Ch. 10 Morning pancakes

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*Aces POV*
We talked about mating while in bed.we can to a conclusion the well complete it when I'm fully ready cause I'm not fully prepared yet I think. After an hour of just laying in bed cuddling and talking about that we decided, well my stomach decided, it was time to have breakfast. I slowly got out of bed with Kayde hot on my tail. "What would you like for breakfast babe?" I asked him when he sat at the table. Smiling wide he yelled "Pancakes!" Making his eyes shine brightly mentioning them. "Okay I'll fix us some pancakes" I chuckled when he did a happy dance in his seat. When I handed him his big stack of pancakes he instantly started chowing them down. I have only eaten two by the time he was done with all six. "Are you still hungry babe?" I asked noticing his was staring at my plate intently. He blushed looking away slightly " No, No you eat you're I'm Full." He tried to look away but he managed to still stare at them making me chuckle. I I scooted my plate to him with my last four making him give me a curious look. "Eat it. Go ahead, I can't eat much I'm still getting use to having food. I can make me a cup of coffee" I said smiling brightly knowing he love what I made him to want more of it. When I stood to make coffee he pulled me to him gently. He kissed me while tugging my lips between his teeth. When he pulled away he smiled "There was syrup on your lip." He smirked while calmly sitting back down casually going back to eating. I blushed while making my coffee, smiling when I hear Kayde complimenting the food I made. " Thank you baby those were the most amazing pancakes I've ever had by far" he said in my ear as he hugged me from behind. No one besides Moonshine has ever complimented my cooking. I turned in his arms hugging him "Your welcome! I would do Anything to see you smile." Once I finished my coffee while chatting about ransom things with Kayde I washed the plates only to have them pulled from me. Kayde smiled and kissed my lips " I'll do the dishes because you cooked the heaven now go sit down hot stuff." I laughed and kissed his cheek walking out the room to hear a knocking at the door. When I opened the door Neon was in attack stance with a few cuts and bruises. "What happened Neon?" I asked pulling him inside from the cold worried about why he had so many cuts. " I smelt a rouge after running with a friend and followed the sent here. Must of ran through a few thorn bushes" he shrugged " I got here and also smelt Kayde making me think he was hurt but when you answered the door I realized what was going on" he said flinching slightly when he touches a cut on his arm slowly healing up. "Who's here ba- Neon hey sorry I forgot to tell you where I was" Kayde said looking down slightly as he placed his hand on my lower back behind me. " it's okay I realized once he opened the door there was no real threat to you or anything" Neon said smirking making Kayde laugh a little. After a few minutes of idol chatting Kayde ask what we should do not that Neon was here. "We can go to the pack house you have to tell the Pack he's here and not a threat. No to be rude or anything but you reek of rogue and I don't want none of those dicks hurting you" Neon said making me laugh nervously. Kayde nodded and pulled me upstairs "can't leave the room till you get out of those pjs mister" I giggled and nodded kissing him on the cheek. Gosh what to wear to meet my Alpha mates  pack this is going to be difficult. I thought moving the few clothes I had around.

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