ch.24 Not So Lonely Wolf

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*Kayde pov*
*5 years later*

I laid on the couch with my baby girl in my belly with eyes as big as planets. She watched Sunday morning cartoons with me while Ace and Greyson went grocery shopping. When the cartoon cam to an end Harley turned around. She faced me and I smiled seeing her beautiful face "Papa, can I have some juice?" She asked in the sweetest voice. "Yes princess anything for you baby girl." Picked her up placing her where I was. She doesn't talk as much as a five year olds normally does. She's very calm and quiet. Grey on the other hand is crazy, he runs jumps, and talks so much he can't stop even in his sleep. When I came back in I handed Harley her juice "Thank you papa." I smile and kiss her head. Greyson almost rips the hinges off the door coming in. I shake my head but laugh " Papa! Harley! Me and daddy are home!" Ace walks in with backs "Thank you for screaming lil man I didn't know if they would hear you five foot away."Ace says making Harley laugh. When they follow him to the kitchen I go see if their is more bags to I see Mason,Ava,Apollo, and Oliver run at me. I hugged them as Neon, his boyfriend Teagan, ty, and Moonshine. We grabbed bags and say our hellos as all the kids ran inside "So Neon hows everything? You doing good?" I asked as he had a big smile on his face. He nodded and before his could open his mouth to tell me Teagan shows up. I instantly knew whay it was just by the way his heart raced " your getting married?!" I said in excitement and he nodded. I hugged him and Tea "Yes I proposed a few days ago." I shake my head and we talked about it as we go inside. To see all the boys and girls playing in the toy box area. I scrunched my brows when I don't see Harley anywhere. I go for he kitchen and see Ace feeding her fruits while she sits on the counter. I sneak behind placing my finger over my lip when Har sees me. I hug Ace and he nearly jumps from out of his skin "dang it Kayde don't scare me like that." I smirked when I get a loud laugh from Harley that even Ace couldn't be mad anymore.  "Let's take breakfast to the living room" I held Harley on my hip and kiss Aces lips. When we got to the living room I set up the kids table for all the babies with the fruits and juices. Greyson comes up to me and hugs me out of no where "what's that for buddy?" I ask since he never hugs anyone randomly "Thank you for saving Daddy from the big meanies." I pull him to my chest and see Neom lookin my way 'told the story how you saved Ace' I smile and set Grey at the table,kissing all the kids heard. When I get to the couch Moonshine sits next to me "Kayde how's Harley doing? She play with all the kids yet?" I sigh and shake my head "no she watch's and laughs but she doesn't seem to want to play but some nights she builds Legos when Grey is with the boys." She knits her brows "maybe she just a little unsure about things seeing as all of out kids are rough, even Ava and Apollo." I agree and carry on conversations the rest of the mornibg with everyone. I played outside even got Harley to get on the playset." By after lunch time everyone settled down and the all kids were down for a nap in the kids room. " Hey Kayde you okay?" Ace asked as he sat next to me. " Yes I'm just so happy for us. We have two beautiful 5 year old babies and all of out family is finally happy." He smiled and kissed my chest and their was something weird about his honey Jasmine smell, he kinda smells like oatmeal. Ace had a smile plastered to his face "are you okay Baby? Your going to scare the kids if they walked in."he laughed and turned the tv off. He handed me a card that said ' GUESS WHAT..'  on the front as he dragged me to the kids door, which is risky seeing as he put them to sleep not to long ago. " Ace what's happening? It's not a holiday or anyone's birthday?" He laughed and kissed my lips. "Kayde Liam  Harrison, I love you and everything about you." I smile as I get lost in his eyes. I kiss him and he gives me a hug but When we let go he opens the door to the kids room and I see both Harley and Greyson standing up smiling. I was confused as I read the all the kids shirts. All the adult were in their too,their phones out and all smiling.  " we have something to taco about' I laughed a bit still a little confused. "Open the card Kayde and read it out loud" I blushed and did as he told me "Gues what.. Rosalyn Mae Harrison Due -....Due july 18th" Theor was a sonogram om the card. I looked up and the kids turned around with 'big sister and big brother Taco ' on their shirts. My jaw dropped and teared up when Ace pulled out a onesie with the words 'little sister burrito' matching Grey and Harley. I fell to my knees and hugged Aces belly crying. "Oh my moon goddes Ace I love you so much." All the kids hugged me and I can hear awes. I stood up and kissed Ace " no Kayde thank you for letting me be the not so lonely wolf I wanted to be." We shared a passionate kiss mixed with tears till we remembered kids were here. As Ace went to the bathroom I sat in the empty hall way " I know your happy for me mom you too mama. We finally have the family together and ever growing. I love you both." I tear up but wiped my face when I feel the families cold hands on my back and a spot on my fore head " I know I'm sorry. Thank oh mama" I whisper as Harley come in the hall.
*Aces pov*
I sat in the bathroom with tears on my cheeks. I smile though "hey Mom and Dad. I hope your proud of what we've done. I sure  couldnt have made it through this far with out Moon. You guys raised her right. Anyways thank you and I love you both. I hope you like your names in this new baby's name. I have to go now I love you." I smile feeling two cold spots on my cheeks. I smiled and took a deep breath.

*third person*
/in hallway\
Both spirits of Kayde mother's were their lists ing to Kayde talk Jane (mom) had rubbed his back for what seems like their last time. Addie  ( Mama) kissed her son's head, trying to wipe the tears off his face.
/in the bathroom\
Across from where Ace was standing by the bathroom door you see a young Man and women. He is unable to see them but he sensed them there.  As he says his words they hug him kissing him on each cheek. Ross (the man) seems proud that Ace had named his daughters first name after his in a way, seeing as that's his father. The woman  had smiled placing her hand in Aces stomach. She was his mother,Mae, and was so proud of her children. As they stepped in to the living room next to Kayde parents, they all held hands. Each of them says their good byes to their kids. Everyone was teary eyes hearing a soft " we love you all and were proud." All four parents smile as they walked out the door and dissapers into the air. You can see in everyone's face they are all content but sad feeling their parents have left; for good.

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