ch20 our terrible past

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*Aces P.O.V*

I woke up this morning with Kayde wrapped around me. I smile tracing his half of our matching tattoos on his wrist .we got the interlocked symbol of the male gender/gay lovers thing with Soul mate writen under it. I felt a wave of nausea and groaned "babe let go I need to get up" I said loud enough for him to hear and let me go and rolled over. I stood up rushing to the bathroom and puked up everything on my stomach. I feel Kayde rubbing my back and holding my hair "God this shits getting old" I say as I stand to wash my mouth out with mouthwash and waddled back to bed. Kayde made me sit up so he can pull my shirt on leaving me in the room. "I'll be back up with breakfast so don't get up little one" he kisses me deeply making me melt at how soft and warm his lips are. He chuckles as he stood up from the blankets butt naked. "So you helped me hold my hair and rub my back while I puke while as naked as ever and I didn't notice ?" I asked with a raised brow. He just nodded and slipped on his boxers and shirt since it's just me and Ty in the house with Kayde. I rolled my eyes as I sat up and grabbed the remote turning the TV on. Ty came in with a smile "hey short stack let's watch a movie while kaydie makes breakfast." He says loud enough in the doorway to make Kayde mad about the Nick name and me to glare at them to. "Fine I can't leave the room anyways" I said smiling as I scooted over and patted next to me . He hopped in like he's 5 and not 25 making me yelp slightly "be careful Ty I don't wanna fall" I said playfully but he didn't catch it and instantly frowned as he hugged me. "I'm sorry I don't wanna hurt you guys in anyway" he started burying his face in my shoulder. I chuckled as I rubbed his back "you didn't hurt me Ty Ty just be careful where you bounce your big wolfie ass" I say making him laugh and come out while turning on Netflix. We settled for the nightmare before Christmas since it's the only thing we both could agree on. I laid my head on his shoulder while watching till he paused the movie "Ace can I ask you something? It's about moonshine."A soft blush on his face as he scratched the back of his neck. I nodded and sat up straighter to give him my full attention. He plays with the ends of his worn out white t shirt "s-she uh told me that she's had a bad past and your her only family that's alive but she won't tell me what happened." He stops taking a soft breath as I took his hands to calm him since he's obviously nervous. He looked up at me and I smiled to reassure him it's okay to talk to me about this since I can see it written on his face he thinks I will be mad. "I know it's a bit personal but can you please tell me what happened so I can help her with the obvious elephant on her chest?" He asked biteing his lip but still looked in my eyes while talking. Kayde walked in with knowing eyes since I could hear him on the other side on the door "yes I'll tell you while we eat" I say as Kayde handed him his toast and eggs with sausage. I just put my plate next to me on the side table to cool as Kayde Sat behind me rubbing my back. I took a deep breath "well back when I was 1 and Moonshine was 3 I was playing with my mom in the kitchen cooking lunch and Moonshine sitting on the couch watching tv. Dad came in and picked me to with moonshine to eat when dad sat me on the counter and mom walked away to feed moonshine. I, being a curious 1 year old, started to push buttons on the stove and no one was paying attention till a fire started. The fire was starting to spread making mom grab me quickly and dad tried to put the fire out but it caught him on fire aswell . Mom got me and Moonshine out side but she ran back in to get dad out too. Moonshine grabbed me moving further from the heat since I couldn't move fast. The fire spread quickly through the pack house no one made it out but me and Moon not even mom. So me and Moonshine started going aimlessly around the woods till a lovely female wolf walked up with her head lowered to us. When she came from around a tree dressed in human form she picked me up and held Moonshines hand. She kept asking her what happened and we cried. She took us to the Dark moon pack ironically her name was Luna and she was Alpha Mark's luna. They took us as their own which made Moonshine happy but Because I was use to being around girls and being scared of men I didn't like many manly things so I made Mark mad often. When I was four me and Luna were running since I was an early shifter, but still an omega. I was able to run around with her alot. Well moonshine joined us this time and we all ran in a field till rogues came from no where and attacked moonshine and me. Luna attacked them whilet telling us to run back and warn the others. But when we did moonshine collapsed from blood loss. Since they had wolf's bane on there claws moon shine was actually getting worse. When I made it to Alpha Mark he was off to get his mate and others where helping me and Moon. About an hour later they came back with Lunas dead body and Mark wasn't happy but it wasn't took out on Moonshine. He blamed me for everything so the beatings started and Everyday Moonshine had to suffer to but not from being hit she didn't get friends at home or at school because they knew she was my sister.They verbally abused her calling her so many mean things all the time . Mark made sure everyone in the entire pack either hit me or ignore me even my best friends and sister till she helped me escape from there. Now that I'm not there she's been dealing with everyone making jokes about me and our old pack. She's had many abusive relationships both physical and verbal but she's smart enough to leave them. She's scared of most men and even some girls cause of our cousin's in the other packs. She's more of a mess then she lets anyone see. She suffers from depression and she use to suffer anorexia too." I said all that with Kayde holding me close and Tyler in tears from anger and hurt "She thinks I don't see or hear her cries because she tries to be the stronger older sister but really she's more broken then I am" I whisper as I looked Tyler in the eyes and hold his large hands tightly. "Just promise me Tyler you won't hurt my sister in anyway because I will not hesitate to rip your head off with my own hands" he nods with promise in his eyes." I promise Ace I wouldn't even imagine laying a hand on her like that in anyway." He hugs me and gets close to me crying into my shoulder . Kayde rubbed his back "shh calm down bubba your going to hurt your chest" Kayde whispers. s
Since Tyler still struggles with his breathing even though he's cancer free he has to control his breathing. He calmed down and laid back letting Kayde smooth his hair out his eyes "there you go .breath. calm down everyone's okay now she's going to be better, way better, with you in her life." I told him reassuring him. He nodded as he fell asleep holding a random pillow to his chest. Kayde kissed me and kissed my belly button making me giggle "your mommy and auntie are the bravest people you'll ever met trust me" he whispers ass I rolled my eyes with his calling me mommy. "Eat up babe you guys need the energy" He sat next to me careful not to sit on Ty. "I'm happy she'll have some one I can trust and not worried she will be calling me and coming over with a black eye,or busted lip" I whispers to Kayde as he nodded and smiled. "You can trust Ty him and Dash are tender to everyone. They just seem scary on the outside cause of the guard walls he puts up." While holding me close as I finish off my food with thought on my mind.Dash is their older cousin who was so scary to meet cause he's ripped but he was so kind and his mate is so tiny you'd think he'd squish her. "Thank you" I whisper to Kayde lips and gave his a much needed kiss full of love and passion.

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