Ch.9 best morning ever

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(Guys I'm sorry I haven't updated in so long I've been dealing with exams and fsa and haven't foind the time to write but his a chapter I'm working on the next one)
(Aces room)

*Aces POV*
This morning I woke up in the protective arms of an amazing man. I may or may not have told a little lie yesterday. After the walk my ribs felt completely fine and back in place. I just didn't feel like doing all that work by my self plus I wanted more time with Kayde. He doesn't know this so it won't hurt him. I giggle as I felt his fringe tips graze over my bare ribs to my chest. Each second setting off a million fireworks in their wake. I almost moaned at the feeling of his hands on my body. Almost! But I didn't so he doesn't think I'm weird. I rolled over facing my most gorgeous mate. Vincent gets super happy when I'm around Kayde and yells at me to mark him immodestly but I can't just yet. I want it to be special when we Mark each other so I want to get to know him first. I was pulled from my thoughts when a feel a pair of spicy, soft lips mold with mine. I kissed back feeling the fire works explode from me every moment . He pulled away too soon for my likening making me whimper for more. He chuckled lightly " I knew that would get your attention. You've been staring at me like I was a juicy price of T bone and you haven't ate for a year for the past ten minutes." He said making me blush." S-Sorry I was just think that's all" I said staring into his magical green orbs that he like to call eyes. I'm so weird I know. I noticed he has a lightly yellowish ring near the pupil of his eye marking him as Alpha. "What we're you thinking about love?" He asked running a hand through my awful bed hair. I blushed think about before "about you and I, you notice the Sparks to right?" I asked him hoping he loves the thought of us being mates.  " yes I noticed them and I love them so much. I noticed the butterflies you give me. I notice the intoxicating smell you always have. I notice the need to protect you with every fiber in my body because I've finally found you and I don't want to lose you." He whispered all the while looking me in the eyes and holding my cheek. I leaned close to him and kissed him passionately, smiling when he kissed back." So Ace will you be mine forever?" I smiled so wide the only thing stopping it from spreading across my head was my ears. I wrapped my arms over his chest not holding my tears back " Yes Kayde I will be yours forever and always." He smiled brightly and hugged me tightly ' best way to wake up ever'. I wrapped my legs with Kayde's. " I agree but there's plenty more amazing mornings to come as long as your with me" he said kissing my head gently. Opps must of said that one out loud, oh well it's the truth.

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