Ch. 2 a disappointment

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(Moonshine above)
*Ace's P.O.V*
I woke up this morning to Alpha slamming my door open, causing it to echo throughout the room. "Time to get up and get to school, so hurry up and get your sorry ass up" he growled not moving from his spot atop of the stairs. I nodded not disobeying him seeing as you can smell the alcohol on his breath from down here. He left the room once again slamming the door behind him making me whimper slight from the echo of metal hitting metal in my sensitive ears. I gathered my clothes and run up the stairs that i had torn up old carpets and rugs to keep my feet warm from the cold concreate. When i headed to the bathroom upstairs i ren into Skit, my old friend and pack warrior. "Sorry i didnt mean to run into you Skit" i mumbled as he pushed me to the side when Alpha was in the room. I know he didnt mean it i could see it in his eyes but everyone was told not to talk to me and just push me around. I rushed into the bathroom and locked the door to grab the razor i taped under the caninet so no one can see it. I undressed quickly not looking in the mirror and stepped into the hot water while looking at the razor in my hand. I lifted my left arm dragging the blade through the skin. "Its my fault they died, its my fault they all died. Im such a worthless peice of shit" i said was i continued to tear my skin apart. I cut to my elbow and started to feel slightly dizzy so i stopped. I turned the now freezing water off and grabbed a red towel and bandages. I hissed when i put pressure to stop the bleeding since i didnt want to pass out just feel a little numb for now. Once it stopped for the most part i slipped on a SWS shirt, grey skinny jeans, and my grey TOMS. when i opened the door Moonshine stood there then her grey eyes darted to my left arm "please go cover that before school Ace" she said meeting my eyes with her sad ones. I nodded darting my eyes to the ground knowing that people at school or home wouldnt care if i covered my arms or not ill never make her happy. I'm the most terrible brother ever she deserves better. When i made it to my room and closed my door i rushed to my bed to grab my PTV hoodie, my many bracelets, my lip ring, nipple piercings, and gauges. Yea you read that right i have nipple piercings, i'm just lucky they haven't been ripped out yet. Sighing as i look in the mirror i put on concealer i bought the other day to cover my bruises somewhat. I picked up my head phones and put them in my ears as i left my room and out the door. None of the others want to be seen with me at school and Alpha told Moon she wasnt aloud to give me a riide to school so i started walking. I hate it because it snows alot here in Canada and i have walk through it. But today i dont mind its slightly cold but not snowing so im okay. I started to sing along when "Better off dead by sleeping with sirens" came on. When i walked into the school i instantly felt even more so depressed then before. Wish me luck guys, not that it helps but lord knows ill need it.

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