle in his eyes which made me smile at the warmth he's giving. I nodded "that sounds amazing, just you me the moon and the stars" I said kissing his bare chest gently. He cupped my chin and looked into my eyes." You go start packing a basket for the date, I'll  go take a blanket for us to sit on to the truck." 
Sexual content
I kissed Kayde deeply and he grabbed my ass slowly moving his hands to my front. He rubbed me through my boxers. I moaned and closed my eyes. I whined when he pulled away "you might want to take care of that problem in the shower I  have to set up the basket."
Once I hop in the shower I turn it on warm groaning cause I still had my problem in my pants. I figured since it was just me and Kayde I can fix it since he can't here me from down stairs. So I started doing my business, and I turned into a moaning mess while leaning against the wall stroking myself. Once I was finished I washed my hair and rest of my body. I got dressed in my sweat pants and drying my hair. "Damn Ace screaming louder then most girls in there." I jumped at the sound of Moonshine and blushed deeply.
Sexual content over
When I turned around I seen Kayde Tyler Moonshine and Skit with Lavender. "W-why did you just sit here and listen? Nobody wanted to tell me to quiet down?" I said looking at Kayde at the last question. "I knocked twice to tell you we had company" Kayde said as I looked at Skit and Lavender suddenly making me nervous.  "We aren't here to hurt you, we actually came to say sorry" Skit said looking me in the eyes with sadness and some other mix emotions. "Yea we decided since we got kicked out the pack we might as well say sorry for everything we did to you" Lavender said as he stood making Kayde growl. "What you got kicked out? Why the Fuck would Mark kick two of the three strongest warriors he has?" I asked looking at them both. Skit smiled as Lavender giggled "we'll tell you when you come home, but you and Kayde got a date so Skit, Moonshine, Tyler, and I are going to watch the house while you guys are gone." Lavender said making me smile brightly at the mention. "Oh right let me get dressed and I'll be right out" I said pushing them out the room , well except Kayde. "Can I trust them little one? " Kayde ask looking into my eyes.  I grabbed both his cheeks and kissed him softly "yes you can they were my friends I knew they didn't want to do what they did cause they often snuck me food when I wasn't allowed to eat and helped me out the house when I needed clothes or shoes or just needed a run to let Vincent stretch." I said as I slipped on some joggers Kayde bought me and a short sleeve dark blue shirt, not caring my scars showing since it's just the park at night. "Plus if they get out of control I know Tyler and Moonshine will set them straight" I smiled as I seen him slip on a blue shirt with a zip up jacket. He grabbed my hand as we headed down the stairs carefully. "Babe can you help me with my shoes?" I asked giving him puppy eyes making Tyler giggle at Kaydes playful sigh. "Yes I'll help you little one" he said helping me tie my converses. I smiled as Kayde pulled me up and kissed my nose making me scrunch it up "we'll be back later guys, don't break anything" Kayde said  as he closed the door and he smiled wide making me worried. "We're taking my Truck cause the mini coppers to small" he said making me confused how is it to small if he and,Tyler fit in it. He helped me in the Truck. He smiled When we started taking off. "So how about instead of sitting on the ground we can sit in the back of the truckbed cause its harder to get on the ground then the truckbed." He said as we pulled up to an empty park. I smiled as we can see the Sun start to fade beyond the trees. "Don't worry I have candles since I knew we'd be out here a little late" he said making me smile wide and kissed him sweetly and tenderly. He opened the back of the bed since it had a cover over it for when it rained or snowed , which was pretty cool to me since it snows a lot here. I got in the back on the blanket the was already there and pinned down my candles. "It's beautiful Kayde I love it!" I squealed as he climbed up and hugged me while kissing my cheek.
°an hour later°
We blew the candles out after we were finished eating and laid back on the pillow Kayde "conveniently"  had in the back seat. We looked at the stars when Kayde grabbed my hand and pulled me to the edge of the truckbed while he stood. He blushed as he took my hands in his "Ace you really are the best thing that's ever happened in my life. Your my best friend, the best boyfriend, most wonderful mate. And I wanted to ask you if you wanted to add that list and be the best husband ever?" he said as he got down on one knee making me cry with happiness. I smiled so wide my cheeks hurt "Ace Joel White will you marry me?" He asked pulling out the prettiest purple and steel ring I've ever seen. I nodded so fast I thought I would get whip lash "hell yes I'll marry you kayde!" I said as I jumped into his arms after he slipped the ring on. I held him tight, careful of my belly though. "I'm so freaking happy you said yes" he whispered with tears flowing down his cheeks and smiling. "I could never say no to you, I love you" I kiss him deeply as he held me tight around my waist. After a few more moments of tears we packed up and was headed home. "Where did you get a ring like this Kayde?" I asked looking down at it on my hand. He smiled as he had a simular ring on his hand but blue, that I didn't notice till he held my hand. "Mamma gave one to me, Tyler and Neon but Tyler said he didn't want his since he doesn't believe in giving someone material objects to show your love so he gave me his" he stopped to show me his, or Tyler's old one, and smiled softly. "And your were the one she told me to give it to. Your that special some one and I'm glad it was you,Not anyone else."He pulled up at the house but before we even opened the door Moonshine and Tyler were already outside with big smiles. I giggled seeing that Kayde told them his plan I guess. Moonshine squeals as she hugs me with tears in her eyes. She looks at my hand "Mom would be so proud of you Ace" she said making me hug her tighter smiling with tears pouring down my face now. "She's would be proud of both of us Moon" I said as I pulled away wiping mine and her tears. When I look over I see  Kayde crying with Ty giving me a thumbs up letting me know it was happy tears. I smiled as I  took my phone out taking a picture if the brotherly moment.I see Neon run down the stairs "I want in the brother hug" he shouts as he jumped on Kaydes back. Tyler slings his arms over them as soon as I take the picture they look at me as I giggled. "Going in my scrap book" I smiled as moonshine smiled and held my hand softly. "Yay Ace said yes, New brother! " Neon yells acting 2 and not 21 making me giggle at his childish manner. Kayde dropped him on his butt making him whine "your such a meanie Kay, Ty Kaydes being a meanie but again" he said making Ty give him a playful glare and put him in a head lock. Neon smiled as he seen the two wrestling playfully and sat next to me and Moonshine "can I see the ring Kayde never showed me the one Mamma gave him only Ty" I nodded and showed him as he smiled proudly.  "Its super cute on you and he got words engraved on it" he said making me look at it to see 'not so lonely wolf' on it making me bit me lip. "We should head to bed since it's late little one" Kayde said as he came over and smiled. I nodded "Skit and Lavender have the guessed room so me and Tyler will take the pull out couch and Neon can have the recliner" Moonshine said kissing me cheek gently.  "You guys head to bed" she said as we didn't think twice since it was late. "Goodnight everyone" I yelled getting many goodnights back. Once I got undressed into boxer's  me and Kayde laid in bed cuddled close "I love you so much baby and I'm the happiest wolf alive right now" he said as I smiled tiredly up at him. "Me to baby but we have to go to bed or I'll get cranky again" I said as Kayde chuckled and kissed my head as he fell asleep.

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