Ch.4 hospital mornings

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*Aces POV*
When I woke up the next morning I feel a bit better but not fully healed. I sat up care full of my arms and noticed Moonshine wasn't here but, the all to gorgeous, Kayde was sitting next to me. He looked lost in thought staring at his hands with blacked out eyes. I watched him for a few moments lost in awe of his tattoos on his arms "K-Kayde?" I whispered softly since he was an Alpha and I didn't want to anger him. His head shot up and looked up with a slightly smile and softly started to talk " your up! D-Do you want some coffee or s-something?" He scratched his neck with a slightly pink blush and a smile. I giggled nodding slightly and smiled at the mention of coffee " yes I would love some coffee please." When he left I held my casted hand close to my stomach because it felt really heavy sitting in my lap. He came back a few minutes later with my coffee and my curiosity got the better of me "Kayde can I ask why you are here? Not to be rude it's okay if you're here. I just was curious as to why?" I stopped my rambling do to his chuckles making the butterflies crazy in my tummy. He sat down next to me in the bed" well your sister was her most of the night and when I came by to see you I told her to go home cause she's a worrier and she needs her rest. So I sat her with you and stayed so you wouldn't freak out when you woke up by yourself." As he talked he laid his hand on my knee making Vincet stand and started barking and yelling' it's him! Mate!' I stared wide eyes for a second till I silenced Vincent 'quiet I'll take care of it later you focus on getting better Vince'. I smiled up at Kayde " thank you for staying but you didn't have to I don't want to be a bother and take your time when you could be doing your Alpha duties" I whispered softly drinking the last of my coffee. He smiled while lightly gripping my knee in a comforting way making sparks go up my spine, holding back a moan from the feeling. I blushed dark red and hid my face in my hair. He cupped my chin, tilting my head up to look him in the eyes 'why would he want to see me at all I'm nothing special, just a walking,talking mistake.' He looked into my eyes and smiled a bit "you're not a bother Ace I really lo-like you a lot like a friend" he said blushing. I was going to comment on it but Moonshine ran in like a lunatic "Ace you're awake, I'm sorry I wasn't here!" I chuckled and hugged her,lightly kissing her cheek " it's okay sis Kayde kept me company while you were gone" I mumbled blushing deeply. She giggled but looked down for a bit "I'm sorry to kill the moment though Acey but you have to go home today" moon whispered lightly biting her lip. I nodded and sighed a bit " did you bring my clothes Sis?" I asked as she smiled and handed me my black and red skinny jeans with my long sleeve OM&M shirt. Mumbled a thank you as went to the bathroom to get dressed. I came out the bathroom and Kayde gave me a small hug causing me to gasp slightly "thanks for staying Kayde." Kayde chuckled and shook his head "it was a pleasure Moon I just want to make sure my ma-friend is safe" he said blushing but quickly correcting himself. Two slip ups is this Alpha okay? They hugged and I limped out side to Moons Mini Cooper, which is a beautiful purple by the way. Before I got in Kayde hugged me making Vincent whine and purr. He let go with a nod and walked away when I got in the car Moon kinda giggled. When she started towards the house she became serious " tonight's the night Ace" she said her eyes focused on the road. "Okay" I whispered already knowing what she meant by that. 'This is going to be a long day' i thought while watching the trees blurr by the car.

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