Ch.13 unexpected but happy marking

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Warning sex in this chapter

*Kayde's POV*
When we reached my room I smiled at how he looked so deep in thought. I wish I could mark him as mine. Maybe then I can hear what he thinks about when he's so quiet. Well that's not the only reason I want to mark him.
I opened the door wide for him. He's eyes are wide when he saw my room. It had a desk in the corner, three large book shelves, a king sized bed in the middle, and many pictures on the lavender colored walls. "Woah this is so beautiful" Ace whispered picking up different pictures. "Who are they Kay?" My heart kinda fluttered at the nick name. It felt nice, well untill I looked at who he pointed to. A picture of me and my brothers with out arms linked by a little lake. I laughed giving a sad smile at the memory. " that's me in the middle, Neon on the right,and our older brother Tyler on the left. We were at a lake with both of  my mothers celebrating that Ty had beat lung cancer ." I sat on the bed as he sat beside me. "He was only eight I was 5 and neon was 3 about 4"I continued smiling. I held Ace close tears forming at the edges of my eyes. Thinking of Tyler always made me sad. "Where is your brother now?" He asked cautiously . I took a deep breath while he rubbed my back. I let a tear slip " he's staying by himself a town over or two. He's been there since he was 21 after one of Neons night terror attacks " I sobbed into his neck. I've never told anyone about this stuff and never show this much emotion. I feel I can trust Ace more then anyone in the world. He might think I'm crazy most kids would kill to have time away from their bothers but after being with both of mine for so long and having one leave, it hurts a lot. I was pulled from my thoughts when Ace wipes awake the tears from my cheeks. He looks me in the eyes, the twinge of  Vincents' purple eyes took almost Aces' full eye. " it's okay baby calm down maybe we can see him some time and surprise him. You know where he lives so we can see how he's really doing" Vincent trying his hardest to be there for me. I smiled while nodding not totally believing we could. "That sounds like a great plan Vince. I'm glad I have you as my Mate." He smiled kissed my head and gave Ace back control. He looked around the room after hugging me. "Is that both of your moms Kay?" He pointed to the painting above my bed. I nodded " yea this was their room and they had put the picture up there so I never bothered to take it down. Plus their really beautiful" i looked at the picture of them hugging by the tree they got married at. Ace looked at me and it gave me goose bumps, but the good kind.
Sex scene about to start
I pulled him into my lap when he sat on the bed. I laid my head on his neck. He smells so sweet. I kiss his neck lightly dragging my canines over the exposed skin. He moans lightly as I traced my hands under his shirt still nipping at his neck. I noticed the growing bulge so I slid my hand further down. "Just tell me when to stop baby"I whispered I his ear. My hand slid in this shorts slowly. He moaned as I stroked the growing erection. I melted into the sound of his low moans and the feel of his hot skin. We flipped over with me on top. I kissed him deeply as I pulled his shorts off. Let me just say for an omega he was very hung. I stroked his memberslowly. I watched him hold his moans back and eyes close. "You can be as loud as you want baby these walls are sound proof. No one can hear you but me" I whispered into his ear. When he opened his eyes I stopped. I  moved down lower kissing his stomach, keeping my eyes on him the whole time. I slid his whole member in my mouth. After a few minutes of him screaming my name and pulling my hair I brought him to the edge of cuming. "Baby I'm c-close" he mutters panting. I pulled away and stood pulling my boxers off and grabbing the lube from the side table. Victor pushed into my mind "let me out Kayde it's time to mark him" I did just that and let him take over.
Victors pov
He bit his lip but I can see he's nervous "I won't hurt you mate I promise" I rasped into Aces ear . He nodded and visibly relaxed when I kissed his lips sweetly. I poured the lube over my fingers and over his tight hole. "Are you ready baby?" I ask gliding my finger over him. He nods and I slid one finger in. He's my Mate I know his body's already made for me and my size but I noticed he's been through a lot so I take it slow. He moaned and pushed back against my hand. I moved my hand thrusting slowly working to add another finger. When I add another ace slows but I keep going. Kiss his chest flicking my tongue over his nipple piercings. " I - I'm ready Victor. Please" If it were possible to get a harder boner I just did. I squeezed a little bit of lube on to my member. He panted as he grabbed the sheets on the bed. I slowly entered him wanting to go faster but not wanting to hurt him. I growled with my head in his neck licking and biting lightly at it. I trusted my full length in making Ace reach up and grab at my back.

(Not them obviously but just wanted to throw that in)

I drag my canines over his shoulder feeling his blood pump faster under his skin. His sent got stronger as I can tell Vincent took over. "Hello there my pretty." I say letting the gruff tone to my voice come out. He give a troaty moan out as I hold his arm and kiss him. "Vi-Victor bite me I want to-to be your forever" as he says these words I  couldn't stop. I went as deep as I could bit his shoulder claiming him as mine. Before I could let go he bit me as we both came onto each other. After a few minutes we calmed down panting and sweaty. I looked at the bed side table reading 12:30pm.
The dirtiest are over now! Kaydes pov

As I rolled over seeing Ace looking at the ceiling. "Does this make us offical?" He asked looking over. I smiled and nodded pulling him closer. "Thank you Kayde for being my mate and accepting me even though I'm an omega." He put his head on my chest while hugging me. "No Ace thank you for letting me I'm even though I can be a scary Alpha." He laughed a little and said your welcome. After a little while of laying in each others arms i thought it was a good idea to let him get to know his new pack lands. Sadly though he's asleep so I'll wait till my perfect little mate wakes up to show him.

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