ch. 16 proud sister

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*Aces P.O.V*

As soon as we got home I ran inside to find my phone Moonshine bought me. I was currently looking under my bed for it when Kayde stepped in laughing at me under his breath. I just grunted and continued looking "babe you looking for this?" He said holding my phone in the air. I didn't even notice he had in his hand. I glared at him and stood back up "yes I'm looking for that were was it?" I said while glaring at the phone as he handed it to me. "It was on the table in the living room" he said laughing at my confused glare. "I swear I had it on my desk before we left this morning. I sigh in defeat to my lack of good memory. He chuckled and kissed my head "you call your sister while I make lunch 'kay?"  I nodded with a big smile. I always smile at the mention of my big sister. I kissed his cheek and started dialing Moonshines number "hey BroBro. What's up?"she sounded out of breath. "Are you okay? You sound like you've been running a marathon?" I asked giggling a little. "Yea I'm fine I just finished training a few newly shifted pups." she started to growl in the back ground, probably at the kids. I can practically hear her smiling after on the end of the phone. "So anyway what's up? Anything happen since I left?" She asked hurriedly and sad all the sudden. I shook my head and giggled a little when I realized she can see me " Well I found my mate and it's Kayde." I can feel a big goofy grin on my face just thinking of him. "What really that's amazing how's that been?!" She asked sounding proud and happier then I've heard in a while. I bit my lip at the thought of how I marked him." It's been amazing and we've even marked each other but you won't believe what happened that I just found out!" I said practically started squealing in excitement. She laughed at me " Well,  what happened Ace of spades?" I breathed nervously and thought how she's already happy for me. She only calls me that when she's in a really good mood. " Moonshine I'm pregnant!" I said loudly and held my breath. I heard her gasp and go silent "sis are you okay?" I asked slowly with worry when I don't hear anything. "Sorry I dropped my phone ,I'm okay.Can I come over? I think it would be better to talk about this in person? I'm really happy for you Baby brother. Talking in person would be better cause I can't hug you from here." You can feel her excitement from here .I bounced in my seat "Yes come over its just me and Kayde eating lunch since we just got home. Your the first one to know anything." I bite my lip excitedly." Okay see you soon bye baby bro" with that she hung up and I put my phone down. "Ready to eat baby?" Kayde asked appearing in the doorway. I smiled and jumped up "Yes I'm starving and it smells amazing." I said while rubbing my belly that was grumbling and drooling .  "Oh Moonshine is stopping by she wanted to know about the baby in person." I told him as I made my way to the couch with my food in hand. Kayde looked happy to hear she's coming over. As we waited for Moonshine, Kayde and I were just sitting and watching a random tv show. I was leaning in the arm rest with Kaydes head on my belly  while I ran my fingers through his hair. He lifted his head and lifted up my shirt placing little kisses over my belly. "I love you so much Ace, Im just so over joyed that we get to raise a baby together as a family." He had tears in his eyes but a smile plastered to his face. I've never seen him cry so I did the only thing I could do. I pulled him up to me and kissed him with all the love I have and more. "I love you too Kayde more then you'll ever know. I'm both super excited and super nervous. Because we have eachother, I know we can." I said as I wipe his tears from his cheeks. "Aweee that's so sweet and I got it on video" Moonshines voice pulled us from our conversion. I jumped up carefully not to hurt Kayde. I grabbed her pulling her into a big, tight hug. "I missed you sissy, wait how did you get in?" I asked pulling from the hug. She laughed then sat down in the recliner  "the door was unlocked and when nobody heard me knock so I justwalked in." She said it with a tone like she does it everyday, which I don't doubt she does to be honest . I laughed and shook my head as I sat next to Kayde, who is now smiling and not as tearful. "So about this baby, are you serious? Well I mean after what I just heard yea but how?" She asked really quickly like she was 13 again. I shrugged "I don't know how honestly i just found out it was possible but I'm serious and nervous." She smiled "well do you know how many or anything else yet?" She asked making Kayde smile. "No not yet but we'll find out soon since I'm only like 3 week along" I said tangling my hands with Kaydes. He kisses my shoulder softly. "That's awesome news lil bro I'm so happy to be an aunt
. Finally!" She squealed
. I laughed at her while she does a little happy dance. "I know we're going to have to start buying things soon and set up a nursery . A werewolf pregnancy is maybe 3-4 months.
" Kayde said raising his eye brow. Moonshine blanks for a second then signs.  "I have to go Ace, Alpha has me training new brats. I'll be back in a few days but call me anytime I love ya" we hugged exchanging good byes. I waved when she leaves the yard. I came back in as I laid back on Kayde, sighing. "I'm so happy she's my sister" I whispered as I started to tear up a little. I blame the hormones. Kayde pulled me closer and kissed my cheek "I wish mom was here to see us. She would be so proud of how she turned out. Moon being a warrior and me a Luna." I said as I sat up to start sobbing into Kaydes shoulder. He rubs my back while whispering sweet nothing's to me. When I started to calm down he started singing 'therapy by All Time Low'. I started to fall asleep with the sound of his soft voice in my ears.His arms look hard but feel like pillows under my head. As i started dozing off i think ' If only mom could see me and Moonshine now  would be so happy at how strong we've become? After being though so much would she say shes proud of us?'

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