ch.18 big bad wolves?

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*Kaydes P.O.V*

°Two months later°

Me and Ace are currently at  the pack doctor. Today we get to know the genders of out babies , that's right I said babies . We found out we're having twins a month ago at a check up because we heard another heart beat. I'm so excited right now , I can't keep my smile off my face. "Babe calm down your literally bouncing in your seat" Ace held a hand over his belly and the other on mine. "I can't help it Little one, we get to see what our little pups are and how they are" I said biting my lip gently. He just smiles knowing he was just as excited as I am. Once Dr Cain came in he had Ace lay down on the exam chair. Once he got the gel on and pressing the wand to his belly. He squinted slightly to look the pups and smiled "looks like you guys are having a girl and a boy!" he says making Ace squealed in joy. After Dr. Cain gave us the pictures and some advise we thanked him. When we were leaving the building I was overjoyed. "I can't fucking believe its a boy AND a girl, now I just want them out so I can hug them" I said with a bright grin on my face.Ace slapped my shoulder "we can't cuss anymore." I nodded but smile again kissing his cheek " I'll stop cussing baby. What ever you say." Once we were In Aces car. I seen Ace lost in thought "what's on you mind baby boy?" I take his hand seeing turn to me. We share a kiss that felt the sparks like our first. "We should talk to your brother and see if he can help paint the nursery? " he said still with a big smile. At first I thought he was talking about Neon and got scared cause he's terrible at painting. "Not Neon, Tyler. Neons not the best at painting anything." We laughed and started the car. I smiled " Yea let's go pick him up now." We've talked to Tyler a few times and invited him over so we are finally on speaking terms.I headed to his house a town over but still my land. Once we got there I seen him on the pouch in a chair with his normal morning coffee seeing at its only 10:30am . I stepped out helping Ace out the car. We walked up to him while he was laughing slightly "what's so funny Ty?"I ask sitting next him and Ace in my lap. "Who's tampon on wheels?" He asked making Ace gasp dramatically and me almost double over laughing. "That car is my baby not a tampon on wheels!"Ace say give glares at me and Tyler for laughing. "Any ways Ty we're here to see if you can help us, well me , paint the nursery? " I ask after we calmed down. "Yea, you find out the genders already?" He smiles the familiar smile that looks a lot like our  moms. Ace handed him the sonogram pictures "ones a boy and ones a girl!" Ace beamed making Tyler tear up a bit. "So I have a niece AND a nephew?" He pulled me into a hug tearing up. "Yea you do Ty Ty" Ace whispered in his ear with a small smile as Tyler sobbed in to his shoulder. When he pulled back wiping his eyes "sorry you guys had to see that I don't cry a lot but I'm so proud and happy of you both." He laughs wiping tears away making us snile  as well. He still had faint tears in his eyes but a bright, proud smile.  We walk to the car and I tell Ace,"Lets get some paint and boy stuff since we only have girl stuff." He nods and laughs seeing a big guy like Th sitting in his mini cooper. "Ace can't get in your truck with out busting his Ass so that's why we're taking this. " I said making him pout in the back. "Fine let's go" he mumbled making Ace laugh evily at his groans. "Don't worry no ones going to make fun of the two big bad wolf's in a mini Cooper or I'll personally get Moonshine to kick there asses " Ace  says with a innocent enough looking smile. "Can we listen to some good music, these radio stations are killing me" Tyler groaned when we pulled onto the highway. I looked over to Ace , we both know he doesn't particularly like our music either so I let Ace choose. 'If you can't hang by Sleeping with Sirens' blared through the speakers he rolled his eyes"better then Selina Gomez right now." we started driving to the home depot near in our town. 'Im so happy that this is happening to us, there's no place I'd rather be then with my brothers, pack, mate, and his sister and it's all thanks to mama and mom, thanks guys I love you'

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